Anonymous ID: ee98fb Election Fraud Network June 17, 2021, 10:58 a.m. No.63979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3984

Who is stealing American elections?


Post here info on the individuals, groups and governments bent on stealing elections here in America and the world around.


Let's see if we can put together the puzzle pieces and see who's behind the greatest fraud of all time.

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 11:04 a.m. No.63984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8672 >>5849


In November 2020, several of us dug on GEMS - the software developed to permit fractionalized voting detailed here:


This chart identifies the key players and events involving GEMS.

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 11:12 a.m. No.63994   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here's the fraction magic video on YT:

Fraction Magic - Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration

Bev Harris



A real-time demo of the most devastating election theft mechanism yet found, with context and explanation. (See also: Jordan Robertson of Bloomberg Business analyzes Fraction Magic in its Cyber Security Segment:

and Cover Story in Bloomberg Businessweek )


This demonstration uses a real voting system and real vote databases and takes place in seconds across multiple jurisdictions. Over 5000 subcontractors and middlemen have the access to perform this for any or all clients. It can give contract signing authority to whoever the user chooses. All political power can be converted to the hands of a few anonymous subcontractors.


It's a product. It's scaleable. It learns its environment and can adjust to any political environment, any demographic. It runs silently, invisibly, and can produce plausible results that really pass for the real thing.

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 11:27 a.m. No.64003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4005

Fraction Magic – Part 1: Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers

By Bev Harris, May 12, 2016


This report summarizes the results of our review of the GEMS election management system, which counts approximately 25 percent of all votes in the United States. The results of this study demonstrate that a fractional vote feature is embedded in each GEMS application which can be used to invisibly, yet radically, alter election outcomes by pre-setting desired vote percentages to redistribute votes. This tampering is not visible to election observers, even if they are standing in the room and watching the computer. Use of the decimalized vote feature is unlikely to be detected by auditing or canvass procedures, and can be applied across large jurisdictions in less than 60 seconds.


gems-usaGEMS vote-counting systems are and have been operated under five trade names:

  • Global Election Systems

  • Diebold Election Systems

  • Premier Election Systems

  • Dominion Voting Systems

  • Election Systems & Software

(in addition to a number of private regional subcontractors)


At the time of this writing, this system is used in [many states]. It is also used in Canada. SEE CAP

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 11:29 a.m. No.64005   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fraction Magic – Part 1



Fractionalized vote:

Instead of “1” the vote is allowed to be 1/2, or 1+7/8, or any other value that is not a whole number.


What fractionalized votes can do:

They allow “weighting” of races.....


GEMS fractionalizes votes in three places:

  • The “Summary” vote tally, which provides overall election totals for each race on Election Night

  • The “Statement of Votes Cast”, which provides detailed results by precinct and voting method (ie. Polling, absentee, early, provisional)

  • The “undervote” count


Fractionalizing the votes which create the Summary Results allows alteration of Election Night Web results and results sent to the Secretary of State, as well as results available at and local election officials.


Fractionalizing the “Statement of Votes Cast” allows an extraordinary amount of precision, enabling alteration of results by specific voting machine, absentee batch, or precinct. Vote results can be altered for polling places in predominantly Black neighborhoods, and can parse out precincts within a mixed batch of early or absentee votes.


Fractionalizing the undervote category allows reallocation of valid votes into undervotes.


Fractions in results reports are not visible.Votes containing decimals are reported as whole numbers unless specifically instructed to reveal decimals (which is not the default setting)....


Source code: Instructions to treat votes as decimal values instead of whole numbers are inserted multiple times in the GEMS source code itself; thus, this feature cannot have been created by accident.

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 11:45 a.m. No.64012   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here is a pivotal article by Jenny Cohn from 2012 that lays out how the "fraction magic" system was developed.


States have used taxpayer money to buy systems from vendors with close past and/or present ties to a foreign dictator, US politicians, a Religious Right group, and a convicted embezzler whose crimes involved computer tampering

January 28, 2018


Although the author is no conservative, there is still a ton of useful info here. Here are the caps to all 68 points she makes.

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 11:49 a.m. No.64013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4015 >>4025

Here is a pivotal article by Jenny Cohn from 2012 that lays out how the "fraction magic" system was developed:


States have used taxpayer money to buy systems from vendors with close past and/or present ties to a foreign dictator, US politicians, a Religious Right group, and a convicted embezzler whose crimes involved computer tampering

January 28, 2018


Although the author is no conservative, there is still a ton of useful info here. 68 points.

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 12:11 p.m. No.64025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4030


Key info on development of GEMS is in the section below, #17 - 34; key points are listed below.


Diebold Election Systems/Premier (previously called “Global Election Systems”)


  1. Diebold entered the voting machine business with its 2002 acquisition of Global Election Systems, a company whose Senior VP (programmer jeffrey dean) was a CONVICTED FELON who had served time for sophisticated crimes involving "COMPUTER TAMPERING".


  1. Global brought on dean shortly before the 2000 election. A few months later, it hired a convicted drug trafficker - who dean met in prison - to oversee punch card printing.


  1. Diebold told the AP that dean left the company in 2002.


  1. But [Beverly] Harris obtained dean's court file, which included internal Diebold memos showing that dean remained as a Diebold consultant.


  1. According to Wired, dean "wrote & maintained...code used to count hundreds of thousands of votes."


  1. dean also programmed the GEMS central tabulator system, which counted one third of the votes in 37 states in 2004…….


  1. Because elected officials and news organizations never followed up on dean's whereabouts, we can only speculate as to when (if at all) dean's relationship with the company ended.


SO: the person responsible for GEMS was

Jeffrey Dean-

a CONVICTED FELON whose ongoing role remains a mystery.


There is ONE clue that he remained with Diebold a long time:


  1. In 2010, Dominion bought Diebold’s intellectual property rights and warehoused equipment.


But ES&S kept some — perhaps even most — of Diebold’s servicing and maintenance contracts, which is where control of elections would mostly come from.


Note the name of the Dominion spokesperson in this article.

[SEAN DEAN- see article]

I do not know if there is a relationship.



Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 12:18 p.m. No.64030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4032




Source code firm Dominion sheds light on voting glitch

By Ina Reformina, ABS-CBN News

May 07 2010 07:32 PM


MANILA, Philippines - A Canada-based software firm who leased the source code for the precinct count optical scan (PCOS) machines for the May 10 Philippine polls has shed light on the glitch that caused the machines to incorrectly read the ballots.


Sean Dean, product manager of Dominion Voting Systems, said the company only found out about the voting machine glitch during the final testing and sealing of PCOS machines in several municipalities last Monday.


In response to doubts on the integrity of the program and automation system, Dominion said it is staking its name that nobody interfered or had any access in the generation of the program files and configuration process.


"At no point was there any outside party involved in the configuration of the ballots and the election files. It was all done by ourselves and supervised only from a viewing perspective by the Comelec but other than that they didn't have access to the station. They didn't touch it. It was all strictly done by us," he said. ....

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 12:23 p.m. No.64032   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Whoever SEAN DEAN is, he has a number of PATENTS together with ERIC COOMER and others.


All seem similar, here's an example:




Abstract: Methods, systems, and devices are described for adjudicating votes made on voter-marked paper ballots. Voter-marked paper ballots may be scanned to obtain optical image data of the voter-marked paper ballots. The optical image may be analyzed to determine the votes contained in the ballot for tabulation purposes. One or more votes on the ballot may be identified as requiring adjudication by an election official. Adjudication information, according to various embodiments, is appended to the optical images of the voter-marked paper ballots such that the image of the ballot and the image of the adjudication information may be viewed in an optical image. The optical image may be stored in a file format that allows the ballot image and the appended adjudication information to be viewed using readily available image viewers.

Type: Application Filed: November 12, 2014

Publication date: March 12, 2015



Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 4:15 p.m. No.64062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4089 >>9174

Felons Jeffrey Dean, John Elder & King Co Elections


Election Pros Are Cons

Seattle Weekly, 2004

by George Howland Jr.


Two felons have been involved in printing and processing ballots for King County—one of them a convicted embezzler. A voter activist calls this a security breach.


Watchdog Bev Harris fueled a national debate over election integrity.

BEV HARRIS HAS tangled with election bigwigs around the country. Her exposés of shady practices, conflicts of interest, and poor security in both the private and public sectors have helped ignite a national debate over the integrity of the U.S. electoral system. Now the 52-year-old Renton resident is claiming that there are local examples of lax security, too—at the King County Department of Records, Elections, and Licensing Services. She says the elections office has John Elder, a convicted drug dealer, printing ballots and Jeff Dean, a 23-count embezzler, programming software. ...


Elder says he cannot comment due to the policy of his employer, Diebold Election Systems—itself the target, nationwide, for activist scrutiny of its election computer systems. Through a spokesperson, Diebold says it is aware of Elder’s background and sees no problem.


Dean Logan, the King County Director of Records and Elections, confirms that Elder is in a supervisory position with Diebold, which prints and sorts the county’s absentee ballots, but he says Elder’s criminal history is not an issue.


Logan also points out that Dean has not worked as a subcontractor for the county since April 2002, and “I’ve not seen anything to demonstrate that the systems in the past were compromised.” Says Logan: “My greater confidence comes in knowing that the systems we are using today are fully secure.” .....


Before his release [from prison], Dean told prison officials he had secured employment with Postal Services of Washington, in Seattle, which today is known as PSI. For years, the company has sorted and aggregated mail for clients, including ballots for King County Records and Elections.


Dean next shows up in the public record later in 1995, as the general manager for Spectrum Print and Mail Services in Mountlake Terrace, which was founded by his wife three years earlier. In 1998, Spectrum won the contract to print ballots for King County’s new optical-scan voting system, which is in use today. By 1999, Dean was also the point man for implementation of a new software system to manage voter registration in King County. ....


[Bev Harris] says Dean had “24-hour access to the building and the computer room and had direct access to both the personal information in the King County registration database and to the GEMS vote-tabulation program itself.” Harris cites a confidential source for this information.


Logan confirms that Dean had a key to the office door of Records and Elections, inside the King County Administration Building downtown.The GEMS vote tabulation software, which counts ballots in King County, is stored in a room inside the Records and Elections office.....


[more in CAP]

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 5:36 p.m. No.64087   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SUMMARY of Jeffrey Dean DIG


  • developer of GES software that became GEMS


  • Global Election Systems (GES) software developed by a guy named Jeffrey Dean around maybe 1999.


  • He developed voting software for GES out of accounting software. But probably has many backdoors - because he was also a convicted embezzler/hacker who was hired after a four-year prison sentence.


  • By 2001, had become Senior VP of GES and had 1.6m shares of stock (more than anyone else) - right before the company was sold to Diebold.


  • Stuck around as a consultant, but always a shadowy figure.


  • Supposedly, he later parted ways with Diebold and/or Dominion. No one is sure what became of him.


  • But there is a guy named Sean Dean who worked for Dominion in 2010. Same guy?? Nobody knows. (For more details, check out #17 - 34)


Sean Dean = Jeffrey Dean?


Looked up patents by Sean Dean.


He has a patent on an adjudication system and Dominion is the assignee:–



Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 5:51 p.m. No.64089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4095


King Co elections run by felons....

a decade plus later.....


King Co selects ClearVote/ClearBallot as New Voting System

The new voting system will process ballots five times faster than any other voting system



BOSTON, MA, July 10, 2017 – Clear Ballot announced today that King County, Washington, which includes the City of Seattle, selected ClearVote™ as its new voting system. King County is the largest jurisdiction in Washington and the 13th largest election jurisdiction in the United States with more than 1.2 million registered voters. The county also is the largest vote-by-mail election jurisdiction.


Since 2012, Clear Ballot has provided the election industry with a modern voting platform that delivers unprecedented security, speed, and transparency. The voting platform includes ClearAudit™, the nation’s first independent, automated audit and ClearVote, a complete, modern voting system. The rapid adoption of both products has made Clear Ballot the fastest-growing election technology provider in the nation. Forty-two percent of registered voters in Washington State will use ClearVote in its August elections. Since becoming certified in Oregon two years ago, 65 percent of registered voters in the state have had their ballots counted on the ClearVote voting system.


King County will be the first jurisdiction to use high-performance intelligent scanners from ibml with ClearVote software to process vote-by-mail ballots. The technologies will process ballots five times faster than any other voting system.


“We are excited to update our voting system with the latest technology from Clear Ballot,” said Julie Wise, Director of King County Elections. “ClearVote meets the needs of our growing county and will enable us to process elections with greater efficiency. We’re ready for the future.”


King County’s decision to use the ClearVote system and ibml’s scanners offers a compelling vision for the increasing number of states and counties considering vote-by-mail. King County will set a new bar for election innovation for jurisdictions that want to increase their transparency and efficiency while reducing cost.


Clear Ballot CEO Larry Moore stated, “We are honored to partner with King County to create the highest performing, most transparent voting system in the country. With a sustained ballot scanning capacity of more than 50,000 ballots per hour, the ability to resolve the closest of elections within minutes, and the opportunity to significantly reduce costs through streamlined procedures, King County’s new voting system will be a showcase for every election jurisdiction in the United States.”


About Clear Ballot:


Clear Ballot is the leader in election innovation. Clear Ballot has introduced a new class of tools and a modern approach to voting, with the speed, accuracy and transparency that officials and the voting public have sought for decades. Designed for ease-of-use, Clear Ballot’s browser-based software, used with commercially available scanning hardware, scales to election jurisdictions of all sizes and responds directly to the budgetary realities of counties and municipalities. Boston-based, Clear Ballot was founded by a team of experienced technologists in 2009.


Clear Ballot election technology is certified for use in Oregon, Washington and New York and is also used to conduct audits in Vermont, Florida and Maryland. Clear Ballot and the State of Maryland conducted the nation’s first 100% automated, independent statewide audit for the 2016 Presidential Election.

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 6:02 p.m. No.64095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4099





  • Home to felons responsible for fractionalized voting - which has never been fully exposed or investigated


  • No investigation was ever done in the early 2000s to determine if there was election fraud, although it looks extremely suspicious


  • Now the same system is EXCLUSIVELY vote-by-mail with ballot boxes in front of libraries and it other public places.


  • Given its checkered history and the pivotal role played by two felons 20 years ago, what is going on with elections in present-day King Co?


What are the chances that ClearVote / ClearBallot is really on the up-and-up?

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 6:10 p.m. No.64099   🗄️.is 🔗kun



looks like 2020 Gov candidate Loren Culp wasn't too confident about elections throughout the state...but gave up fighting it (for now) when the state pushed back hard.


Loren Culp drops lawsuit alleging election fraud in Washington state

OLYMPIA, Wash. - Loren Culp, the Republican gubernatorial candidate who lost to Gov. Jay Inslee in the 2020 election, has withdrawn a lawsuit against the state alleging widespread election fraud.


The move to drop the suit comes after the state Attorney General's Office threatened legal sanctions against Stephen Pidgeon, Culp's lawyer, for "legally baseless" claims "filed with the improper purpose of undermining confidence in a free and fair election."




Culp and his lawyer responded in a lengthy live video posted on Culp's Facebook page. He said the AG's office would likely drag this out for years, costing "millions of dollars."


"I don't have that money. I don't feel that it would be right to ask you for that money just to be thrown out by a judge," Culp said.


Official numbers show Inslee, now in his third term as governor, won the election with 56.7% of the total vote, while Culp received 43.3%.


On a Facebook live video with supporters Friday, Culp said that continuing the lawsuit would have cost millions, only to risk it being thrown out and being forced to repay the state’s legal fees.

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 6:23 p.m. No.64104   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The GEMS software has been BARELY MENTIONED in discussions of 2020 election fraud so far.


But it did come up recently in a discussion about what happened in the Windham NH forensic audit, which appears to have been hijacked in order to bury allegations of election fraud there.



Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 6:29 p.m. No.64109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4112 >>7627 >>4804

#60233 at 2021-06-06 07:12:23 (UTC+1)

QRB General #271: Post Rally Edition



GEMS "fraction-magic" software was used in New Hampshire election

despite claims to the contrary by shifty operators Harri Hursti & Philip Stark


  1. In 2010, Dominion Voting Systems acquired Sequoia and GEMS software. SEE CAP

GEMS was developed from accounting software that could fractionalize votes by felon Jeffrey Dean (originally called GES).


  1. GEMS has been used on many different voting machines since 2010.

Bev Harris in Fraction Magic video:

As of 2016, GEMS was installed in 25 states (616 jurisdictions) in a variety of different hardware systems - e.g., Dominion, Hart, ES&S.

"Voting systems that count votes as fractions migrated into other systems...[they] may count as many as 99% of votes in 2016."

Fraction Magic - Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration

SEE minute 2:34.


  1. GEMS came up in a discussion of Lindell's new lawsuit on The Professor's Record. Discussion also focused on the recent (probably compromised) Windham audit, especially claims made by black hat hacker Harri Hursti.

Participants: David Clements, CannCon, Nick Moseder, Gail Golec, Marylyn Todd, Ken Buculea.


  1. The focus was on the claims of (black hat hacker) Harri Hursti that the machines in NH are so old that they could not have connected to the net. According to the expert white hat hackers in the discussion, this is not true - those old machines in NH could definitely have connected to the internet.


  1. Towards the end of the discussion, GEMS comes up in a discussion about whether there was any internet accessibility. ~ 1hr, 5mins

"Was there potential wifi access?"

Stark and Hursti EXTREMELY triggered by this.

Claimed that the machines have "no hardware". SEE CAP and MP4 CLIP 1.


  1. Why did Hursti dig in? [because election audit was a fraud]

Did the manual have any discussion about net accessibility? Did the machines have modems? They did have ports that could be used to connect to "something else". But the GEMS manual talks about Windows and these machines connecting to the net. ~1:17


7. "Harri will blow a gasket because he says they don't use GEMS in NH." ~1:18. But apparently they DO use GEMS, it's documented. "GEMS is the program they take to use that data and program the memory cards. It's where we believe the malware...may exist" - Gail. SEE MP4 CLIP 2.


8. Given the fact that GEMS has not come up in public discussions since the 2020 election so far, it makes sense that anyone involved in election fraud would want to HIDE this connection.


page 1 of 2

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 6:32 p.m. No.64112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7627



Other highlights of the GEMS-in-New-Hampshire video:

  • good breakdown/review on Dennis Montgomery's "Hammer and Scorecard" at ~9 mins. also mentions Amazon's ability to control elections.

  • we know these systems are all connected to the internet ~12 mins

  • remote access was embedded as a backdoor into Hammer and Scorecard - when copied by others, was included. ~26 mins

  • CTCL - change local laws to allow for election fraud ~32 mins

  • programmers all lived in BELGRADE, Serbia

  • New Hampshire discussion begins ~38 mins

  • How VerifiedVoting (Mark Lindeman) was involved in audit, despite pushback from citizens who wanted Jovan Pulitzer

  • Harri Hursti & Philip Stark picked as auditors picked by Secy of State - in all these [contested] states, SOS's are corrupt. HH is an "evil genius." ~42 mins

  • Discussion of the supposed need for backdating NH Windham machines in NH ~49

  • Hursti in 2016: hacks can be either persistent or "one time". ~53 mins

  • Memory card reset/copying discussion vs "clear counters"- master memory card need not be wiped out ~59

  • Hursti said he did it the way he did because it was the only way to do it [overwriting the master?] ~1:04 - not true acc to Josh Merritt.

  • Is it true that there was "no way" these machines could be connected to the net? ~1:08

  • NO - Dennis helped developed X86 chipset. "that guy is full of shit."


page 2 of 2

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 6:39 p.m. No.64113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7627

DESPITE THE GEMS DISCREPANCIES IN NH, the problematic role played by GEMS is still not obvious to the public.


Until it gets more exposure, will remain a hidden but POWERFUL factor in election fraud in the US and elsewhere.

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 7:10 p.m. No.64126   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who owns Dominion?

Who pulls the strings?

Who's ultimately behind election fraud ALL OVER THE WORLD???


According to initial reports in Nov 2020, Dominion is a "privately-held" concern headquartered in Toronto, CA.


Their US office is in Denver, CO.


[This may no longer be the case, but was true through the 2020 Presidential elections.]


After Dominion was charged with election fraud by Sidney Powell and numerous others, they apparently changed many of their business operations.


So it's important to look at DATES when speaking of ownership, control, current address, etc.

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 7:12 p.m. No.64127   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Back in 2019, Dems got interested in investigating election fraud:


Warren, Klobuchar, Wyden, and Pocan Investigate Vulnerabilities and Shortcomings of Election Technology Industry with Ties to Private Equity




December 10, 2019

Warren, Klobuchar, Wyden, and Pocan Investigate Vulnerabilities and Shortcomings of Election Technology Industry with Ties to Private Equity

Three private equity-owned election technology vendors serve 90% of eligible voters but fail to sufficiently innovate, improve, and protect deteriorating voting systems; Election security experts have noted for years that our nation's voting systems and election infrastructure are under serious threat


Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), member of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Ranking Member of the Senate Rules Committee, Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee, and Representative Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), sent letters to three private equity firms McCarthy Group, staple street Capital Group, and H.I.G. Capital that reportedly own or have investments in election technology vendors responsible for developing, manufacturing, and maintaining the vast majority of voting machines and software in the United States.


In their letters, the lawmakers raise concerns about vulnerabilities and a lack of transparency in the election technology industry and the poor condition of voting machines and other election technology equipment. They request information about the role private equity investment in these companies have played in creating and perpetuating these conditions.


Election security experts have noted for years that our nation's election systems and infrastructure are under serious threat, but voting machines reportedly continue to fail and breakdown across the country, as vendors fail to innovate, improve, and protect voting systems, putting U.S. elections at avoidable and increased risk.


The three vendors Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, and Hart InterCivic collectively distribute voting machines and software that facilitate voting for over 90% of all eligible voters in the United States. Private equity firms reportedly own or control each of these vendors, which "have long skimped on security in favor of convenience," leaving voting systems across the country "prone to security problems."

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 8:22 p.m. No.64140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6395

#16943 at 2020-12-02, QR Midnight Riders #76


>>>/midnightriders/16901, >>>/midnightriders/16833, >>>/midnightriders/16836, >>>/midnightriders/16838, >>>/midnightriders/16840, >>>/midnightriders/16845, >>>/midnightriders/16849


Does the Chinese government own Dominion?




>>>/qresearch/11540532 :

Dominion Voting Systems is owned by Staple Street. Staple Street is controlled by Cerberus Capital. Cerberus is owned by billionaire Steve Feinberg. Trump appointed Feinberg the Chairman of the Presidents Intelligence Advisory Board, which advises POTUS on all matters counterintelligence. Is this whole election a setup? Feinberg teeing up the Dems using the system they used in 2018, but that he now Owns?


Nov 2020:






Staple Street




- Lin Wood: Did the CCP purchase Dominion on Oct 8 for $400mil?


Lin Wood Retweeted yamato @meshiya12

5h - Replying to @LLinWood

Dominion connection map


Lin Wood:

Swiss bank UBS Owns 25% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese investment bank. The rest is owned by the Chinese gov't. CAP.

[looks like USB actually Owns 51% since 12-01-2018; see below]


Lin Wood:

Sidney Powell @SidneyPowell1 & many others, including myself, have seen overwhelming evidence of the systemic fraud in the voting machine software.

Dominion is controlled by Communist China.

This make NO sense to Patriots. What is going on in D.C.? Same problem as exists in GA?


"Communist China Purchased Dominion Voting for $400M. Efforts underway to verify" (see description) (vid clip)

Vid exploring the idea that CCP bought Dominion for $400m.

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 8:48 p.m. No.64161   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#16943 at 2020-12-02, QR Midnight Riders #76


>>>/midnightriders/16901, >>>/midnightriders/16833, >>>/midnightriders/16836, >>>/midnightriders/16838, >>>/midnightriders/16840, >>>/midnightriders/16845, >>>/midnightriders/16849


Does the Chinese government own Dominion?




>>>/qresearch/11540532 :

Dominion Voting Systems is owned by Staple Street. Staple Street is controlled by Cerberus Capital. Cerberus is owned by billionaire Steve Feinberg. Trump appointed Feinberg the Chairman of the Presidents Intelligence Advisory Board, which advises POTUS on all matters counterintelligence. Is this whole election a setup? Feinberg teeing up the Dems using the system they used in 2018, but that he now Owns?


Nov 2020:






Staple Street




- Lin Wood: Did the CCP purchase Dominion on Oct 8 for $400mil?


Lin Wood Retweeted yamato @meshiya12

5h - Replying to @LLinWood

Dominion connection map


Lin Wood:

Swiss bank UBS Owns 25% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese investment bank. The rest is owned by the Chinese gov't. CAP.

[looks like USB actually Owns 51% since 12-01-2018; see below]


Lin Wood:

Sidney Powell @SidneyPowell1 & many others, including myself, have seen overwhelming evidence of the systemic fraud in the voting machine software.

Dominion is controlled by Communist China.

This make NO sense to Patriots. What is going on in D.C.? Same problem as exists in GA?


"Communist China Purchased Dominion Voting for $400M. Efforts underway to verify" (see description) (vid clip)

Vid exploring the idea that CCP bought Dominion for $400m.


              • -


I am not sure this purchase went thru.

Will try to verify now (8 months later).

See my analysis - BELOW



DIG on Staple Street offering to UBS Securities LLC in Oct 2020:


a. There's UBS Securities LLC is described as the banking division of UBS AG, which is Switzerland's largest bank: "UBS Securities LLC operates as the investment banking division of UBS."

Sylvia Brasil Coutinho: CEO

Two of their board members are Chinese:

Luo Qiang/Zhang Tsinghua U (Engr BS); Stanford (MS Engr)

Ye Xiang (Visiongain Capital LTD): Pepl Bank PhD, Zhejiang U., finanial services


b. Until 12-1-2018, UBS AG owned 25% of UBS Securities LLC; after that, it owned 51% (while Chinese gov Owns 49%).


c. An MBA friend pointed out that having a 51% share of a Chinese company actually gives China MORE leverage not less.

Swiss bank has more to lose.


d. The agreement for Staple Street to issue stock to UBS Securities LLC in the amt of $50mil is not a done deal - not yet.

Looks like it's still in the works. This was 8 mos ago, should be verifiable at this point (June 2021). Done deal or planned deal (which may or may not have gone thru).


              • -


Looks like the intent was to do a deal with the Chinese company UBS Securities LLC whereby they would acquire $400mil in securities in Staple Street - which Owns Dominion

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 9:01 p.m. No.64163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4166

UBS secures majority stake in a China securities joint venture

Dec 1, 2018


Switzerland’s largest bank, UBS, has become the first foreign bank to hold a majority stake in a China securities joint venture, after gaining approval from country’s securities regulator.

This content was published on December 1, 2018 - 10:58 December 1, 2018 - 10:58


On Friday, the China Securities Regulatory Commission gave approval for UBS AG to hold the majority stake in its securities joint venture.


The Swiss bank, which currently owns 24.99% of the UBS Securities Co joint venture, had applied in May this year to the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) to raise its stake to 51%. UBS is acquiring from China Guodian Capital Holdings and COFCO their 12.01% and 14% stakes in UBS Securities, respectively.


This makes it the first foreign bank to secure such control under new rules announced by Beijing last year.


UBS Chief Executive Sergio Ermotti said in a statementExternal link: “Growing our China business is key element of our strategy. The further opening up of China's financial sector represents great opportunities for our wealth management, investment bank and asset management businesses.” .....

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 9:11 p.m. No.64166   🗄️.is 🔗kun


From Wikipedia:,_China_branch


UBS Securities Co., Ltd is the investment bank and brokerage firmof the Swiss bank UBS [AG]with offices in many countries, among them China.


Its Chinese arm is a joint-venture according to the restrictions of foreign investments in China, especially in the financial sector. Since 2018, it is a subsidiary of the Swiss bank UBS.


People's Government [zh])[1] established the firm after the financial difficulties of Beijing Securities.[2] UBS and the International Finance Corporation bought a combined 24.99% share of the enterprise in 2007, under the laws governing Sino-foreign joint ventures. COFCO Group and State Development & Investment Corporation (SDIC) also acquired part ownership from China Jianyin Investment.


The firm began operations in May of 2007. It underwrote BYD Company, Pang Da Automobile Trade and other publicly traded companies in their IPO. In 2011, China Guodian acquired the SDIC's 14% stake and China Jianyin Investment sold its remaining 14.01% stake to its parent company, Central Huijin Investment, which was in turn acquired in 2013 by the Guangdong Provincial People's Government [zh]-owned Guangdong Provincial Communication Group [zh].


One year later, UBS increased its stake from 20% to 24.99% by acquiring International Finance Corporation's share.[3]


UBS Securities became a subsidiary of UBS in 2015.[4]


[NOT CORRECT - it was Dec 2018 - look at the cite below]]


The latter company increased its share to 51% by acquiring additional stake from China Guodian and COFCO Group.[5] Beijing Guoxiang Asset Management's stake in UBS Securities is now (as of 2019) owned by sister company Beijing State-owned Assets Management.[6]




1 "Beijing Guoxiang Property Management Co., Ltd". Beijing State-owned Assets Management. 13 January 2016. Retrieved 29 November 2016.

2 "UBS wins approval for Beijing Securities deal". The Financial Times. 5 April 2006. Retrieved 12 November 2016.

3 "2015 Annual Report" (PDF) (in Chinese). UBS Securities. 2016. Retrieved 12 November 2016.

4 "UBS Group AG to Boost Majority Stake to 51% in China JV". Yahoo!. 3 May 2018. Retrieved 2 December 2020.

5 瑞银成为首家增持内地合资券商股份至51%以实现控股的外资金融机构 (Press release) (in Chinese). UBS Securities. 30 November 2018. Retrieved 2 December 2020.

6 瑞银证券2019年报公开披露信息及已审财务报表 [2019 Annual Report] (PDF) (Report) (in Chinese). UBS Securities. 2020. Retrieved 2 December 2020.

Anonymous ID: ee98fb June 17, 2021, 9:29 p.m. No.64167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5810

Based on the past few posts, it appears that at the time of the 2020 election:


- Staple Street owned Dominion


- Staple Street MAY have made a deal in October with USB Ltd (owned 49% by China and 51% by Swiss bank USB AG) whereby it would acquire a substantial interest in Staple Street.


- IF TRUE, this means that both China and USB AG have a substantial interest in Dominion Voting Systems - the company that dominates elections around the world



Hard to really know, but here's some info from Wikipedia.


UBS Group AG[nb 1] is a Swiss multinational investment bank and financial services company founded and based in Switzerland. Co-headquartered in the cities of Zürich and Basel, it maintains a presence in all major financial centres as the largest Swiss banking institution and the largest private bank in the world. UBS client services are known for their strict bank–client confidentiality and culture of banking secrecy.[nb 2] Because of the bank's large positions in the Americas, EMEA, and Asia Pacific markets, the Financial Stability Board considers it a global systemically important bank.


UBS was founded in 1862 as the Bank in Winterthur alongside the advent of the Swiss banking industry. During the 1890s, the Swiss Bank Corporation (SBC) was founded, forming a private banking syndicate that expanded, aided by Switzerland's international neutrality. In 1912, the Bank of Winterthur merged with Toggenburger Bank to form the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) and grew rapidly after the Banking Law of 1934 codified Swiss banking secrecy. Following decades of market competition between Union Bank of Switzerland and the Swiss Bank Corporation (SBC), the two merged in 1998 to create a single company known solely as "UBS".[nb 3]


UBS does not stand for Union Bank of Switzerland. In fact, that was one of the more than 370 financial firms that have, since 1862, become part of today's UBS. After UBS managed heavy losses during the 2008 financial crisis with an asset relief recovery program, it was hit by the 2011 rogue trader scandal resulting in a US$2 billion trading loss. In 2012, the bank reoriented itself around wealth management advisory services and limited its sell side operations. ....


As of 2021, UBS is the 3rd largest bank in Europe with a market capitalization of $61 billion.[15] It is considered a systematically important bank by the Financial Stability Board. It has over CHF3.2 trillion in assets under management (AUM), approximately CHF 2.8 trillion of which are invested assets.[16]

Anonymous ID: 74d379 June 18, 2021, 9:47 p.m. No.64347   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#63857 at 2021-06-17 12:40:14 (UTC+1)

QRB General #318: Late Night Noodle Bake Edition

[Forwarded from Marco Polo]


'''On 09/26/2019, a paralegal from Chapman &

Culler LLP, Soren Schwartz, facilitated and

signed a Security Agreement between two

foreign entities: Dominion Voting Systems

Corporation & Hongkong and Shanghai Banking'''

Corporation (HSBC) Canada.


The agreement assigned 18 patents owned by Dominion to HSBC as collateral.


In effect, the intellectual property (IP) in the electronic

voting machines (EVMs) in 28 states used by 40% of U.S.

voters is now held by a CCP-connected bank

whose former work includes money

laundering for the Sinaloa cartel.


A registered Democrat, Soren has been an intern

for Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ). Why would

Staple Street Capital LLP, which owns dominion,

retain a recent NYU graduate and paralegal to

facilitate an important IP transaction between two

multinational companies?


Perhaps his undergraduate thesis,

Underrepresentation of

Women in the United States House of

Representatives, could explain his unlikely

involvement. Marco Polo will find out.


Personal Identifiable Information (Pll)

DOB: 08/15/1997

Employer: Chapman & Cutler LLP

Alma mater: New York University (2019)

Twitter: @sorenschwartz

Instagram: @sorenschwartz

Associated #: 862-216-5667

Associated Email:

Associated Address:

655 East 14th Street

New York, NY 10009


If you have seen or spoken to Soren-or know

someone who has-please send tips to


Marco Polo


Anonymous ID: 74d379 June 18, 2021, 9:50 p.m. No.64350   🗄️.is 🔗kun


[ Photo ]


You think they ever cross the street and have lunch together❓


Staple Street Capital


UBS Asset Mgmt Co


Clinton-Global Initiative

Anonymous ID: 967b3b June 30, 2021, 1:16 a.m. No.67627   🗄️.is 🔗kun



[Forwarded from Nick Moseder]

🚨🚨🚨Cann-Con’s YouTube channel was just banned completely.


No warning… No email explaining why…


Just BANNED!!! Forever








              • -

>>64109, >>64112, >>64113


CannCon was one of the participants in this discussion about election fraud in Windham NH and the key role played by GEMS.

Anonymous ID: 967b3b June 30, 2021, 1:40 a.m. No.67629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7633 >>8672

>>65488, >>65492, >>65494, >>65496,




Nov 16, 2020


EXCERPT on Smartmatic, Dominion and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein & Clinton Foundation


In 2009 Dominion has concluded a contract with Smartmatic concerning the elections in the Philippines in 2010 and early elections in 2013. After these elections numerous lawsuits were launched due to allegations of omissions and fraud. Independent review of source codes that were used in Dominion’s machines discovered many problems and quality and security of its software were disputed. The Chairman of Smartmatic isMark Malloch Brown, member of the British House of Lords and former Vice-President of the World Bank. He was also United Nations Deputy Secretary-General in 2006 and UK Minister (2007–2009).


However, the most interesting thing about Malloch Brown is the fact that he is one of more important officials of Soros’s network. Cooperation between these two goes way back, even since the war in the former Yugoslav Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1993-1994). Malloch Brown was the Vice-President of the most important Soros’s organizations – the Quantum Fund and the Open Society Foundations and now he is a member of the Global Board. He is also one of the people most responsible for the creating of the infamous International Crisis Group and he is a member of its Executive Committee and Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees.


Thanks to Soros, Dominion’s voting machines are being used in the elections to the European Parliament since 2014. Dominion’s servers in which all of the data are stored are located in Frankfurt, wherein is also the head office of the European Central Bank. Dominion shares an office floor in Toronto with the Tides Foundation which is connected to George Soros (Dominion Voting Systems Shares Floor Space With Soros Group, Partnered With Soros’ Friendgroup-partnered-with-soros-friend).


Next to its associations with George Soros, Dominion Voting Systems has numerous connections to the Democratic Party in the USA. The company hired Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP, a lobbying firm. One of the directors of this lobbying firm is Nadeam Elshami, former chief of staff to Democratic Leader and Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. Elshami is officially registered as a lobbyist for Dominion.


Another well-known Democrat who is connected to this election software is Richard Blum, husband of influential United States Senator Dianne Feinstein who has been a US Senator since 1992. According to the allegations made by lawyer Sidney Powell, Blum is a majority shareholder in a company that produced voting software that were used in the elections. Mainstream media have tried to deny these allegations by claiming that the only company in which Blum has made any investments is Avid which deals with graphic and video software. However, this is not exactly true. Avid did produce software that were used in these elections, including the elections in the state of Michigan. Avid advertises its own election software called LeaderPlus Election Management system and Blum is one of its investors – Blum i Avid

It is worth mentioning that Blum has lucrative financial affairs with China as well as ties to Chinese Communist Party which goes a long way to explain some of his wife’s political agenda and her voting policy in the Senate. This influential political couple was also connected to human organ trafficking. The use of the video software in elections can be best observed in reports made by American mainstream media which use this video applications to follow the election process. Take a look at this video and notice how, during the process of entering new results, the number of votes that were cast for Trump is decreasing. Not the percentage, but the number of votes! This video is constantly being censored and removed from YouTube and social networks.


The Clinton Foundation is also connected to Dominion Voting Systems. In 2014 Dominion has made a donation to The Clinton Foundation to be used for the DELIAN Project.

Anonymous ID: acd4df July 3, 2021, 5:33 p.m. No.68934   🗄️.is 🔗kun




  • This is a more formatted version of anon's excellent dig from >>>/qresearch/11652967

  • More on HART from another anon: >>>/qresearch/11653232


HART InterCivic DIG


Semi-Quick Run Down (supporting evidence and images/screenshots will be dumped):

  • Hart InterCivic is responsible for a large chunk of the voting machines in the USA (Dominion, ES&S & Hart make up ~90%) – but Hart is found in the most impacted counties (EG – OAKLAND, MI) (Sourced)

  • They have had a troubled past (Romney/Rove, Failed Security Measures, Fucked Up Elections because of their tech ‘flipping votes’ [see all of the history posted here below this QRD]) (Sourced)

  • The same gentleman in charge of tech since 2012 (Jim Canter) has seen countless investigations/lawsuits due to his machines ‘swapping votes’ in elections against the top-of-ticket candidate (Sourced)

  • In July 2019, they had a major shakeup in ownership after Katelyn Love (AG – NC) asked for them to disclose their ownership model. This disclosed H.I.G Capital as a ~80% owner and Gregg L Burt as ~10.5% owner (Sourced)

Uh-oh – that’s a ‘trade secret’ – PANIC


  • Shortly afterwards, a series of company shakeups moves CEO Philip Braithwaite up to the BOD, being replaced by Julie MATHIS, and hiring Sam Derheimer (Sourced)

  • The company then mysteriously is dropped from H.I.G’s listing within its portfolio (Sourced)

  • The company then scrubs its website presence and goes into anonymous mode (remember this) (Sourced)

  • There is now no defined ownership of the company, and no display of leadership/board members or investors (Sourced)

  • Pete Lichtenheld and Jim Canter developing a new machine for 2019 sales cycle which has cellular modems inside, allowing connection to internet (illegal) improving upon previous designs (Sourced)

  • 4 “Hart” related companies show up on a patent (Hart Intermediate Holding Company, Inc is one of those patent holders) along with a Ukrainian based development team leader – Gregg L Burt remains on a few boards…… (Sourced)


  • At the same time as the sales cycle, the company is then shifted into WOFE status by a foreign based ‘security’ business (Chelsea / Hart International - Hart international is one of the largest security contracting firms in the world. Owns Chelsea Group and Hart Intermediate) with their own ambitions and candidate preferences (BIDEN). This occurs via Gregg L Burt’s C PA (Hart +C PA) (Sourced)

  • Sales cycle is now in full-swing for 2020 election

  • Larry Norden is the leader of pushing ‘election security’ at Brennan Group (Sourced)

  • Larry just so happens to be good buddies with Sam and a whole host of EAC officials (retired and current) (Sourced)


  • Hart manages to land a ton of key contracts in these heavily contested areas of the 2020 election''' because of ‘special discounts’ and EAC support + brennan policy recommendations (sam derheimer + Larry pushing this on ‘friends’ and politicians) (Sourced)

  • A ton of counties were unable to certify the new machine specs as designed before the election''', per records (illegal AF) (Sourced)

  • Elections happen; Look up results from Hart-districts

  • Dr. Shiva releases the algo video (lightbulb which spurred all of this research) (Sourced)

  • H.I.G is a Clinton foundation donor in 2020 (shhiiiiiiiiiit)




The pieces and data/intel is there to connect how these machines operate, who wanted to fix the election, how they did it and why.


PAGE 1 of 3




Remaining questions:


1. Which counties recently required changes to their Verity Voting Software prior to the 2020 election? Like Alleghany County:


2. Why and how did Hart Group use Gregg L Burt’s C AG2 firm and Phillip W. Braithwaite use Gilbert PC Law to develop shell companies/transfers of ownership to Hart Group and then R.W. Chelsea Holdings Ltd?


3. How many counties are currently running non-approved or non-tested Verity software with their Hart Voting Machines?


4. Why the fuck are foreign companies influencing our elections so hard?

Key Players:

* Julie Mathis – CEO as of 2019

* Phillip Braithwaite – Previous CEO; now CHAIRMAN of the BOD

* Jim Canter – CTO as of 2012

* Pete Lichtenheld – SVP of CUSTOMER success (knows systems inside & out) as of 2001

* Lawrence Norden – Brennan Center exec pushing for the adoption of the tech

* Gregg L. Burt – former CEO & BOD president. May be the leader of the shell companies


[moved sauce to end]


Now you faggots can pay me back for last night with some help digging into those docs and into the questions here:


1. Which counties recently required changes to their Verity Voting Software prior to the 2020 election?


2. How many counties are currently running non-approved or non-tested Verity software with their Hart Voting Machines?


3. Why and how did Hart Group use Gregg L Burt’s C AG2 firm and Phillip W. Braithwaite use Gilbert PC Law to develop shell companies/transfers of ownership to Hart Group and then R.W. Chelsea Holdings Ltd?


4. Why the fuck are foreign companies influencing our elections so hard?


PAGE 2 of 3




Main links so far:

San Francisco:





New Hampshire:




PAGE 3 of 3

Anonymous ID: 3b75bb July 4, 2021, 8:45 a.m. No.69174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9181 >>9183


Here's an early mnr dig from November on ClearVote - currently used in Seattle/King Co (same place Jeffrey Dean got his start- - where'd they go from there?)


Seems to be part of ClearBallot, but just did this one dig so far.


At the time, this company was pretty obscure but its name has come up several times since, i'm sure there's more material to be found on it now. The changes of these "Clear" companies being 'clean' seem slim.


>>>/midnightriders/11507, >>>/midnightriders/11516, >>>/midnightriders/11522


ClearVote - What is it?


Short answer: one of the products of ClearBallot, the parent company.


ClearVote is part of the new "Clear - EVERYTHING" bundle:

ClearDesign = browser-based user interface

ClearAccess = ballot marking system

ClearCast = optical scan voting system

ClearCount = browser-based central count tabulation system

ClearAudit = automated audit solution


So if you a customer, looks like you can use it to collect all the votes and then self-audit what you did.

(No stone left unturned!)


What is ClearBallot?

"We create technology that empowers our customers to improve democracy"

Sounds just great, doesn't it??


If you're looking for specifics, forget it. No info on

  • owner(s)

  • date founded

  • company headquarters

  • investors


They do provide names of the 'leadership team', including CEO Bob Hoyt, VP of Engr Will Crumbley, and Keir Holman, VP of Tech services. Strangely, the former CEO, Jordan Esten, is listed LAST - as "board member. But you have to join LinkedIn to get any more info.


From so far (searched on "clearballot" :

Same generic stuff. One anons speaks of Dominion controlling Clarity elections software. "Clarity" associated with "Clear"? Sounds plausible but needs a dig.


There were a few other digs, but little info. REALLY hard to find anything substantive.


Bloomberg does fill in a few blanks:

Company address: 7 Water Street Suite 7, Boston (see CAP)

This is the Winthrop Bldg - other tenants Land Trust Alliance/Fidelity Foundation, Millenium Partners Mgmt LLC, 4 Sight Technology, Pembroke Real Estate Inc, Ncrypted Cloud, Forest Cap Partners, M Da Partners, Laura Palumbo.

Phone (see cap)

Company Founded: 8-24-2009


Interesting that the company was founded 11 years ago - since it focuses on how 'new' it is.


Who is really behind ClearBallot? DIGG

Anonymous ID: 3b75bb July 4, 2021, 9:30 a.m. No.69181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9183


"Clear" Voting Systems - July 2021 DIG from

"clearballot" - 30 results, 6 are from original MNR dig.


Qresearch digs:


#11569589 #14771 Nov 11 2020

  • WAnon found digg on illegal voting machines used by State of WAnon

  • they're used for mail-in voting

  • clearballot is used for vote counting in King County (Seattle), and likely other states. Vote rigging is highly likely, given that ever since the State of Washington went to 'all mail-in-ballots' in 2005, there has never been a Republican governor in that time. It's all been Democrats, and the same with the Attorney General.


there was a 'writ of mandamus' (an order to correct the chain of custody for voting) filed back in 2018.against Kim Wyman, the Secretary of State for the State of Washington.

Kim Wyman is a Deep State Operative, having been in the 'Aspen Institute' (A George Soros' funded organization)


#11573228 at 2020-11-10 #14776

All of Clear Ballot's certified products operate on a closed and isolated wired network, never attached to modems, the Internet, WiFi, or Bluetooth.Network traffic is encrypted using algorithms recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

First red flag for me here: NIST? same guys who think two buildings each a quarter of a mile high will merely collapse into their own footsteps?


Clear Ballot's visual verification technology provides election officials with the ability to validate voter intent and digitally adjudicate unreadable ballots by highlighting discrepancies and stray marks, including overvotes and undervotes.

2nd red flag: provides election officials with the ability to validate voter intent and digitally adjudicate

I still cannot find their voting tabulation method. I suppose one would have to inquire and that, too, I suspect is by design.

But hey, what do I know?


#11573272 at 2020-11-10 #14776

Could not find any board of directors....These folk seem real dicey.


#11580789 at 2020-11-10 #14785

survey in Contra Costa Co (Ca) - compares Dominion Voting Systems , ES&S, clearballot and Hart


#11606308 at 2020-11-12 #14818 MARK MALLOCH-BROWN Globalist, Satanist? Edition

>Dominion software configuration

I would think would be controlling Clarity elections software

Here is what appears be Clarity elections software administrator manual for counties.

I think this is the Clarity Elections group that managed 28 states count / elections. Not 100% but looks solid has all the code variables in the appendix.

Clear Design Administrators Guide

July 2021: YES - ClearDesign is DEFINITELY part of ClearBallot group


Clarity is now owned by Service Point Solutions"

Service Point Solutions (Paragon) announces acquisition ofScytl:

Service Point Solutions, a company quoted in the Spanish Stock Exchange and part of Paragon group, announced today the acquisition of Scytl, a Barcelona based company leader in digital voting and electoral modernization. The acquisition also includes Civiciti, the citizen participation platform launched by the software company in 2016, and Scytl subsidiaries in USA, Canada, Australia, France and Greece. This acquisition unveils Paragon's group strategy to position Service Point Solutions as a pan-european platform for high-growth digital business.

See full details here.


[July 2021: We know that votes from Dominion were sent to Scytl - so both Clarity and Scytl are owned by Service Point Solutions/PARAGON.Who in the hell are THEY??]


same poster/same bread #11606372

poster notices link to ClearBallot - which was used in BUCKS CO, PA. It's on their index page (or was). Mentions ClearBallot's "browser-based technology"....CBS News highlighted the partnership between Bucks County and Clear Ballot.


same bread #11606600

King County Washinton (seattle)

Multnomah County

Pierce County Washington

'Snohomish County Washington


[THESE ARE CASE STUDIES - available on] - King Co is here: #11747538]



#11818853 stuff on PA voter certification


#11872179 2020-12-02 #14154

Dig onEdwin Barkley Smith, a Central Character in Election Fraud



Anonymous ID: 3b75bb July 4, 2021, 9:42 a.m. No.69183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9185



from &


#11872179 at 2020-12-02 18:43:37 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #15154: Call Now Operators are Standing By Edition


>>11868141PB Notable


Edwin Barkley Smith is a Central Character in Election Fraud


OP Anon's dig is very incomplete, and misleading in this respect when he said:

>ed smith with the same phone number runs a cyber corona virus web site called NCTA


If OP Anon had bothered to scroll down on the ntca web page, he would have seen that Ed Smith is the contact person of Smartmatic which uses and recommends NTCA PPE products. Other than a recommendation for their products, Smartmatic has nothing to do

with NTCA.




Okay, with that out of the way, the phone number 720-849-1775 is a Mead, Colorado number, with Edwin Barkley Smith the user. He lives with his wife Diane Wooley Smith at an address there, and his CV is as follows:


Edwin Smith was an software engineer for Rockwell before he was hired by Sequoia Voting Systems Dec. 4, 2010, then served in subsequent positions in other companies of that same group, Dominion, Clear Ballot, and Smartmatic. Presumably, which hat he wears just depends on which subsidiary was contracted to what State or County.


These companies are all the same, just the names have changed; perhaps they even submitted competitive bids to States/Counties to give a luster of legitimacy to the selection process.


His duties as Quality Control and Certification mean he ensures that the clients get the best product for their needs, which in this case, mean they get the election results they want.


The address given asClear Ballot Group, 7 Water St, Boston, MA is a mail drop; the address is a business called Global Pack Ship, and 7 Water St, Suite 7 is the drop, not a physical address for Clear Ballot Group.


The Clear Ballot Group says that their DUNS number is 833087401, but Dun and Bradstreet never heard of the company, at least by that name. Anons are invited to dig into this, I can't find anything else beyond that number, whether it's fake, or under another name.


'''In sum,Edwin Barkley Smith is a VIP in this election fuckery, has IT skills needed to perform fuckery, and likely liable for fraud perpetrated on the SoS of Washington, misrepresenting what company is contracting to the State of Washington, as Clear Ballot

Group is a shell company fronting, via a mail drop in Boston, for Smartmatic/Dominion/Sequoia.'''


No doubt the SoS of Washington, Kim Dobbs Wyman knows all this, but maybe gets a kickback for employing Clear Ballot Group.


Interestingly,;;; Kim's previous job before SoS was Manager of the Thurston County, Washington Voter Registration Office;;;, kinda like the DS in Washington State picked her to run for SoS because of her past associations and skills. She knows how to game the system.


I recommend Anons dig into the website, it's hilarious with it's bragging about how transparent and effective it is at producing good election results.CEO Bob Hoyt, BTW - dig into him

Anonymous ID: 3b75bb July 4, 2021, 10:07 a.m. No.69185   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Edwin Barkley Smith, cont.



US Global Services Director at Smartmatic

Describes a specific project in which he has been involved:

Los Angeles Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) project.



I've never shied away from a challenge. In mid-2018 I left a good job where I stood atop the intersection of the development community and the sales/service/finance community (a place at a start up that I truly enjoyed, learned a lot, and was well respected) to join the most innovative, challenging, and largest elections project in the history of the United States: the Los Angeles Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) project. At a baseline value of $212 million with additions of over $80 million, VSAP exceeds anything done before at the County level of US elections by 10X. You should read about it at I took over as Service Delivery Manager on the project. Although this meant that I was assigned management of the Help Desk, aspects of the Implementation and other areas of accountability, what it really meant is that I got to dive into a number of project areas, roll up my sleeves and spend the days leading up to the election working as anything from an electronic pollbook programmer, a parking lot attendant for 300 vans and trucks, and a roving voting machine technician. The hours were long, 4:30 AM to 11:30 PM was the norm for weeks, but I was exactly where I was meant to be. …and I was able to juggle my Service Delivery “assigned duties” while dealing with those election preparation emergencies.


People tell me that my restless desire to “get dirty”, to walk the shop floor daily and get to know the people and process, along with an innate ability to exude calmness in the face of ugly situations are some of my strengths. My ability to explain to laypersons deep technical and business concepts is also a strength. Getting the job done with no excuses while encouraging others to thrive, make mistakes, and always maintain their dignity and spirit is important to me. The type of persons I find most valuable: someone who focuses on accountability, communicates 360, is trainable, and does not engage in political, diffusive, or divisive efforts. Every company and its people have a finite amount of energy. Focusing that energy is key to success. Mentoring others is also important; and I am proud of how many people I have worked with over the years who continue to stay in touch.


Most of my experience has been at smaller companies or new divisions of larger companies. I have helped all to find a place in the market, knock out incumbents, differentiate their offerings and exceed in getting more than their fair share of those markets.

Anonymous ID: 3b75bb July 4, 2021, 10:11 a.m. No.69187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Letter from Colorado SoS to Ed Smith of ClearBallot


Letter says that ClearBallot complies with Colorado requirements.

[like THAT means a whole lot!]


see CAPS.

Anonymous ID: 3b75bb July 4, 2021, 10:52 a.m. No.69188   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Found Ed Smith at Smartmatic - where he STILL appears to be employed (so where is he - Smartmatic or ClearBallot?):


Director - Certification

Edwin “Ed” Smith began working in the elections industry in 2001, leading at various times Operations, Hardware Development, Product Management, QA, and Manufacturing.


As a longtime elections veteran, he has developed and implemented corporate level strategies for market entry and share enhancement. With over 80 State and ten federal voting system certifications under his belt, Ed is seen as an expert in system certification, compliance and security.


Ed participates on the Elections Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council of the Department of Homeland Security representing Smartmatic.


Prior to entering elections he held leadership positions in electronics manufacturing operations and quality management.


Ed participates on the Elections Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council of the Department of Homeland Security representing Smartmatic.


''Well that's interesting.'

Same group that put out THIS stmt claiming "no election fraud" in 2020?

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history...There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.''


Wonder what role Ed plays there?


Here's the puff piece put out when he was appointed:


Smartmatic Executive Elected to the Executive Committee of the DHS Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council


“This is an incredible opportunity to apply my experiences from elections around the country to help US voting jurisdictions build secure and accessible voting infrastructure,” said Smith, who was elected to the Executive Committee at a meeting of the DHS Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council.


At this year’s NASS conference at the Fairmont in Washington, D.C., Smartmatic was able to showcase its advanced election technology and present its latest voting machine, the Premium to attendees including 36 Secretaries of State and more than 300 senior state government staff and private sector representatives.


The Premium represents the latest advances in election systems technology from Smartmatic’s vaunted research and development department. This voting machine addresses the needs of the 1 in 6 voters who are disabled; provides for Voter-Verifiable Paper Audit Trails; includes secure protocols and encryption to protect against any attempts at vote tampering and much more.


Additionally, in multiple DHS meetings and a United States Intelligence Community briefing, company representatives shared their global experiences in cybersecurity and election administration.


With its advanced election systems, Smartmatic is positioned to help U.S. voting jurisdictions upgrade their voting machines, most which are more than 10 years old, to be more secure, auditable and accessible.

Anonymous ID: 3b75bb July 4, 2021, 11:02 a.m. No.69189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9190

Last but not least (for now):

Short dig on this project Ed Smith and Smartmatic are involved in,

Los Angeles Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) project


Los Angeles County—Voting Solutions for All People

November 11, 2020


The ballot marking devices in Los Angeles County’s new Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) system came through the California extended election period with flying colors.

Under the specter of the coronavirus pandemic, LA still saw an estimated 852,000 voters turn out to cast their votes in person. More than half of those who voted in-person cast ballots early during the County’s 11-day window. The county deployed almost 20,000 ballot marking devices (BMDs) to nearly 800 vote centers across the county. LA is America’s largest election jurisdiction with more than 5.8 million registered voters. Smartmatic provided the following:


  • Engineered and manufactured the BMD hardware

  • Programmed and installed the BMD software

-Led the California certification process

  • Created the backend software to manage the devices

  • Provided systems integration services

  • Built the VSAP operations center

  • Handled logistics and setup/breakdown of the vote centers

  • Oversaw real-time data management for deployment

  • Supplied Help Desk services on Election Day


Smartmatic had, at times, as many as 200 staffers supporting the project.....

Anonymous ID: 3b75bb July 4, 2021, 11:04 a.m. No.69190   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So Smartmatic led the Cali vote certification process?

That sounds spiffy, doesn't it?


There's so much more to dig on here, many unanswered questions remain.

Anonymous ID: 993da2 July 12, 2021, 6:45 a.m. No.71336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1337


Wow! Looks like the CCP may have been using the Italian defense contractor Leonardo SpA to steal US aerospace technology for years!


And, would you look at that - Leonardo SpA also happens to be in business with the same UBS Securities that infused $400 million into Staple Street Capital (owner of Dominion Voting Systems) just three weeks before the 2020 presidential election!


Makes you wonder - why is there an Italian affidavit alleging that Leonardo SpA's Head of IT Arturo D'Elia admitted to taking part in a cyber hack of the 2020 election❓


Full Report:



not previously posted

Anonymous ID: afb623 July 22, 2021, 11:18 a.m. No.74804   🗄️.is 🔗kun

just posted in QRB general - a strange story about Philip Stark, one of the NH auditors.


We already know that NH audit = coverup (GEMS coverup--)




In that post, we see a vid clip of Philip Stark LYING about what went down in NH

The discussants include experts able to verify that he was lying about the capabilities of GEMS software to connect election machines with the net.


so why is this guy now SUING the EAC???



Elections Assistance Commission (EAC) Is Being Sued for Secretly Permitting Internet Access on Election Machines


In a strange series of events, the Elections Assistance Commission (EAC) is being sued for updating its policy and allowing voting machines to include Internet access. These policy changes were discussed in private with voting machine companies and silently passed by the EAC without required public debate.




We’ve reported on the EAC before. Earlier this year we reported that the EAC approved the certification for two audit firms within four hours of TGP reporting that the firms were not certified.


We’ve asked what processes did the EAC go through to update these individuals’ credentials and re-certify them within 4 hours of our article being published noting that they weren’t certified.


Philip Stark


Philip Stark has a checkered past. He resigned from Verified Voting which would suggest he is a good guy.


Philip Stark is also a Board member of the EAC and was also in the news lately when he was selected to be one of three ‘auditors’ selected for the New Hampshire audit. We reported the following on Stark.


It appears very likely that the course of this audit has been quietly steered by top Democratic leadership in the U.S. Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D), through the auditors themselves.


. Both Philip Stark, Ph.D. and Barbara Simons, Ph.D., the board chair of Verified Voting and also a member of George Soros’ elite Democracy Alliance Board, are current appointees to the corrupt and powerful U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC).


Stark was appointed by Speaker Pelosi in 2016 and Simons was appointed by former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D) in 2008 and was re-affirmed by then-Senate Minority now Majority Leader Schumer.


Stark made an early exit in New Hampshire never to be seen again. It’s not known how much time and effort he supplied to the audit and what he was paid for being an auditor in name only. Nor is it known why he left.


But now Stark is back in the news.


This time he is suing the EAC, where he is a Board member. Stark and the organization, Free Speech for People, are suing the EAC for updating voting machine guidelines that allow them to have access to the Internet.


The EAC does not seem like an agency full of integrity especially now after secretly updating the guidelines to allow voting machines to have Internet access.


Who is Philip Stark?

Anonymous ID: 8cc6f8 July 25, 2021, 7:45 p.m. No.75797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5810

Credit Suisse Settles Spying Case With Former Wealth Chief Khan


Credit Suisse Group AG said it reached a settlement with its former wealth-management executive Iqbal Khan and a private detective firm, calling to a close a spying scandal that rocked one of Europe’s biggest lenders and ultimately led to the ouster of its chief executive officer Tidjane Thiam last year.


“All involved parties have agreed to settle, and this matter is now closed,” a spokesperson for the bank said on Sunday, confirming that it had reached a settlement with Khan, his wife and the private detective firm Investigo. No further details were disclosed. A probe by Swiss financial regulator, Finma, over the company’s surveillance activities is ongoing. In 2019, Credit Suisse hired a private investigator to spy on Khan, once seen as a potential successor to the CEO before defecting to rival UBS Group AG. The incident culminated in a physical confrontation in downtown Zurich between Khan and the men who followed him, shaking Switzerland’s financial world and setting off investigations by Zurich’s prosecutor and the company’s board of directors. The settlement would close a chapter for Credit Suisse as it seeks to move past a string of recent scandals. It faces an exodus of senior bankers after the collapse of Archegos Capital Management and Greensill Capital. In the aftermath, new chairman Antonio Horta-Osorio pledged a review of the bank’s businesses.


Credit Suisse is set to report its second-quarter earnings on July 29.


right in front of earnings release......

Anonymous ID: 526cbb July 25, 2021, 9:55 p.m. No.75844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5845 >>5849


Devolution series has been documented by many, including Praying Medic. Here he gives link to all the articles in the entire series.


Article 5 is all about election fraud - and how all the corrupt voting companies have representation on CISA - the support "govt" group that said this famous statement:

== "There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."


Just who helped to generate that statement?


Anonymous ID: 526cbb July 25, 2021, 9:58 p.m. No.75845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5846 >>5849


Following the 2020 election, Chris Krebs of CISA issued a statement saying the election was the most safe and secure in history. Oddly, this letter, from the government agency in charge of election security, was co-authored by several voting machine manufacturers, who it turns out, sit on the board of advisers for CISA. How did this arrangement happen? Article 5 provides the answer.


Relevant part of Article 5:


Summary of article:

When CISA was created in 2018, an Election Infrastructure Subsector Coordinating Council was created - the EISCC. Made up of members of the private sector, not the govt. What does this mean?


Turns out the INFRASTRUCTURE = companies that make voting systems like DOMINION and SMARTMATIC:


"the members of the EISCC are the actual election infrastructure owners and operators, and they handle the physical security along with the cybersecurity through their own “voluntary actions”."


"They “coordinate with the DHS to develop, recommend, and review sector-wide plans, procedures, and effective practices in support of infrastructure protection, including training, education, and implementation”. They also “make recommendations to appropriate authorities to mitigate impediments to effective critical infrastructure security”."


At the end of the article is a discussion all about Staple St Capital/UBS Securities LLC (Chinese subsidiary of UBS from Switzerland).



Anonymous ID: 526cbb July 25, 2021, 10:01 p.m. No.75846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5848 >>5849


Here is the pm post.

[Forwarded from X22 Report Official]


Here are the article that I was referring to in my report about Devolution


Chris Miller, Anthony Tata, Kash Patel, and Ezra Cohen-Watnick were appointed to key positions in the Pentagon immediately after the November election. These moves seemed urgent at the time, but the public was never told why they were made. This series offers a logical explanation.


Following the 2020 election, Chris Krebs of CISA issued a statement saying the election was the most safe and secure in history. Oddly, this letter, from the government agency in charge of election security, was co-authored by several voting machine manufacturers, who it turns out, sit on the board of advisers for CISA. How did this arrangement happen? Article 5 provides the answer.


Examples are given about the extreme measures Abraham Lincoln took to preserve the continuity of government during the civil war. Since President Trump has stated publicly that we are at war, would he not have used these same powers himself?


Links to the articles in the series.


Devolution - Part 1:


Devolution - Part 2:


Devolution - Part 3:


Devolution - Part 4:


Devolution - Part 5:


Patel Patriot's Telegram Channel:

Anonymous ID: 526cbb July 25, 2021, 10:04 p.m. No.75848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5849


Here's the CAPS for Article #5.


NOTE the list of 'organizing members' represented on the CISA committee for private 'infrastructure' members.


Organizing Members of the EISCC include:

Associated Press (AP) Elections BPro. Inc.

Clear Ballot Group


Democracy Live

Democracy Works

Demtech Voting Solutions

Dominion Voting Systems

ELECTEC Election Services Inc.

Election Systems & Software

Electronic Registration Information Center

Everyone Counts

Hart InterCivic

MicroVote General Corp.

PCC Technology Inc.

Pro V&V

Runbeck Election Services SCYTL

SLI Compliance Smartmatic

Tenex Software Solutions

Umsyn Voting Solutions



VR Systems


Earlier i pointed out here

>>75816 pb

that ClearBallot actually seems to be a shell company subsidiary of Smartmatic, because their address in Boston seems to be a mail drop and Edwin Barkley Smith, an employee of Smartmatic, seems to also be the rep for ClearBallot (although mebbe not on this cmte, will check). On cmte, he is said to be rep for Smartmatic.


Since not in notes, will repost below. Amazing coincidence - did NOT see Article 5 before posting lb.

Anonymous ID: 526cbb July 25, 2021, 10:07 p.m. No.75849   🗄️.is 🔗kun







QRB election fraud thread focuses on the central role of GEMS system in 'launching' election fraud has never come out.


Here's a summary:


GEMS odyssey started in King Co WA (Seattle) with convicted embezzler (just released from prison) Jeffrey Dean somehow holding a highly responsible position in King Co elections around 1999 - bout the same time he developed GEMS for GES, which later became Diebold/Premier which was later sold to Dominion.


GEMS is the system Bev Harris identified in 2016 as behind FRACTIONALIZED VOTING


By around 2001, Dean was VP in GES and had more stock than anyone else. After the sale to Diebold, he faded into the background but was widely suspected of continuing to serve as a 'consultant.'


Meanwhile, in King Co, they went with one of the first all-mail in ballot systems in 2008: one by a company called ClearBallot/ClearVote;. Tried to dig on it last Nov, didn't get far, very little info to be had. But recently, discovered a contact for ClearBallot - which appears to be a shell company - works fulltime for Smartmatic:


Edwin Barkley Smith.


He played a big role in LA elections thru Los Angeles Voting Solutions for All People along with 200 other Smartmatic employees.




Smith also serves on the Elections Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council of the Department of Homeland Security representing Smartmatic =CISA.


You know - the one that said "There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."


See previous posts in this thread for links.

Anonymous ID: 6b6ec4 July 26, 2021, 10:24 a.m. No.75959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

On Heels of Diebold/Premier Purchase, Canadian eVoting Firm Dominion Also Acquires Sequoia, Lies About Chavez Ties in Announcement

Brad Friedman

06/22/2010 02:17 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017- but don't know what the update is


Very detailed article on Dominion and its acquisition of Diebold/Premier from ES&S (2010) and Sequoia of historic interest. Emphasizes the growing hegemonic influence of Dominion, even in 2010.

One amusing fact: Dominion's spokesman is Chris Riggall.

Most important statment: ‘Intellectual Property’ of voting systems still owned by firm linked to Venezuelan President, despite press statement to the contrary.

PLUS: The election official/e-voting company revolving ‘oversight’ door continues to turn...

Anonymous ID: 41444a July 27, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.76395   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Carlyle Group Inc. sold by co-founder David Rubenstein since Nov 9th, 2020: $321,677,500

Anonymous ID: 514e56 July 31, 2021, 11 p.m. No.78060   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Remember when Philip Stark resigned from Verified Voting?


not really sure what this is about - but Philip Stark seems like a slippery character....

Anonymous ID: 696869 Aug. 5, 2021, 4:48 p.m. No.79811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Iron Triangle: Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group

Anonymous ID: 652fef Aug. 11, 2021, 11:54 a.m. No.81622   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Just learned that conan james hayes the actual hard drives from Mesa Co Clerk. Must be returned.


This is from his lawyer - who supposedly got it from Tina.


Tina says otherwise. She's going to call lawyer (hers? his?)