ThanQ Baker!
These might be worth another look:
PAST Notables on QRB Involving Ghislaine Maxwell Companies and Friends
>>627, >>641, >>649 Dig on attendees of NYSPCC annual Spring Luncheon in 2013, including Ghislaine Maxwell
>>823 TerraMar Project Inc. IRS Form 990 copies for 2017/2016, Anon says "huge red flags, accounting-wise"
>>960, >>972, >>1029 Moar on TerraMar Project
>>1004, >>1022 Maxwell cleaning house? TerraMar Project ceases all operations as of TODAY (Anons on the right track..)
>>1588 Ghislaine Maxwell associated companies updated dig; "Ellmax, LLC" connections
>>1726 Robert Maxwell dig
>>3323 Was Heidi Klum Helping Maxwells Recruit Girls?
>>3948 Anon Update: Ghislane Maxwell's companies
Thoughts on Q post #3428
>Follow the Family.
>UK/US 1&2
>Umbrella SURV (leapfrog [1-4] points of contact).
>Open source.
>Find [4]
I was interpreting this as:
The family has left a trail (of companies/foundations/LLCs) starting in UK then moving onto US (1&2)
Limited Liability Company
Umbrella SURV (still not sure on the SURV definition) has a total of 4 different points of contact (company locations?) that we can find via Open Source.
We need to find source #4
If the first location was in UK, could it be like this?
UK = London
US = New York
US = Florida
US = Virgin Islands
Past digs have showed the movement of Maxwell from London to New York to escape her fathers scandal.
And she’s mirrored her companies to be registered in both UK & US.
…ug, just throwing throwing this out there to see if Hive Mind will kick in.
another anon pointed the out this article earlier:
After reading the article, I agreed with the authors question? Why go specifically to Teterboro Airport to get arrested?
And now I’m wondering about something that’s bugged me about Q Post #3418.
Epstein was arrested in New Jersey…..not New York City.
It was a joint FBI/NYPD arrest, but it happened in New Jersey.
What does that imply….I’m not a lawfag, so I’m in the dark on this point. But why NJ?
Why would he CHOOSE to be arrested in New Jersey?
Teterboro Airport…”is owned and managed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey”
But is there some legal implication in being at Teterboro instead of a similar airport in New York City? Does it matter?
He’s being held at MCC in New York City, but was arrested in New Jersey….do these facts impact this arrest in some legal or jurisdictional way?
Apologies if this was already dug up earlier…
so why would Q be pointing out the location, specifically the city, of the arrest? his post #3418 says:
>What city was Epstein arrested in?
no, it was teterboro, new jersey
>Watch CA.
trying to figure out why it matters that it was teterboro not nyc?