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Discredited COVID Investigators Lead New WHO ‘Strategic’ Group on Pandemics.

JUNE 20, 2021

The World Health Organization has hand picked discredited EcoHealth Alliance officials for a new global health advisory board wielding a key role in the “development of a long-term strategic approach” to pandemics, The National Pulse can reveal.


Amongst the controversial picks to the newly-mooted 26-person body, dubbed the “One Health High Level Expert Panel,” is EcoHealth Alliance’s Senior Policy Advisor and Senior Scientist Catherine Machalaba.


Discredited Daszak.


Run by the discredited Peter Daszak – who worked to quash the lab theory origin of COVID-19 and thusly aid the Chinese Communist Party – EcoHealth Alliance funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars from Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) to conduct collaborative research with the military-linked Wuhan Institute of Virology, also known as the “Wuhan lab.”


Scientists – including former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield – identity the lab as the source of COVID-19.


Daszak, however, was instrumental in muddying the discussion on the virus’ origins, secretly crafting a statement for the Lancet journal prematurely debunking the lab theory.


With a long history of collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party, Daszak served as an original World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 investigator. He has previously admitted that his “Chinese colleagues” manipulated coronaviruses to create “killer viruses” in a video from 2016 unearthed by The National Pulse. He has further admitted never actually investigating the lab, but rather taking the word of these “colleagues” at face value.


Peter Daszak, a member of the WHO-led inquiry into the origins of the COVID-19 virus and expert on coronaviruses, says the team looked into the theory that the virus originated in an accidental lab leak, but deemed the theory “extremely unlikely.”


— 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) March 28, 2021


All Kooped Up.


Another key figure in the cover-up of COVID-19’s true origins – Daszak’s fellow WHO-sponsored investigator Marion Koopmans – was placed on new advisory board.


Koopmans, a former adviser to the Chinese Communist Party-run CDC in Guangdong province, has also taken several research grants from Chinese state-backed institutions.


Two Chinese Communist Party officials – China’s CDC Director George Gao and Chief of the body’s emerging infectious disease branch Zhou Lei – were also tapped by WHO for the effort.


The One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) expands upon the United Nations’ mission of “One Health,” described as an “approach to designing and implementing programmes, policies, legislation and research in which multiple sectors communicate and work together to achieve better public health outcomes. The OHHLEP notes it will focus on “providing policy relevant scientific assessment on the emergence of health crises arising from the human-animal-ecosystem interface” and lead in the “development of a long term strategic approach to reducing risk of zoonotic pandemics.”


Among its primary functions are to identify potential pandemic hotspots, dictate funding and agenda for future scientific research, and shape the future of the “One Health” ideology:


In spite of the mounting evidence against the EcoHealth Alliance and the World Health Organization, the Biden-Harris regime has opted to take America fully back in as a leading member of the WHO, contributing U.S. taxpayer dollars again, and aiding in a CCP-led cover up of the virus that changed the world.