Anonymous ID: 6f60ae June 30, 2021, 6:28 p.m. No.67973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7974 >>7975



so board went down for a while?


i was changing out comcast router for another one just naow, might connect better and has a usb port - can set up bu hard drive for all 'puters, i hope

still not completely set up but i can at least computer connects now

will prolly need help connecting printers, right now dey only work via ethernet, but i take it one step at a time

Anonymous ID: 6f60ae June 30, 2021, 7:25 p.m. No.67986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7987 >>8015 >>8030 >>8035

What's really in the jab?


Dr. Richard Fleming - clip from a longer talk.

looks like he's got an MD, PhD and law degree - very incisive thinker.

DEVASTATING 3 minutes.


There is more in the vaxxes than the spiked protein (which is bad enough).

Two particularly alarming points:

(a) vaxxes make antibodies to the nuclear capsid (why?) and (b) any RNA leakage will produce a prion-like disease, see below.


Key points:

  • Shedding: is not a new concept

  • Scientists knew about it in 1995

  • 2021 Japanese Pfizer study - shows vaccinated components in all body organs within hours, not just site of injection

  • new Harvard study shows virus particles around the bodies

  • it's making antibodies to the nuclear capsid

- so what's in the vaccines that's making antibodies to the nuclear capsid???

  • 2017: Moderna pub paper shows that lipid nano particles on flu vax - got into the brain and many body organs/muscles

  • if shedding doesn't exist, why did FDA and HHS publish a pub on shedding from vaccines it in 2015?

  • prion-like diseases: DNA belongs inside of nucleus or cell mitochondria, RNA belongs inside of your cells

-if RNA is outside of your cells, it is a prion.Vaxxes contain mRNA.

  • ANY leakage of that material produces a prion-like disease.



A subset of nuclear replicating viruses assemble their capsid into the nucleus.


Capsid - The capsid is the protein shell that encloses the nucleic acid with its enclosed nucleic acid


Other info from Dr. Fleming:

didn't load properly - bet he's kicked off soon, material he shares is really HOT