Anonymous ID: 76c09e June 30, 2021, 7:33 p.m. No.67992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8030 >>8035

President ~~Mao~~ Xi says CCP changed China's destiny and world's development


President hails socialism with Chinese characteristics in anniversary speech.


President Xi Jinping called on Chinese people to build a modern a socialist country, calling socialism as more successful model of governance than Western democracy.


Speaking at a ceremony in Tiananmen Square to mark the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi hailed the system of Marxism with Chinese characteristics for the country's rise to become the world's second largest economy. "The CCP has changed China's future and destiny, as well as the trend and structure of world's development," Xi, who leads the party as secretary-general, said in front of 70,000 people. Dressed a gray Mao suit, Xi was joined by the CCP top leadership and former leaders including Wen Jiabao. The event was broadcast live on national television and social media. Xi's speech was preceded by a flyovers of helicopters and advanced warplanes, including the J-20 stealth jet. Students pledged loyalty to the party. Xi's speech reflects increased confidence in the CCP's political legitimacy, as few signs emerge that the People's Republic of China might collapse like the Soviet Union in 1991.


In recent weeks, state media has defended the CCP's track record, pointing to China's economic growth and efficient COVID-19 control, juxtaposing it against the West. In some Western countries, the ruling parties have been reduced to serving only a few, becoming political organizations "of the 1 percent, by the 1 percent, for the 1 percent," Xinhua wrote on Wednesday. "In contrast, the CCP has remained committed to representing the fundamental will of the majority of the people." "I feel proud as a member of the party," Su Jun, a 32-year old civil servant in Nanjing said about CCP-led modernization, achieved sincer China opened up its markets in 1979.


Like many other party members, Su sees the ongoing tension with the U.S. as an attempt to curb China's rise. "We will work harder to support local companies affected by the tension," he said.

Anonymous ID: 76c09e June 30, 2021, 8:15 p.m. No.68000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8001


trips confirm.


Told ya they were married to this when that started in Oct.

dis why i habs no interest in 'communicating' with them.

It will never change.

had 2 posts in dere all day.