Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 20, 2021, 9:54 p.m. No.64880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4881 >>4915


I keep running into these studies on severe effects either of COVID19 or fake vaxxes and it drives me up the wall that - when assessing risks and benefits of vaxxes - NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT the fact that the severe effects of covid can be almost eliminated (or at least greatly mitigated) by early treatment with you-know-which-drugs-but-we're -not-allowed to say.


So when judging the risks/benefits of fake vaxxes, researchers keep comparing the effects of severe covid (which could be almost entirely prevented if anybody wanted that) and effects of severe vax reaction (which are probably GROSSLY underestimated) and then concluding that vaxxes are beneficial.


As a result, no matter what their studies show, they end up promoting vaccination.


(If they didn't, would it be accepted for publication? NO - they'd never see the light of day)


Attempted genocide is not pretty.


Take this study for example:

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis post BNT162b2 mRNA SARSCoV2 vaccination: A Black Swan Event

brand new, not yet fully published.


Key Points:


Emerging data from both cohort studies and pharmacovigilance databases suggest an increased

incidence of CVT post BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination. '''A preprint by Taquet et al [2] evaluating data

from the United States, proposes that COVID-19 increases the risk of CVT (incidence of 39.0 per

million people) more than people who have received a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (incidence of 4.1 per

million people, n= 366,869 in each cohort, 95% CI 1.114.9, adjusted RR=6.36, P<.001)''', however

vaccination still posed a higher risk for developing CVT than the background incidence of CVT (0.41

per million people).


COVID-19 has strong association with immunothrombosis, resulting in stroke and CVT [6]. CVT occurring post COVID-19 mRNA vaccination could be a possible recapitulation of the thrombotic

complications seen in acute COVID-19 vaccination itself may be associated with an increased risk of

developing COVID-19-like disease or its fcomplications [7]While the SARS-CoV-2 virion has a higher thrombogenic potential, the spike glycoprotein also carries significant thrombogenicity. We therefore postulate that the pathogenesis of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine induced CVT may possibly be related to spike glycoprotein interaction causing immunothrombosis from 1) Disruption of endothelial homeostasis and the blood-brain

barrier 2) SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein directly causing platelet activation 3) Aberrant activation of

the alternative pathway of complement.


In conclusion, robust pharmacovigilance for COVID-19 vaccines is key in advancing global COVID-19

vaccination efforts with both speed and safety. However rare they may be, the reporting of adverse and black swan events such as COVID-19 vaccine-associated CVT is necessary to minimise uncertainty in the medical fraternity and the public, to increase awareness of regulatory authorities and clinicians to such events, so that these can be evaluated and managed promptly. Compared to

most medications where adverse reactions that occurs in fewer than 1 in 10,000 are considered as

"very rare",COVID-19 vaccines appear safe, given that risk of COVID-19 vaccine-associated CVT is by far much rarer than developing CVT in COVID-19 infection.

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 20, 2021, 9:59 p.m. No.64882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4886


wakes IS a rock but like the idea of an anchor

captures everything he did

gy anons were a little skeered of him, when they'd be messin around, smoking weed, not collected notes - you know

coz at the end, there'd be wakes ready to do the cleanup

think they felt a little guilty

(just not quite guilty enough to do it themselves - sometimes gy is just about 'comfy')

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 20, 2021, 10:14 p.m. No.64888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4889


waker is real comfy up to a point - don wanna cross him past that point. but he was always real noice to anons, even us gy 'slackers', just packin steel under his comfy. "Anons know" hahahaha

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 20, 2021, 10:25 p.m. No.64890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4892


"mom" huh - have never quite envisioned ya dat way - kekking bigly

it's all projections tho, bakers always got projections on 'em

vapor-like atmosphere of net makes it worse, misunderstandings so easy - shills exploit to the max

gotta be both grounded and intuitive to avoid getting paranoid

baking is a great opportunity, transformative under the right circumstances - and why so targeted

why i never completely give up on qr or stop fighting - it's a tradition worth fighting for

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 20, 2021, 10:33 p.m. No.64891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4893


bakers and other who take responsibility like gb - they got opinions. i've learned a lot in the baking role about how to balance opinions with teamwork.


i only learned to bake so gy breads wouldn't fall apart, didn't think about becoming part of a "kitchen". And sure wasn't part of one for a long time - that started when i went to /qrb/. two others came forward to bake and i took kind of a big bro role for the first time - Black Rifle and Euro were great to work with, they were new but such good guys. there were others but these guys were here all the time, every day. Euro and i became frens, would like to see him drop by sometimes, miss our convos.

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 20, 2021, 10:44 p.m. No.64894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4896


i'ma too much of a nite person to commit to days, veli tried to plug me into the slot after wakes b4 you came but i knew that would never work. can't work daytime irl, never could.



>instilling fear

nah, don think u or i are the fear-instilling type


maybe good at provoking annoyance tho

but only with 'certain people'

wakes once claimed that i liked to fight, bc he saw me fight fj

but only fought fj bc he targeted me early - muh thread, then muh q's 'bout captcha

the more reasonable i got, the nastier he got

don't instigate, just respond

but always respond



yeah, RA

He baked bread no #3 on qrb

title is "i don't know how to bake"

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 20, 2021, 10:53 p.m. No.64897   🗄️.is 🔗kun


when i read the quotes, realize what bureaucrats these ccp guys really are - to be ruled by them would be a slow death by boredom (punctuated with bouts of random brutality).

>One Health High Level Expert Panel

Anyone who thinks up phrases like this oughta be a clerk at the dollar store not trying to run the world.

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 20, 2021, 11:36 p.m. No.64903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915



Glenn Greenwald joins Tucker to discuss the FBI's new domestic War on Terror and Operation Mockingbird.


"If you go and google - and I hope your viewers do - Operation Mockingbird. What you will find is that during the cold war these agencies used to plot about how to clandestinely manipulate the news media to disseminate propaganda to the American population. They used to try and do it secretly. They don't even do it secretly anymore. They don't need Operation Mockingbird. They literally put John Brennan who works for NBC and James Clapper who works for CNN and tons of FBI agents right on the payroll of these news organizations they now shape the news openly to manipulate and deceive the American population."

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 20, 2021, 11:41 p.m. No.64905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915


[Forwarded from CJTRUTH (OFFICIAL)]

Here is your “Good News of the Week.” We are WINNING on many fronts. There will be MANY more wins, so take courage!


Good News of the Week, June 20, 2021:


  1. Rogan O’Handley is suing former CA Secretary of State turned senator Alex Padilla for colluding with Twitter to violate his First Amendment rights. O’Handley claims that government employees directed Twitter to remove his tweets that questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election. This is similar to Dr. Shiva’s case. There will be more.


  1. Twitter lost its protective shield in India because they failed to comply with new IT rules. Twitter could now face police questioning and criminal liability over “unlawful” and “inflammatory” content posted by any user on their platform.


  1. The Maricopa County audit continues. According to former AZ SOS Ken Bennett, ballot evaluation should wrap up by the end of June and further work will take place in July. The in-depth audit report is expected sometime in August.


  1. Hundreds of citizens from across Michigan delivered more than 7,500 notarized affidavits to MI lawmakers claiming election fraud and demanding a forensic audit. The group was lead by Michigan’s first black, female Secretary of State candidate Kristina Karamo.


  1. Governor Greg Abbott laid out his strategy for Texas to build its own barrier along the Texas-Mexico border. He has authorized a $250M down payment, set up a donation website, directed the Texas Facilities Commission to hire a project manager and demanded Biden to return Texas land to Texas.


  1. Governor Ron DeSantis is deploying Florida state and local law enforcement officers to Texas and Arizona to help with border security. This move comes after Governors Abbott and Ducey sent out a letter to every state urgently requesting immediate assistance.


  1. A federal judge blocked Biden’s Executive Order that suspended new oil and gas leasings on federal land. The preliminary injunction applies to offshore drilling and onshore federal land nationwide. This is a huge victory for many thousands of American workers.


  1. Small businesses are having trouble hiring workers because the government is paying people more to remain unemployed than they would earn by working. Nine more states have announced they will encourage people to get back to work by ending pandemic-related unemployment benefits. By the end of July, more than half of the states will have eliminated or modified the federal bonus.


  1. The US Supreme Court unanimously ruled that a Catholic foster agency has the right to turn away same-sex couples as foster parents on the grounds of religious freedom.


  1. California has adopted President Trump’s plan to use controlled burns and to rake forest floors of dead trees, branches and leaves to decrease the chance and spread of wildfires. California will be using $500M in government aid to send 12-person crews out into 33M acres of forest.


  1. The Florida Board of Clemency has pardoned all Florida residents who were arrested or fined for violating mask mandates imposed by local governments.


  1. Governor Abbott signed a bill into law that allows Texans 21 or older to carry a handgun without a license or permit. Several states have passed similar bills this year. Among them are Utah, Iowa, Montana, Tennessee and Wyoming. Other state legislatures are considering like bills.


  1. Hungary passed a law that will stop children from being targets of homosexual and transgender propaganda in education, television, movies and advertisements. The vote passed Hungary’s National Assembly 157-1.


  1. Countless Patriots around the Nation continue to speak out and fight against government corruption and tyranny at their local School Board, City Council and County Board of Supervisors meetings. They are winning many fights. Find a meeting near you and get involved!


  1. The best news is that “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23


Hat tip to @DaneanHere from "Good News of the Week."

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 20, 2021, 11:47 p.m. No.64906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Happy un-Juneteenth anon

if there is anything positive about Q not dropping, it's this: at least I'm not thinking 'something's gonna happen soon' every day. Despite everything, feels more peaceful. I just do the work and don't think much bout the future.

(btw, i've managed to never spill liquids on a keyboard, what r the chances?)

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 21, 2021, 12:19 a.m. No.64910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915



Luis Elizondo: Will #UFO be a new paradigm?

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 21, 2021, 12:28 a.m. No.64911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915

WE CAUGHT THEM: President Trump Warned Raffensperger and His Attorney Ryan Germany About Election Fraud

– New Evidence Shows Germany Was Made Aware of Election Fraud on Election Night And Hid This From President Trump


We’ve reported on the corrupt and criminal results that were certified by Georgia in the 2020 Election. Most recently we discussed the report that was provided to Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and yet he claimed the Georgia election was safe and secure after receiving this report showing a complete mess involving potential criminal actions.


We’ve reported in early December of the ballots in the State Farm arena in Fulton County Georgia being jammed through voting machines late at night after election observers were kicked out of the Arena. President Trump warned Raffensperger about these criminal acts and yet Raffensperger denied they existed.


Carter Jones shared this information on Election Night with attorney Ryan Germany. This showed crimes in that observers were missing. You can see it in the picture. Jones also claims votes were being scanned confirming another crime.


Attorney Ryan Germany obtained this information on Election Night and apparently did nothing with it. He didn’t order an investigation. He didn’t have people arrested. He didn’t note that he received this photo and related information of potential crimes being committed with the President of the United States when he had an opportunity to do so.


It’s time that Raffensperger and Ryan Germany are fully investigated for being complicit in potential crimes surrounding the 2020 Election that resulted in them certifying a fraudulent election.

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 21, 2021, 12:38 a.m. No.64912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4913 >>4915

Dr. Byram Bridle, an associate professor of Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph - scary if true...

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 21, 2021, 1:37 a.m. No.64914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4915

California just told everyone to not charge their electric cars due to power shortage.

Anonymous ID: 6d28dd June 21, 2021, 1:48 a.m. No.64915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4917


>>64880, >>64881 CV19 studies: "No matter what their studies show, they end up promoting vaccination"

>>64883 Hollywood Human Trafficking VID - share this

>>64884 A man sends his pet lizard's DNA to 23 and ME - and finds lizard is JEWISH (for real)

>>64895 Discredited COVID Investigators Lead New WHO ‘Strategic’ Group on Pandemics

>>64903 Glenn Greenward educates Tucker on Operation Mockingbird & domestic terrorism

>>64904 Full moon coming...

>>64905 Good News of the Week

>>64908, >>64909 WEF: "Why is there such a stigma surrounding harvesting children's blood?"

>>64910 Sara Carter: Will #UFO be a new paradigm? (Luis Elizondo)

>>64911 WE CAUGHT THEM: President Trump Warned Raffensperger & His Atty Ryan Germany About Election Fraud

>>64912, >>64913 Dr. Byram Bridle - Pfiizer never did bio-distribution studies for spike protein

>>64914 California just told everyone to not charge their electric cars due to power shortage
