Anonymous ID: dd01ce June 22, 2021, 1:39 a.m. No.65236   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5240 >>5244 >>5245


>True - because all things are in relationship.




>some relationships are of greater import than others, either generally speaking or relative to some context.




>things can happen synchronistically (such that the relationships may be meaningful without any visible means of coordination)


>Brings to mind the idea of an 'invisible hand' at play - the idea that things that transpire harmoniously often tend to produce synchronicities that are pretty much impossible to fathom from a 3d perspective.


>I'm listening right now to a redone version of a vid i've seen before on cancer cures that were quashed. Of course, we know why in the broadest sense - because DS doesn't want cures. To suppress them, the argument is often made that unless the mechanism by which the cure takes place is known (i.e., has a logical theory to account for the results), then even successful results must be rejected.


>This is a tactic to suppress alt treatments but the reason it works is because our minds are not trained to go beyond logic into the world of paradox.


>Working the details of a problem can also help break thru the barrier - like a zen koan.


>just my 2cents

Kek... maybe some synchronicity here...

Recall an anon lb mentioning 2 cents...

But some of your seemingly "disparate" points remind me of stuff from WAY back...

Ever read Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid?

You mention Cancer... makes me think of crabs walking backwards...

Just like in a dialogue in the book...

And also koans...

Much talk on koans there...


As for the invisible hand... idk.. Adam Smith is more, what do they say.. a "common sense" philosopher?

Anonymous ID: dd01ce June 22, 2021, 2:05 a.m. No.65242   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5243


>not sure this was the best argument they could’ve gone with

Not even really disagreeing with your point...

But I'll take a stab at disagreeing with THEM....

My take is that there is SOMETHING right about the official Catholic doctrine there... and it is that you can ALWAYS REPENT!

But of course it is possible for someone to fake that, but it doesn't undermine the idea that someone can TRULY repent... no matter WHAT they have done.

And it seems to me there is something deeply and intuitively RIGHT about this... whether or not you believe in any metaphysical or personal God.

I mean... if there isn't a God... who the fuck has the right to tell you you can't repent?

And if there is a God... I'm pretty sure he wants you to repent of evil more than anything...