Well, something that NEVER leaves my mind is THE VIDEO.. The one Q keeps telling us to listen to over and over and over...
This is the one where Trump says "We are going to create a NEW GOVERNMENT. I shake in my boots when I hear that because the basis of our government is The Constitution. If we are making a NEW government that means that we can kiss that baby goodbye.
Have any of you ever sat back and thought about what an improvement on that document would be? I do CONSTANTLY. This would be a good topic of conversation if that is actually what is going on and not just the ravings of a lunatic (me).
Next is the financial system. Anyone paying attention knows now that we are going to a hard money system of gold and silver. Hopefully full specie as opposed to some sort of backed fiat. I mean full fucking gold window. How will this operate in a digital world? I assumed some sort of automated system of vaulting and crypto currency that humans never touch BUT President Trump came out as Anti-crypto currency so flush that shit.
How about voting? Land ownership? Personal privacy in the internet world (IBOR) there is a bottomless world of shit that can be dug on those topics. I have posted them off and on and never got much traction but I am fully obsessed with them.
If you ever read the Federalist Papers you will see that there is a heated back and forth between a bunch of smart oldfags about a lot of shit. JUST. LIKE. HERE.
I think it would be a noble set of digs to seriously get into the nuts and bolts of describing a new governmental system that is an improvement on The Constitution. I feel like a fucking arrogant asshole even speaking these words because I am just a guy on the internet and not some genious or amazing academic but there were probably some of the founding fathers who were the same. We very well may be the people forming the new republic right now with our interactions. think about that for a minute.
Why did Q post The Declaration of Independence? Why "We are going to create a new government" from Potus? Stretch out and hydrate boys because I believe this is our task. This is why we are here.
If anyone wants to get into that shit I will post like a mofo on those topics. It is little-dug and the only things I have seen are mentions of IBOR and Gold Standard.
There is so much more in The Constituiton though. So much that is lost and forgotten. For instance, my number one favorite idea/power of the people which is ALLODIAL TITLE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP. I have posted about this a lot and never gotten much traction.
What about all the hidden advanced tech that is going to come pouring out here soon... How are we going to handle that shit. Any ideas? Have any of you looked into Electrogravitics? Its all real from what I can tell and just supressed. I can provide mountains of information on it from things I have found over the years. I am not a phd physics/engineeringfag so it is tough for me to get too deep into it but it is BOTTOMLESS. Most of is is probably weaponizable.
Speaking of weapons. How would a properly worded 2A look? Have you tried to write your own 2A then had others try to break it? Obviously it is mostly gone today compared to what it used to be. Hell people used to own privage GUNSHIPS which were the pinnacle of military tech. They were called Privateers and today they bitch about an 11 round mag or a short barrel rifle... 2A is gone and we need it back...
Remember, little more than 100 years ago you could take a gold coin and walk into a local hardware store, buy a machine gun, ammo, a bottle of whiskey and parts to make an alcohol distillation system, and a box of dynamite and some blasting caps to blow stumps on your farm. Load it up right outside the store, head over to the school and pick up your kids from school... AND NO ONE WOULD BAT AN EYE...
"Gotta shoot some coyotes and blow some stups on yer farm fella? Be careful!" would be the only comment.
Thats freedom. Thats liberty. In that world it is NOT POSSIBLE for the IRS to take your land for some mis-filed form. This is not possible under an ALlodial title system. There is no IRS because it is not needed because most of government is not needed.
Why the hell do I have to sit here... Like I was the other day... shopping for literally the cheapest legal residence for sale in the state of Idaho (where I do not live) so that I can claim that it is my home so that I can homeschool my children without the state of Oregon sticking its big fucking nose into my classroom (Ron Paul Liberty School) and testing my kids on their shithead garbage information.
If you want to dig then step back from the tactical front lines gunnery of Qposts and come back to the strategy office and start to THINK BIG.