Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 7:15 a.m. No.64941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4942 >>4956 >>4973 >>4988 >>4997 >>5007

In Response to Recent Mass Shootings, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis Signs 3 Gun Reform Laws, Allows Cities to Enact Their Own Local LawsColorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) signed three gun reform bills into law on Saturday, which expanded background checks, created an office of gun violence prevention, and allowed individual cities to pass their own gun laws.


The bills arelikely to result in the city of Boulder reinstating its assault weapons ban, which a judge struck down in early March. Colorado previously had a preemption law — as do 44 other states — which prevented individual cities from creating their own gun laws.


Despite the prior ban, Boulder had instituted its own local ban on assault weapons in 2018, but it was struck down by a judge who deemed it in violation of the state’s preemption law.


The reforms follow the March 22 shootingat a King Soopers supermarket in Boulder that left ten dead. The King Soopers shooter’s gun would have been included in the city’s ban, as it included external magazines. The signing also comes less than 24 hours after two separate shootings across the street from each other that injured five in Colorado Springs.


“In theory, if we didn’t have this law, you could go buy an assault weapon, and then walk across the street and shoot a bunch of students,” Boulder Mayor Sam Weaver told the Wall Street Journal. “So we would like to have it in place to prevent rash actions with assault weapons in Boulder.”

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 7:17 a.m. No.64942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4956 >>4973 >>4988 >>4997 >>5007


After 400 executive orders, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis promises to “phase out” pandemic powers Republicans say they’ll believe it when they see it Early in the pandemic, Jared Polis said he’d be as happy as anyone to lighten the heavy hand of state government once COVID was retreating. Having created, amended or extended roughly 400 executive orders since March 2020, the governor told The Denver Post he’s ready to let go of the unprecedented authority he’s maintained.


“The pandemic still exists,” he said, but “our hospital capacity is no longer threatened. We have 60% of the population vaccinated. So at this point, we would go to kind of regular order, which means the legislature passes laws, I can sign laws, and you can see the phaseout of those executive powers over time.”


He continues exerting executive authority through a wide range of orders, though his pace has slowed of late: 17 in March, 13 in April, 10 in May and six so far in June. Among the June orders was an extension of the state’s disaster emergency declaration, which confers vast power over state military forces, seizure of property, evacuations, quarantines and even disposal of dead bodies.


“In general, the time for these emergency actions is over, or near over.I believe in a republic and I believe in three branches of government,” Polis said. “It’s not the role of the governor to do that long-term. It’s the role of the governor to react in an emergency.”“You can’t go backwards but I’d like to learn from this and should we ever have something of this nature again have more people at the table with authority sooner,” Lundeen said.


Local government officials across the political spectrum have complained they weren’t in the loop, and were tasked with implementing state orders they’d sometimes find out about at the same time as the general public. County officials asked for more advance notice of changes, and lawmakers went as far as to pass a bill in 2020 to require the governor to report to them every few months during an emergency.


The reaction to Polis’ stated dial-back is more mixed on the left. For example, Jason Legg, an eviction defense attorney who works with the nonprofit 9to5 Colorado, said infections and hospitalizations going down shouldn’t lead Polis to believe housing instability isn’t still a crisis worthy of executive action.


A federal moratorium on evictions in many — but not all — cases is set to expire at the end of this month. Barring a new one from the Biden administration, it’ll be up to governors whether to block evictions.


Governors in eight states, plus the mayor of Washington, D.C., have already ended states of emergency, according to the National Academy for State Health Policy. Others, including Massachusetts and Alabama, are expected to follow suit in the coming weeks. Colorado is among 33 states no longer under a mask mandate.


Overall, Coloradans have mostly approved of the governor’s handling of the pandemic. His favorability rating has remained above 50% throughout, and in May stood at 61%, according to a Keating-OnSight-Melanson poll of more than 500 likely voters.


Polis’ promise to phase out his powers is welcome news to Republican state officials who have been trying to force such a move for months. Their various attempts to curtail executive authority in this and future emergencies all failed in the Democrat-controlled legislature over the last year.


One Republican who made such an attempt, Sen. Paul Lundeen of Monument, said he’ll believe Polis will step back when he sees it. For instance, he said, he’s skeptical that schoolchildren won’t be missing class in the fall due to what he sees as the state’s overreaching contact-tracing and quarantine guidelines.


All along, Republican leaders in Colorado said the legislature should have been more involved in COVID-19 response.


Denver Democratic Rep. Steven Woodrow helped draft a bill to install a state-level eviction moratorium in Colorado through the summer, which he said was shelved in the waning days of session in part because Democrats couldn’t reach an agreement with Polis.


He also said he hopes Polis would be flexible moving forward because the legislature adjourned a week ago and isn’t scheduled to return to the Capitol until January.


“If he were to back off executive orders entirely, we could have a situation where we need him to act,” Woodrow said, “and we wouldn’t want him to be beholden to some line in the sandon executive orders.”

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 7:19 a.m. No.64944   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How much clearer can it get? Even The Church of Satan Celebrates Juneteenth!


Many in our govt worship Satan.


“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 8:34 a.m. No.64969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4970


41,000 sign petitions to stop Jeff Bezos from returning to Earth


'An evil overlord hellbent on global domination'


WND News Services By WND News Services


Published June 20, 2021 at 8:50pm




41,000 sign petitions to stop Jeff Bezos from returning to Earth


'An evil overlord hellbent on global domination'


WND News Services By WND News Services


Published June 20, 2021 at 8:50pm






(BUSINESS INSIDER) – More than 41,000 people have signed petitions calling to stop Jeff Bezos from returning to Earth after he blasts into space next month.


Bezos, founder of space-exploration firm Blue Origin, said on June 7 that he and his brother Mark Bezos will fly into space aboard the New Shepard rocket on July 20 - the company's first human flight.


Three days after Bezos' announcement, two petitions were launched to try and prevent the billionaire's re-entry to Earth. They have both garnered thousands of followers in just 10 days.



Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 8:45 a.m. No.64972   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After Switzerland dropped its negotiations with the EU, the country has now rejected a climate-protection law in a referendum. Concretely, they rejected all three parts of the law in separate votes: on CO2, on pesticides, and on drinking water.


We agree with the Swiss journalist Mathieu von Rohr that this failure is not merely important in its own right, but symptomatic for the difficulties facing Green politics in general. It is one thing for people to pretend they support the Green party, especially when it is cool to do so. It is quite another to make actual sacrifices as the Swiss were asked to do.


But what is particularly interesting about this referendum is that the strongest opposition came from young people. 60-70% of the 18-34 year old voted No in the three categories.


Each country is different, but the big yet unanswered question is whether people elsewhere would agree to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. The Swiss referendum tells us we should not take this for granted. The German elections will be the next big test.

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 9:28 a.m. No.64978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4988 >>4997 >>5007

“This is Why People Hate Democrats!” Bill Maher Rips Woke Bullies Over Latest Cancel Culture Victim

June 21, 2021

by Kyle Becker


The most recent fauxtroversy involves the Puerto Rican creator of the musical Hamilton ‘failing’ to include an Afro-Latino in his new film “In the Heights,” which is set in Washington Heights. The film is filled with Latinos and Latinas, as well as black Americans, but that was considered to have lacked ‘inclusivity’ by the far-left extremists. The filmmaker, Lin-Manuel Miranda, subsequently apologized to the Woke mob on Twitter.

“Please, stop apologizing,” Maher implored.


“You’re the guy who made the Founding Fathers black and Hispanic!” he continued. “I don’t think that you have to apologize to Twitter! For f***’s sake.”


“This is why people hate Democrats,” he added. “It’s cringy.”


the vid is rumble, really guud Mahr


acct reommended reading by 45

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 9:33 a.m. No.64979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4988 >>4997 >>5007

Ben Ferguson ✔

Check out this podcast! CANCEL CULTURE NEW TARGET: Traditional beauty of women now being attacked, by Victoria Secrets & a movie star! …


CANCEL CULTURE NEW TARGET: Traditional beauty of women now being attacked, by Victoria Secrets & a movie star! - The Ben Ferguson…


Ben Ferguson ✔

Check out this podcast! SOCIALISTS DEMAND $500 a month PAYMENTS to working Americans in low or middle incomes. Is this buying votes? …


SOCIALISTS DEMAND $500 a month PAYMENTS to working Americans in low or middle incomes. Is this buying votes? - The Ben Ferguson…


acct recommended by 45

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 9:36 a.m. No.64980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4988 >>4997 >>5007

A video was just posted by "MJ12" here


The the last twenty seconds of the video show that 'carbon capture shield, the company/project they are trying to sell, is supported by Ingersol Lockwood Inc. Which also has a go fund me page here


"Darryl J. Nicke II and Jason Matozzo are organizing this fundraiser."

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 9:38 a.m. No.64981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4988 >>4997 >>5007

MUST WATCH: British immigrant BLASTS local School Board for censoring public comment by citizens opposed to critical race theory, calls for their resignations. 🇺🇸


acct recommended by 45

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 9:40 a.m. No.64982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4988 >>4997 >>5007

Dan Scavino 🇺🇸🦅

TeamTrump announced that they will share critically valuable information that will expose, confront and destroy Biden.


If you want to learn more and see the evidence, follow TeamTrump and wait for more news🇺🇸




Team Trump

This is the official Telegram channel of Team Trump. 🇺🇸

The struggle for freedom continues. We will never surrender because we have the strongest reason to keep on fighting: the United States of America!🦅

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 9:45 a.m. No.64984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4988 >>4997 >>5007

Richard Grenell


Tune in to @newsmax

’s morning show this week - Wake Up America.


I’m guest co-hosting all week from NYC. @FinnertyUSA


Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 9:49 a.m. No.64986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4988 >>4997 >>5007

Universal Basic Income Experiments Expand To 20 Cities In 14 States


UBI is an original tenet of Technocracy in the 1930s and is gaining traction again as Technocrats like Andrew Yang promote it. UBI-dependent citizens would ultimately create a slave class that would serve the Technocracy as it sees fit. Thus far, no UBI experiment has been successful, yet it persists anyway. ⁃ TN Editor


Residents in cities across the country are receiving $500 per month payments as part of a no-strings-attached experimental universal basic income program.


A version of the Universal Basic Income program, popularized by former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang, has gained more attention after the pandemic idled millions of workers.


Now places from Compton, California, to Richmond, Virginia, are trying out pilot guaranteed income programs as researchers hope the results give them a fuller picture of what happens when a range of people are sent payments that guarantee a basic living, AP reported.


An Upstate New York pilot program, funded by private donations, is providing 100 county residents making less than $46,900 annually $500 a month for a year.


The income threshold was based on 80% of the county´s average median income, meaning it includes both the poor and a slice of the middle class – people who face financial stress but might not ordinarily qualify for government aid based on income, AP reported.


One of the recipients is 57-year-old Anette Steele, a special education school aide who is getting her payments through a program in Ulster County, located less than 100 miles north of New York City, which covers parts of the Catskill Mountains and the Hudson River Valley.


Steele, who lives in the village of Ellenville with her retired husband, tells AP that the monthly payments of $500 provides her a welcome financial boost that has helped her pay for car insurance and groceries.


‘It lessens my bills,’ Steele said. ‘People think because you’ve been working so many years, that you make this tremendous amount of money. But no, actually.’


While most basic income programs tend to focus on cities, this upstate program branches out to a city, small towns and remote areas many miles from bus lines and supermarkets.


‘Showing that this approach will work not just in urban areas, but for rural parts of the country – which we know is one of our big national problems – I think there´s great opportunity there,’ Ulster County Executive Patrick Ryan told AP.


Ryan saw cash payments as a way to help local families struggling financially as the pandemic ebbs.

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 9:58 a.m. No.64988   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>64948, >>64962 Monday eyez on the skyz

>>64987 KPMG Faces $21 Million Fine for H.I.G. Capital Conflict

>>64986 Universal Basic Income Experiments Expand To 20 Cities In 14 States

>>64985 New Study Links Ivermectin to ‘Large Reductions’ In COVID-19 Deaths

>>64984 Grenell on newsmax

>>64983 Moar Pompeo pipehitters

>>64982 Scavino: The struggle for freedom continues.

>>64980 A video was just posted by "MJ12" here, carbon capture shield

>>64977, >>64978, >>64979, >>64981 accts to watch recommended by 45

>>64974 link to Georgia Hearings

>>64974 link to Georgia Hearings

>>64968 Experts Have Been Warning for Months of an Unprecedented Stock Market Bubble Set to Explode

>>64960, >>64961 Georgia Hearing on Fulton County Absentee Ballot Audit with Judge Amero


>>64942 Moar Jared Polis: After 400 executive orders, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis promises to “phase out” pandemic powers Republicans say they’ll believe it when they see it

>>64941 Colorado Gov. Jared Polis Signs 3 Gun Reform Laws, Allows Cities to Enact Their Own Local Laws

>>64930, >>64931, >>64932 Jennifer Morrell and ‘The Elections Group’ Were Involved in GA’s 2020 Election. Anti Arizona Audit. Connected to Huge Far-Left Nonprofits

>>64929 US Preps New Russia Sanctions Over Navalny Just Days After "Friendly" Putin-Biden Summit



quick collect and looksie

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 10:11 a.m. No.64993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4997 >>5007




presses Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on why he’s outspoken against Islamophobia in the West but silent about the genocide of Muslim Uyghurs in western China.


Khan: I concentrate on what is happening on my border.


Swan: This is on your border.

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 10:25 a.m. No.64997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4999


>>64948, >>64962, >>64992 Monday Eyez on the skyz

>>64993 Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on why he’s outspoken against Islamophobia in the West but silent about the genocide of Muslim Uyghurs in western China.

>>64989, >>64990, >>64991 British Airways Says Deaths of 4 Pilots Not Linked

>>64987 KPMG Faces $21 Million Fine for H.I.G. Capital Conflict

>>64986 Universal Basic Income Experiments Expand To 20 Cities In 14 States

>>64985 New Study Links Ivermectin to ‘Large Reductions’ In COVID-19 Deaths

>>64984 Grenell on newsmax

>>64983 Moar Pompeo pipehitters

>>64982 Scavino: The struggle for freedom continues.

>>64980 A video was just posted by "MJ12" here, carbon capture shield

>>64977, >>64978, >>64979, >>64981 accts to watch recommended by 45

>>64974 link to Georgia Hearings

>>64974 link to Georgia Hearings

>>64968 Experts Have Been Warning for Months of an Unprecedented Stock Market Bubble Set to Explode

>>64960, >>64961 Georgia Hearing on Fulton County Absentee Ballot Audit with Judge Amero


>>64942 Moar Jared Polis: After 400 executive orders, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis promises to “phase out” pandemic powers Republicans say they’ll believe it when they see it

>>64941 Colorado Gov. Jared Polis Signs 3 Gun Reform Laws, Allows Cities to Enact Their Own Local Laws

>>64930, >>64931, >>64932 Jennifer Morrell and ‘The Elections Group’ Were Involved in GA’s 2020 Election. Anti Arizona Audit. Connected to Huge Far-Left Nonprofits

>>64929 US Preps New Russia Sanctions Over Navalny Just Days After "Friendly" Putin-Biden Summit



gonna set up the bake

Anonymous ID: 6456ff June 21, 2021, 10:42 a.m. No.65007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5011


>>64948, >>64962, >>64992, >>65000 Monday Eyez on the skyz

>>64993 Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on why he’s outspoken against Islamophobia in the West but silent about the genocide of Muslim Uyghurs in western China.

>>64989, >>64990, >>64991 British Airways Says Deaths of 4 Pilots Not Linked

>>64987 KPMG Faces $21 Million Fine for H.I.G. Capital Conflict

>>64986 Universal Basic Income Experiments Expand To 20 Cities In 14 States

>>64985 New Study Links Ivermectin to ‘Large Reductions’ In COVID-19 Deaths

>>64984 Grenell on newsmax

>>64983 Moar Pompeo pipehitters

>>64982 Scavino: The struggle for freedom continues.

>>64980 A video was just posted by "MJ12" here, carbon capture shield

>>64977, >>64978, >>64979, >>64981 accts to watch recommended by 45

>>64974 link to Georgia Hearings

>>64974 link to Georgia Hearings

>>64968 Experts Have Been Warning for Months of an Unprecedented Stock Market Bubble Set to Explode

>>64960, >>64961 Georgia Hearing on Fulton County Absentee Ballot Audit with Judge Amero


>>64942 Moar Jared Polis: After 400 executive orders, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis promises to “phase out” pandemic powers Republicans say they’ll believe it when they see it

>>64941 Colorado Gov. Jared Polis Signs 3 Gun Reform Laws, Allows Cities to Enact Their Own Local Laws

>>64930, >>64931, >>64932, >>65001 Jennifer Morrell and ‘The Elections Group’ Were Involved in GA’s 2020 Election. Anti Arizona Audit. Connected to Huge Far-Left Nonprofits

>>64929 US Preps New Russia Sanctions Over Navalny Just Days After "Friendly" Putin-Biden Summit



ya'll done or wut?

ears on freebs?