There may be some connections between Epstein and Raniere - loosely, that Ray Chandler worked for both of them in procuring. Both these idiots are similar in their back story: both worked in places where they claimed an education they didn't have - yet, held teaching jobs. Then, there's the 'where is the money coming from?' I dunno. Betting we'll find tax dollars mingled in the checkbook in the end.
As well, Raniere doesn't get to find his fate until Sept; but, more indictments were supposed to be coming before then. What if those indictments might include some of the same people in Epstein's World of Misery? What if these 2 cases are connected somehow?
And, has anybody looked into Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother? He's a psychiatrist dba in NY, I believe - psychotherapy. Mind control. Now, there's a connection.
Link to Mark:
Maybe we should be looking at how other things 'connect' to the whole? Just sayin.