Anonymous ID: fcaa3f June 22, 2021, 10:34 p.m. No.65487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502 >>5541 >>5562 >>5591 >>5592


America's Frontline Doctors

Dr. Simone Gold



Where is the CDC? Who's looking out for the welfare of Innocent children when there Is mounting evidence of danger from a rushed experimental therapeutic?



$ KEYT NewsChannel 3 O @KEYTNC3 • 4d

Seven boys ages 14 to 19 suffered from a very rare type of heart inflammation that looks like a heart attack. It's one that public health officials are beginning to link to COVID-19 vaccines.

Anonymous ID: fcaa3f June 22, 2021, 10:45 p.m. No.65488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5492 >>5502 >>5541 >>5562 >>5591 >>5592



As I have anticipated in the article I wrote on the eve of the election, Donald Trump will win the US Presidential election convincingly, but the key events will play out after the election because the deep state will try to steal the election and overthrow Trump in the streets (


The aforementioned scenario is happening right now. Election fraud on a massive scale has been tried before the eyes of the entire world public and street riots are yet to fall upon America. In the aforementioned article, I have precisely anticipated the events that will happen in USA:


“Everything that the US is dealing with now, we the Serbs have been through, twice. We are familiar with Soros’s global criminal network better than anyone else due to the fact that we are victims of it for the last more than 30 years. The American people should look carefully at our experience because they are in great danger. The plan is clear and simple.


The deep state will try to steal the election and if that doesn’t work, they will try to overthrow Trump in the streets. If that also doesn’t work out and they can’t install their own government, the next step in the plan will be the dissolution of the United States. Some federal states will declare their independence from the country. It’s going to take a lot of courage, wisdom and trust in Trump and in themselves for the American people to avoid the fate that befell the Serbian people in the 90s.


Instructors from Canvas trained activists of these terrorist organizations and they are in charge of organising and coordinating actions in the US, all with a goal of staging a coup and overthrowing the legally and legitimately elected executive branch of government. The method is always the same. They take part in the elections and then they do not acknowledge the election results. They claim that the government that was elected is a dictatorship and then they try to overthrow it in the street. This is their modus operandi.


All of the events that took place in America since the death of George Floyd up until today are representing a form of preparations for what’s to come after the election. It is already clear that Trump will win by a landslide. However, the goal of deep state is not winning in the election, it’s overthrowing the victor on the street. They have prepared good for this scenario. This whole operation is lasting for a few months now.


The deep state was shocked by Trump’s victory in 2016 and they simply didn’t have the time to organise a violent overthrow of a newly elected President, but now they are most certainly well prepared. In 2016 they have stolen 11 million votes, but it simply wasn’t enough. Now, they are prepared to steal much more; 30 million fake IDs were manufactured, mostly in China, the rest in Balkan countries. All the evidence corroborating this and precise locations I will publish on another occasion.”


And what we are witnessing is indeed, a massive election fraud. Donald Trump had a substantial lead in all of the swing states before some of the most unusual events in the history of the elections began to happen. Vote counts were stopped, and after they were resumed a hundreds of thousand new ballots appeared, allegedly arrived by mail, and they were all in favour of candidate Joe Biden. Biden mysteriously took the lead in the number of states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, etc. And soon the media have declared him (so-called media ‘’projection”) the winner of this election.


Donald Trump and his election headquarters immediately began to point to numerous instances of irregularities and inconsistencies and soon enough the evidence of massive election fraud have started to surface.


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Anonymous ID: fcaa3f June 23, 2021, 12:40 a.m. No.65492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5494 >>5502 >>5541 >>5562 >>5591 >>5592



Officials in Michigan have admitted that 6,000 of votes cast to Trump were counted to Biden due to “software glitch”. This same software was brought into connection with “glitches” that occurred in the state of Georgia.


The company that produced voting machine which switched these votes from Biden to Trump due to “glitch” in Michigan is called Dominion Voting Systems (DVS). This company was established and has its international headquarters in Toronto while its US headquarters are in Denver, Colorado. Its voting machines are currently being used in 33 states in USA and one-third of Americans are casting their votes through the use of DVS voting machines. Since 2019 these machines were instated in Georgia, so now every swing state that determines the outcome of US Presidential election use Dominion machines to record or tally votes. Coincidentally, in this election, many irregularities occurred in all of these states during the vote counting process.


The aforementioned company conducts its internal software development by itself for all its buyers in USA, Canada and in, what is particularly interesting for us, Serbia. It is important to mention that Dominion Voting Systems was even before this election faced with serious accusations of election irregularities. One of the bigger controversies concerning Dominion was related to the theft of census data in India.


The following example is particularly interesting in regards to US Presidential Election 2020. In 2009 Dominion has concluded a contract with Smartmatic concerning the elections in the Philippines in 2010 and early elections in 2013. After these elections numerous lawsuits were launched due to allegations of omissions and fraud. Independent review of source codes that were used in Dominion’s machines discovered many problems and quality and security of its software were disputed. 'The Chairman of Smartmatic is Mark Malloch Brown, member of the British House of Lords and former Vice-President of the World Bank. He was also United Nations Deputy Secretary-General in 2006 and UK Minister (2007–2009).'


However, the most interesting thing about Malloch Brown is the fact that he is one of more important officials of Soros’s network. Cooperation between these two goes way back, even since the war in the former Yugoslav Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1993-1994). Malloch Brown was the Vice-President of the most important Soros’s organizations – the Quantum Fund and the Open Society Foundations and now he is a member of the Global Board. He is also one of the people most responsible for the creating of the infamous International Crisis Group and he is a member of its Executive Committee and Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees.


Thanks to Soros, Dominion’s voting machines are being used in the elections to the European Parliament since 2014. Dominion’s servers in which all of the data are stored are located in Frankfurt, wherein is also the head office of the European Central Bank. Dominion shares an office floor in Toronto with the Tides Foundation which is connected to George Soros (Dominion Voting Systems Shares Floor Space With Soros Group, Partnered With Soros’ Friendgroup-partnered-with-soros-friend).


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Anonymous ID: fcaa3f June 23, 2021, 12:51 a.m. No.65494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502 >>5541 >>5562 >>5591 >>5592


Next to its associations with George Soros, Dominion Voting Systems has numerous connections to the Democratic Party in the USA. The company hired Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP, a lobbying firm. One of the directors of this lobbying firm is Nadeam Elshami, former chief of staff to Democratic Leader and Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. Elshami is officially registered as a lobbyist for Dominion.


Another well-known Democrat who is connected to this election software is Richard Blum, husband of influential United States Senator Dianne Feinstein who has been a US Senator since 1992. According to the allegations made by lawyer Sidney Powell, Blum is a majority shareholder in a company that produced voting software that were used in the elections. Mainstream media have tried to deny these allegations by claiming that the only company in which Blum has made any investments is Avid which deals with graphic and video software. However, this is not exactly true. Avid did produce software that were used in these elections, including the elections in the state of Michigan. Avid advertises its own election software called LeaderPlus Election Management system and Blum is one of its investors – Blum i Avid


It is worth mentioning that Blum has lucrative financial affairs with China as well as ties to Chinese Communist Party which goes a long way to explain some of his wife’s political agenda and her voting policy in the Senate. This influential political couple was also connected to human organ trafficking. The use of the video software in elections can be best observed in reports made by American mainstream media which use this video applications to follow the election process. Take a look at this video and notice how, during the process of entering new results, the number of votes that were cast for Trump is decreasing. Not the percentage, but the number of votes! This video is constantly being censored and removed from YouTube and social networks.


The Clinton Foundation is also connected to Dominion Voting Systems. In 2014 Dominion has made a donation to The Clinton Foundation to be used for the DELIAN Project.


What is interesting about American elections of 2020 is the fact that roughly 20 percent of all of hardware and software components of voting machines, made by every single manufacturer that were used in these elections came from China.


The information that is particularly interesting to us is that the software for these voting machines was written in SERBIA which has been confirmed by the representative of Dominion’s branch in Serbia Bojan Djordjevic.


This Bojan Djordjevic, although not active on Twitter, has a Twitter account and he has been intensively following my tweets concerning US Presidential election 2020.


So, immediately after I have published the information that this software was written in representation of Dominion in Serbia and that he is its representative, he got scared so first, he blocked me, then he unblocked me, and then he tried to deny his connection to Dominion software claiming that he left the company two years ago and moved to Munich. This of course is not true. The data we can find at the official site of Serbian Business Registers Agency (APR) confirms that Djordjevic is still the legal representative and a responsible person in Serbian branch of the company Dominion Voting Systems.


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Anonymous ID: fcaa3f June 23, 2021, 1:04 a.m. No.65496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5497 >>5502 >>5541 >>5562 >>5591 >>5592

Visibly scared Djordjevic then deleted his tweets and locked his twitter account.'


He will get his opportunity to present his defense in front of American investigative and judicial authorities, provided of course that he’s lucky, considering the fact that he now represents a problematic witness and a weak link to his employers and they will certainly have an interest to eliminate him.


In the eve of the US Presidential election 2016, Vice President and one of the shareholders of Dominion Voting Systems, Goran Obradovic commented on the company for Serbian media, praising the work of Serbian IT experts in the article titled “Smart people from Serbia are Counting Votes for Hillary and Trump” (


To our great regret, in the US Presidential election 2020 during their vote counting, Serbian IT experts who are working on behalf of the globalists have indeed disregarded the electoral will of the American people. The aforementioned case is not the only instance of foreign interference in US elections that came from Serbia. This is only logical, considering the fact that Serbia has been a colony of Soros and the globalists for more than 20 years. Our country and whole of the Balkans is their greatest stronghold.


According to the claims of one of the creators of these election software, the owners of voting machines intentionally programmed the voting machines’ operating program to use decimal numbers when tallying votes, and to allow external remote access to the voting machines through a Remote Software Interface.


Since 2005 Dominion Voting Software has a representation in Serbia and it is a part of implementation of globalist agenda. The quality of the software written by “the experts” from Dominion’s Belgrade office is best illustrated by the software “glitch” that was discovered in Antrim County in northern Michigan. The aforementioned county is traditionally Republican. In the last 32 out of 34 elections, Republicans came out victorious while Trump himself won the county in 2016 taking 62 percent of the votes. In this Presidential election, at first, the winner was Biden, but then during first routine control it was discovered that due to a “software glitch” 6.000 votes were misallocated to Biden, instead of Trump. After the correction of this mistake, Trump won the county. Voting equipment produced by Dominion Voting systems is being used in 69 out of 83 counties in Michigan. The fact that this isn’t some kind of mistake is confirmed by the information that the voting machines in another Michigan county, Wayne County, were hooked up on internet in the time of vote counting, on November 3, 2020 at 11 pm, configured to the Serbian IP address, and thousands of votes given by the voters to Trump were from Serbia transferred to Biden.


The example in Michigan shows that a computer algorithm was in place to lower Trump’s votes as a function of percentage of Republicans in a precinct. This is how we came to completely illogical and false data that support to Trump has decreased in Republican dominant precincts.


Right from the beginning, the program has been set up in such a way that every time Trump receives 3 votes, 1 vote is added to Biden. A number of mistakes and malwares were added to the software and additional manipulation were done over the internet, from Serbian IP address.


Dominion software’s external network is configured to the Serbian IP address. The internet network being used by that IP address is SBB. The IP address leads us to a location in Belgrade, Zoran Djindjic Boulevard. In the building located at the aforementioned address we can find multiple companies – Opportunity Bank Serbia, internet provider EUnet, but also the headquarters of the leading Serbian cable and internet provider SBB. SBB is owned by an American fund called KKR and George Soros. The chairman of KKR is David Petraeus, former Head of CIA.


Petraeus began working for Soros in 2000, at the time when he was stationed within IFOR forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was also the director of Soros’s organization called MoveOn. He was the director of CIA during Presidential administration of one Barrack Obama, from 2008 to 2010. SBB owns the television channel called N1 which is a branch of CNN for Balkans and the television channel Nova S. SBB also acquired the license for the television channel Newsmax Adria. Even though this channel in the US is inclined towards President Trump, in Serbia it follows the lead of other Soros’s media. Its editor-in-chief is one of the most active Biden’s supporters on Twitter Slobodan Georgiev. Minority partners in SBB are Dragan Solak, who manages the field work of the company and Dragan Djilas, a politician from opposition and former Mayor of Belgrade.


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Anonymous ID: fcaa3f June 23, 2021, 1:40 a.m. No.65501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502 >>5541 >>5562 >>5591 >>5592

Exclusive: Irish FOI Data-Release Proves Hospitals Were Never Under Strain in 2020


Update: Gript ran a piece on March 11 criticising the inferences of our article below, and here’s our recently published rebuttal. After reading the below ask yourself, why are Gript not going after St James’s hospital for what they did? can exclusively reveal that Irish hospitals were never under strain throughout 2020, based on newly released official health system hospital data arising from our freedom of information request. If you’re in a hurry, scroll to the section on St. James’s hospital.


The contradiction between the official data and representations that the health service has been under dangerous strain is obviously extremely important. The charts below will show you just how how busy Irish hospitals have been.


The new data directly contradicts the reporting and statements of Irish politicians, RTE and other Irish mainstream media, and the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) covid-body NPHET. These Irish establishment bodies have consistently told the public that the hospital system was at breaking point since the Covid issue surfaced. Their own HSE data completely contradicts that contention.


We requested a specific dataset from the HSE on the 2nd of February. We asked for:


It took five weeks, but we now have that data. It shows conclusively that hospitals were never at breaking point and they were operating far below capacity all year.


The idea of an extremely stressed health service is still one of the key pillars used to justify the Irish Government’s unscientific lockdowns and mask mandates, both of which have no basis in science and have been argued to be examples of crimes against humanity.

Anonymous ID: fcaa3f June 23, 2021, 1:49 a.m. No.65502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5503 >>5506

>>65478 dough


#338 earlies

>>65487 Who's looking out for the welfare of Innocent children when there Is mounting evidence of danger from a rushed experimental therapeutic?

>>65488, >>65492. >>65494, >>65496. >>65497 THE SERBIAN SOFTWARE AND THE ELECTION FRAUD IN USA

>>65489, >>65490 Anon on 1:29 Q posts

>>65491 Catherine "the pen" Herridge on DOJ litigation re John Bolton

>>65498 Scavino: OHIO — IS GOING TO BE INSANE!

>>65500 Rand Paul TEARS Into Senate Witness for Indiscriminately Pushing Vaccines

>>65501 Irish FOI Data-Release Proves Hospitals Were Never Under Strain in 2020


Anonymous ID: fcaa3f June 23, 2021, 10:48 a.m. No.65572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5573


teens about to depart for adventures, i'm gonna back to sleep soon. not quite ready for prime time today. Not sure what the status of masks are, changing daily round here. Best Buy ok, other stores not sure.

Anonymous ID: fcaa3f June 23, 2021, 11:16 a.m. No.65586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5588


Vice President Kamala Harris will visit the U.S/Mexico border on Friday