Anonymous ID: f88510 June 30, 2021, 12:45 p.m. No.67888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7932 >>7956



Two-Tier Lockdown: Tory Govt Exempts Elite ‘Senior Executives’ From COVID Quarantine


Just days after the government minister who implemented Britain’s long-running lockdown was sensationally caught ignoring his own rules, the UK has implemented a new exemption for “senior executives” to ignore coronavirus quarantines as well.


On Tuesday, the Tory government announced that business elites who have travelled to Britain for “business activities which are likely to be of significant economic benefit to the UK,” will be exempt from the coronavirus quarantine diktats which have been imposed on ordinary travellers.


“This exemption is designed to enable activity that creates and preserves UK jobs and investment, while taking steps to ensure public health risks are minimised,” the government claimed.


The “significant economic benefit” clause will apply to elites who present a 50 per cent chance of creating or preserving at least 500 UK-based jobs in either an existing British business or to open up a new business within the next two years.


Heritage Party leader and prominent lockdown sceptic David Kurten said that the announcement on Monday proves that it is time to end the lockdown, saying:“If there were a deadly killer virus that needs travel restrictions for all, there would be no exceptions.”


The Mayor of Manchester, Andy Burnham said that it is the “wrong move at the wrong time. It can’t be one rule for the rich and another for the rest.”


The revelation comes just days after Health Secretary Matt Hancock was forced to resign after it emerged that he had breached the very draconian lockdown restrictions he pushed over the past year through having a romantic affair with a top staffer.




Despite being caught on film violating the lockdown restrictions — and his marriage vows — the Metropolitan Police have said that they will not investigate Mr Hancock, stating: “As a matter of course the MPS is not investigating Covid related issues retrospectively.”


The alleged prohibition on not investigating lockdown breaches “retrospectively” was apparently not heeded by officers who came to the doorstep of a woman and threatening to arrest her for alleged involvement in organising an anti-lockdown protest in May.

Anonymous ID: f88510 June 30, 2021, 12:48 p.m. No.67890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7932 >>7956

The greatest threat to humanity isn’t “covid,” but rather the Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex


Back in January, Jonathan Latham, PhD, coined the term “Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex” to describe one of the greatest existential threats to humanity.


As opposed to some “virus,” the biggest threat that humanity faces is the ever-encroaching system of fascist tyranny whereby corporations and government have merged and are now feeding off one another to perpetuate “health crises” for profit.


The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic” is merely the latest example of this corrupt system, which “leverages money for private profit,” to quote Dr. Joseph Mercola.


“It includes philanthropic organizations that act as string-pullers, influencers and profit centers, the Defense Department, which is both a cash cow and a provocateur, academics, who provide public relations, and academic nonprofits that act as money launderers,” Mercola adds.


Because the Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex has an image to maintain, it strives to look respectable by pretending to be both beneficial and transparent. This is why academia, the philanthropic sector, and other “authoritative” entities are usually brought in to serve as cover.


“Together, they help obscure the real agenda under a veneer of respectability and public good,” Mercola warns.


“One of the latest propaganda tactics employed in an effort to shape public opinion and discourage inquisitiveness is to accuse all inquiries of being ‘anti-science.’”