Anonymous ID: de930a June 23, 2021, 1:30 p.m. No.65647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5671 >>5677

LEAKED CABLE: Hillary Clinton Privately Warned France that Wuhan P4 Lab May Lead to Bioweapon Research


In a leaked State Department cable from 2009, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that the Wuhan Institute of Virology could lead to “biological weapons proliferation concern.”


The cable, obtained via Wikileaks, was sent from the State Department in June 2009 to all embassies in member nations ahead of the Australia Group plenary session in Paris, September 21-25, 2009. The Australia Group is an international export control forum organized to prevent the spread of technologies and research that could be used in chemical and biological weapons. All Five Eyes nations are members of the group, including the EU, India, Japan, and South Korea. China is not a member of the group.


The cable stated, “We believe it is important to focus on emerging chemical and biological technologies, trends in the trade of CBW-related goods and threats.”


When it came to France, Secretary Clinton’s cable noted:


“The U.S. believes participants would benefit from hearing about your experiences assisting China in setting up a Biosafety Level-4 (BSL-4) laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology from the export control and intangible technology transfer perspectives. We are particularly interested to know how China plans to vet incoming foreign researchers from countries of biological weapons proliferation concern.”


More broadly on the question of China’s biological weapons program, Secretary Clinton’s cable noted:


“The U.S. believes AG members would be interested in any information you can share related to China and North Korea, specifically information related to:


China’s Institutes of Biological Products (locations in Beijing and Wuhan), to include overhead imagery analysis, if possible.


Your perceptions of the CBW proliferation activities by Chinese entities.


Your perceptions of Chinese government efforts to enforce its export control rules.”


Since the outbreak of COVID19 and questions surrounding the Wuhan lab, Hillary Clinton has never spoken publicly of these concerns, but has attacked people bringing them up as racist, and blamed them for attacks on Asian-Americans, without evidence.

Anonymous ID: de930a June 23, 2021, 1:38 p.m. No.65651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5671 >>5677

Fulton County (Atlanta) “We Will Not Count Counterfeit Ballots in Future Elections”: Wait, That’s Their Defense???


In another one of those you can’t make this sh*t up editions from The DC Patriot, the dolts running the defense for Fulton County, Georgia (Atlanta) literally told a judge and the plaintiffs that they’ll be good from now on, just don’t do a re-count in Georgia.


The judge that is presiding over the Fulton County election case was expected to rule on whether or not the inspection of the physical ballots that were cast and counted during the 2020 elections would proceed. Judge Brian Amero’s ruling will decide on if an independent election audit can go forward as planned in Georgia.


During the insanity of the proceedings, the petitioners made their case that the examination of the ballots should proceed as planned to determine if the fraudulent counting of double ballots occurred in the state.


“We are uncertain as to the weight and value of our vote, my clients’ votes, going forward,” the claimants argued. “And that’s what we are trying to address. We are not trying to address the results of the November election.”


“We have asked to see the ballots,” the lawyer continued. “Because we think that’s the best evidence to show that this kind of conduct didn’t occur and won’t occur in the future.”


“But our request for the ballots was actually a discovery request,” he added.


The lawyers then asked the judges to deny the motions of sovereign immunity being claimed by the state to keep the ballots from being subpoenaed for discovery.


What do they have to hide America? If you won an election fair and square, just do the damn audit, right?


The lawyer then asked the Fulton County Election Board’s defense to respond to the claimants and on behalf of the motion to dismiss.


The Fulton County defense attorneys made note that there were open investigations being conducted by the Secretary of State into the allegations of fraud from the claimants, including the issue of machine-generated ballots and multiple tabulation of absentee ballots at State Farm Arena.


The defense claimed that the results of those investigations do not corroborate the claimants’ allegations, but those results have not been made public yet.


The defense then addressed the petitioners’ complaint as represented by the legal team that ‘my clients are uncertain whether their vote is going to count in the future.’


“If you look at his second amended complaint,” the defense noted, “What he asked the court to do is to grant a permanent injunction to enjoin and prohibit the respondents from counting counterfeit ballots in future elections.”


“We agree with that. We will not count counterfeit ballots in future elections,” the Fulton County defense conceded. “Even if we were to assume for the sake of argument that they were right, that they were counted in the past, and we are not admitting that, we agree you can’t count counterfeit ballots. You can’t scan absentee ballots twice. You can’t count somebody’s vote twice.”


The defense then claimed there is no “current controversy” despite the fact they are fighting like hell to not do an audit on an election they supposedly won so convincingly in 2020.

Anonymous ID: de930a June 23, 2021, 1:40 p.m. No.65654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5671 >>5677

'No business doing that': Wis. official says Zuckerberg-funded group seized control of 2020 election


Brown County clerk Sandy Juno says private money displaced career election experts, may have violated state law.


The now-retired elections clerk in a key Wisconsin county says political activists working for a group funded by Mark Zuckerberg money seized control of the November elections in Green Bay and other cities, sidelining career experts and making last-minute changes that may have violated state law.


"They had no business doing that," ex-Brown County Clerk Sandy Juno told Just the News, recounting how funding from the Zuckerberg-backed Center for Tech and Civic Life injected chaos and unnecessary changes to how ballots were counted in Green Bay in November.


Juno, a Republican who helped administer her county's elections for 22 years, also called on policymakers to ban future grant money going from rich donors to local election referees because of the potential for corrupt influence.


"We need to be really on top of this, because if this is how elections are going to go, we won't have election integrity," Juno warned.


Juno told Just the News editor-in-chief John Solomon on Tuesday night's "Securing our Elections: Protecting Your Vote" special on Real America's Voice that election management in Green Bay was turned on its head last year after a massive infusion of cash from CTCL.


The group poured millions of dollars into multiple key Wisconsin Democratic strongholds in the months leading up to last year's presidential race, ostensibly in an effort to shore up voting systems and infrastructure amid the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic. The organization was ultimately funded with more than a third of a billion dollars by Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan; that money was funneled to additional election funding efforts across the country.


Juno claimed that following the infusion of the CTCL cash into Green Bay "the mayor's office and chief of staff began to take over election functions."


"And that is not something under state statutes they have the authority to do," she said, "because under Wisconsin law, municipal clerks, the county clerk and the Wisconsin Elections Commission are the individuals charged with running elections."


Juno said the COVID-19 pandemic had already thrown the year into chaos prior to CTCL's involvement in Wisconsin's elections.


"As we got closer to the November election," she said, "we found out that this outside group had come in and was basically trying to redo our forms and documents that we use statewide. And these people were from out of state and had no business doing that."


"So they were beginning to get involved with things that they didn't have the expertise," she continued. "They were working primarily with our five major Democratic base cities. So they were breaking the consistency of documents and processes and procedures used statewide."