Anonymous ID: 949583 July 14, 2019, 8:49 a.m. No.6184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6308

one of the tactics with the bread-squaters over at the other board is they say 'oh, you traitors who use the other board'.

no one has a problem with there being a UK bread, a Germany bread, a Australia bread.

why can't there be 17 different breads, 17 x 17 different catalogs and anyone from their home can spawn and share.


but no, they want 'one bread' one notables, and control over it.

the bread squater breads are compped, have been compped, and will still be.

at least they aren't do so much of the chest thumping and territorial pissings now that it's fairly clear to anon where the bullies are thinking that they rule.


in typical fashion they can't help but boast about their supremacy. We all know the drill.

and to call people traitors for running both catalogs and viewing all the breads . . . is extreme.

or they'll post sexual dominance images and that's supposed to assert the superiority, but merely shows them addicted to the submissive personality.

the hole that can never be filled, the emptiness that shall be forever empty: the shill: change the 'i' to 'e'

the shill is an empty shell, a deep water hole, an infinite chasm.

Anonymous ID: 949583 July 14, 2019, 11:06 a.m. No.6501   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Travy, baby, if you want any credibility you need to contact the master namefag and do an interview of him . . . you should go on his fame cast.


glad to see you finally brought your larp over here.

I'm suggesting we have 170 boards each allowing 170 breads, and give them out to all the anon.


what do you think of the 'there can only be one bread' larp of the bread-squatters at the other board?