Anonymous ID: df9c4d June 21, 2021, 11:26 p.m. No.65224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5226 >>5232 >>5245



As we await the results of the John Durham investigation, remember - we've seen John Durham and Robert Mueller cross paths before.

When Durham uncovered how the FBI - including Director Hoover - framed 4 men for murder.

And when Mueller's FBI disputed the innocence of the men the FBI framed.


When the FBI Framed Four Innocent Men

And how john Durham uncovered shocking FBI crimes

Anonymous ID: df9c4d June 21, 2021, 11:35 p.m. No.65225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5232 >>5245


CM's first substantive AlienLeaks posts


Communication is the first step towards understanding.


Today, June 21, 2021, AlienLeaks has released the first in a series of “Memory Holed” documents.


Explore the Gateway Experience and discover how it can be used for advancing humanity - as long as the nefarious can be held at bay...


View the documents, supporting video and commentary here:


Listen to a discussion I had with Tony Teora and Haze Robinson as we talk telepathy and how it can be utilized for communicating with extra terrestrials:


Tony Teora discusses the gateway experience, touches on the history and theory, then goes into potential use cases of the technology.

Anonymous ID: df9c4d June 22, 2021, 12:14 a.m. No.65227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5232 >>5245


Update: The 'National Task Force on Election Crises' Isn't Only Trying to Destroy the AZ Maricopa Audit, Members of the 'Task Force' Were Involved in GA Fulton County Election Too


On the National Task Force on Election Crises:


There is something very troubling in that almost all of the nonprofit players in this Democrat efforts to stop the Maricopa County, Arizona audit have ties to an entity no one has ever heard of, theNational Task Force on Election Crises. This group appears to be chaired by none other than James Baker, Former Former FBI General Counsel to the disgraced FBI Director James Comey.


Baker describes himself as ” Director of National Security and Cybersecurity, R Street Institute; Former FBI General Counsel.”


The mission of the task force is:


The mission of the nonpartisan National Task Force on Election Crises is to ensure a free and fair 2020 general election by recommending responses to a range of potential election crises.


There are no listed members from the Protect Democracy Project on the Task Force simply because:

The Task Force was convened by Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization. Protect Democracy’s staff supports the work of the Task Force, and in doing so has drawn on assistance from Jenner & Block, the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law, the Democracy & Rule of Law Clinic at Harvard Law School, and the William & Mary Election Law Society.“


J. Christian Adams had this to say about this Task Force in an April 30, 2020 article in PJMedia:


One Potemkin outfit is the self-styled National Task Force on Election Crises. In reality, the group is the usual collection of far-left race activists, liberal law professors, vendor grifters sprinkled in with one or two non-crazies to give the organization a whiff of not-entirely-nuts. It is designed to appear bipartisan but in action, it is the opposite…


…Not only does this largely leftist task force represent phony bipartisanship, but it also uses that misleading brand to place hit-and-run pieces in conservative media.


Go ahead have a look at the membership list of this ultra-secretive, covert operation, a quiet little “Task Force” hidden deep within the operations of a 501(c)(3) charitable, tax-exempt, “nonpartisan” nonprofit called the Protect Democracy Project.


This National Task Force on Election Integrity is all over the left-wing efforts to stop the audit in Maricopa County currently going on.

Anonymous ID: df9c4d June 22, 2021, 12:39 a.m. No.65228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5236 >>5244 >>5245


>there are no coincidences

True - because all things are in relationship.


some relationships are of greater import than others, either generally speaking or relative to some context.


things can happen synchronistically (such that the relationships may be meaningful without any visible means of coordination)


Brings to mind the idea of an 'invisible hand' at play - the idea that things that transpire harmoniously often tend to produce synchronicities that are pretty much impossible to fathom from a 3d perspective.


I'm listening right now to a redone version of a vid i've seen before on cancer cures that were quashed. Of course, we know why in the broadest sense - because DS doesn't want cures. To suppress them, the argument is often made that unless the mechanism by which the cure takes place is known (i.e., has a logical theory to account for the results), then even successful results must be rejected.


This is a tactic to suppress alt treatments but the reason it works is because our minds are not trained to go beyond logic into the world of paradox.


Working the details of a problem can also help break thru the barrier - like a zen koan.


just my 2cents

Anonymous ID: df9c4d June 22, 2021, 12:48 a.m. No.65230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5232 >>5245


NebojsaMalic Replying to @HumanEvents and



From the wording of it, seems like he's only recused from the work on Covid-19 origins and will still be involved with "equitable, transformative, green, and digital recovery"...



Anonymous ID: df9c4d June 22, 2021, 12:57 a.m. No.65231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5232 >>5245

UK Govt are making are us a ‘scientific’ laughing stock. No doubt Belarus will be next variant as they are not toeing the line.

Anonymous ID: df9c4d June 22, 2021, 1:08 a.m. No.65232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5233


>>65208 Rep. Anthony Satatini vows to keep promoting 'Constitutional carry' in Florida

>>65216 Georgia Conducting Secret 2020 Ballot Review

>>65219 Olympics-NZ weightlifter Hubbard to become first transgender athlete to compete at Games

>>65222 Why vaccinate anyway?

>>65224 Techno_Fog Reminder: We've seen Durham & Mueller cross paths before

>>65225 CM's first release of AlienLeaks 'memory holed' docs

>>65226 Anon on 1:29 events

>>65227 Nat'l Task Force on Election Crises have tried to destroy both AZ audit & GA elections

>>65229, >>65230 Daszak removed from Covid Commission or just moved around?

>>65231 Indian/Delta variant make zero impact in GB (despite govt propaganda)

Anonymous ID: df9c4d June 22, 2021, 1:41 a.m. No.65237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5245


⁣Death Sentence - Special Thanks to Dr. Rick Bright



From Dr. Vladimir Zelenko on how Dr. Rick Bright blocked the use of HCQ.


This is the story of how HCQ first came to the attn of the public (from Elon Musk), how Dr. Zelenko used it and then contacted Pres. Trump about it, and how Dr. Rick Bright, then head of BARDA, blocked its use bc (he says) his staff claimed there was no evidence to suggest it worked to treat Covid19.



"If this drug works, it's will be wonderful."




Guess who became head of the Rockefeller Foundation to Lead Pandemic Prevention Institute in March 2021?

Anonymous ID: df9c4d June 22, 2021, 1:47 a.m. No.65238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5245

Didier Raoult


Les accusations de fraude dont je suis l'objet sur Pubpeer relèvent de la diffamation.

Dans ma carrière, un seul de mes 3500 articles a été rétracté ; article pour lequel je n'avais de responsabilité ni dans la conduite des expériences, ni dans la rédaction.


Translated from French by Google ».


The accusations of fraud that i am the subject of on Pubpeer are defamation.

In my career, only one of my 3,500 articles has been retracted; article for which I had no responsibility neither in the conduct of the experiments, nor in the drafting.

Anonymous ID: df9c4d June 22, 2021, 2:02 a.m. No.65240   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes, i know Adam Smith did not intend his 'invisible hand' to be applied in that way - but it always struck me as also applicable beyond economics.


Always see Q from many angles, but most especially a [q]uantum angle. Which is just a fancy way of saying that a lot of it is beyond me (beyond my ability to account for analytically). That's ok, enjoy the mystery.


Like your meme.


Bach, yes - long time ago.

Look at Escher mostly.

on mbti, thinking is muh 3rd function - can analyze but rely more on intuition and feelz. autists r fascinating bc there's both thinking and intuition at work.

Anonymous ID: df9c4d June 22, 2021, 2:10 a.m. No.65243   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>can always repent

doctrine of repentance supports people who are sorry for what they've done

light at the end of the tunnel

but is Joe sorry?


signs points to NO (kekking a little here)

"pathos at its finest"

Anonymous ID: df9c4d June 22, 2021, 2:16 a.m. No.65245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5246


>>65208 Rep. Anthony Sabatini vows to keep promoting 'Constitutional carry' in Florida

>>65216 Georgia Conducting Secret 2020 Ballot Review

>>65219 Olympics-NZ weightlifter Hubbard to become first transgender athlete to compete at Games

>>65222 Why vaccinate anyway?

>>65224 Techno_Fog Reminder: We've seen Durham & Mueller cross paths before

>>65225 CM's first release of AlienLeaks 'memory holed' docs

>>65226, >>65228, >>65236 Anons on 1:29 events & Qs

>>65227 Nat'l Task Force on Election Crises have tried to destroy both AZ audit & GA elections

>>65229, >>65230 Daszak removed from Covid Commission or just moved around?

>>65231 Indian/Delta variant make zero impact in GB (despite govt propaganda)

>>65237 ⁣Death Sentence - Special Thanks to Dr. Rick Bright (vid)

>>65238 Dr. Didier Raoult denies fraud accusations; another brave covid doc getting suppressed

>>65239 Daily Beast thinks Joe should be able to get communion bc pedo priests can (dank keks)
