Anonymous ID: 04d0d9 June 30, 2021, 9:25 p.m. No.68010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8015 >>8030 >>8035


After watching the "Vaxxed Subjects Give off EMF" video today my mind started racing with possibilities, so here is just one moar evaluation to throw in the realm of possibilities.


Q1: Is the frequency detected in the vaxxed subject due to 1) excitation of the vaxx-introduced material or 2) is the material the source of the frequency.


If the answer to Q1 is 1), then what is providing the excitation energy? 5G? Other ambient signals? One possible way to test is to evaluate the subject in a Faraday cage, or way out some place where there is minimal electromagnetic "noise"


If the answer to Q1 is 2) then the source is drawing energy from its host like a parasite. Again testing in an EMF-free environment would help answer this.


Q2: Are the measured frequencies coming from the subject 1) specific to the the subject or is it 2)a common frequency.


If the answer to Q2 is 1) the each vaxxed subject now has a uniquely identifiable signature. They've effectively been tagged like cattle. I think every person that carries a cell phone is already tagged, but no phone, no ID. Here is a thought, was COVID contact tracing a beta test for vaxx signature tracing?


If the answer to Q2 is 2) then the subject has more of a vaccine passport situation going on. The detectable frequency shows that the subject has the vaxx. And if there is no frequency, the subject is not vaxxed. The sheep can be separated from the goats.



Anonymous ID: 04d0d9 June 30, 2021, 9:25 p.m. No.68011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8013 >>8030 >>8035


So now think of the possibilities. Going through security at the airport. Just walk through a scanner an have your personal frequency ID you to a system managed by Oracle or Google or whoever. Could the airport scanners installed after 9-11 have been a part of plan like this?


Someone who isn't vaxxed could develop a device to broadcast a vaxxed subjects frequency. But, if they go through a micrometer airport scanner, the device surely would be seen.... "raise your arms please"


just think of the tracking... A version of the shoplifting scanners at store entrances could be used to read and report a subjects personal frequency, but so could a next gen router, or cell tower modem, or how about the EZ-pass toll road devices? Instead of a reading radio tag, read the subject. An extensive network of unlimited types of sensors could track a vaxxed subject anywhere. A connected and managed network of sensors could restrict and grant the subject's freedom in every aspect of there life. Just think of the data, any one who owned patents on collecting and processing it would make a fortune and have unlimited power over the masses.


There is plenty of potential for digs here for patents on sensors or tracking tech or for research papers on associated tech or studies on physiology or psychology.

