Anonymous ID: b2cdba Aug. 8, 2021, 2:33 p.m. No.80553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0554

>>80527 pb

anon keeps an open mind.

anon was met by someone who claimed to be from .... one of those places off-planet Earth and that person predicted the future for me in a few key ways.

also to add:

The character told me if I ever related the story of the meeting with him I would have to relate this:

I'm supposed to say this:

"My hands (and those of my people / race?) are very beautiful and adept.. (They are highly advanced) The people here (on this planet Earth) see them (my hands) as claws. They see them that way because of their own impurity"


(which ended-up reminding me of DJT POTUS.?. mind you the encounter was in '74 same season PK Dick had his conversion to Christianity (as a result of grace entering him through a fish pendant - so Dick claims)- so that's a very long time ago; another world really.)


So how many years later... a stupid friend was going on about POTUS hands.. Some made-up "joke" Hateful.. along the lines of "Red Man Bad" and anon realized the newspapers were making some kind of deal about DJT's hands; as though there were something wrong with them..

So that led me to remember what I was told to say by this alleged visitor from another world system.

Obviously there's an odd synchronicity with a beat of 45~ years, but the principle still remains.. They see Trump as evil and ugly because of their own nature.


Obviously could be zero connection. Still, I think it's funny/strange;

When anons complain how long it's taking?


The rhythm is so slow? We can barely hear it?

Scale is so big, we can't see it.

Like people who think the Earth is flat because of what's happening locally? Can't see the big picture? It's just too big.

(anon never believed in "aliens" except that anon supposedly ( I remember ) met one).


Like RFK jr. , as he relates about himself, he never believed in conspiracy theories until a friend forced him to look at the Noguchi autopsy report on his father.:

You have to be shown? not told?

anon finally figured out why Noguchi told the truth on that RFK autopsy report while he lied many others?.

anon read it in a book recently, "Broken Glory" by Ed Sanders (and graphic artist). That there were 3 overseers to Nacuchi's work who stood by and watched. Marine officers, two of them.

So the record couldn't be "fixed" on that one? As much as Noguchi might have wanted to?

Didn't seem to create a blip in the Official official story though

Notice how POTUS recently mis-spelled 'Official?"


Book by Edward Sanders goes over the killing of RFK in great detail. Sanders is a poet-historian. Who would know RFK was shot from behind the ear by a body guard, if not for Sanders?

anon sure would not have known, and didn't.

(anon figured out why Adam Parfrey of Feral Press, hated Ed Sanders so passionately? Maybe just because Adam was punk generation - hated rock and roll and Sanders of the Hippies and a rock and roll star in his day? )

"Process Church".?

Sanders studied it and wrote about it; dared to call it out as Satanism? Parfrey strongly denied that. Sanders wrote about the "Process Church" in his book on the Manson Family and was sued by them, Parfrey published a reprint of their magazines. Parfrey named his second publishing company. "Process Media" but said it had nothing to do with the Process Church. He knew the principal creators of the Process Church and denied being a member.

anon thinks Sanders knew more about the Process Church than he could write about?

It's rumored Process Church is still active.(see attached)


If you read "Broken Glory" about RFK killing you'll likely get very angry. Large conspiracy surrounding RFK, surrounded by enemies who directed him to where he needed to go for their plot, FBI and C-A in on it ABSOLUTELY


Noguchi got in a lot of trouble for not lying hard enough.

Military Personnel on Hand at the Autopsy

"Consultants from the Armed Forces institute of Pathology

Pierre A. Finck

Colonel, MC USA

Chief, Military Environmental Pathology Division and

Chief, Wound Ballistics Division


Charles J. Stahl, III

Commander, MC, USN

Chief, Forensic Pathology Branch and

Assistant Chief, Military Environmental Pathology Division


Kenneth Earl, M.D.

Chief, Neuropathology Branch"

Anonymous ID: b2cdba Aug. 8, 2021, 3:11 p.m. No.80554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0555 >>0567


Maybe the Manson Killings were staged to draw attention away from the Kennedy killing?

link belongs to last post.


"The Tate Murders were a False Flag

and the Greatest Unknown Success Story

of Project CHAOS"

Check out the crime scene photos if you wanna learn about it?

Anonymous ID: b2cdba Aug. 8, 2021, 7:04 p.m. No.80615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0638 >>0643


The JFK killing mystery was to a large extent, the forensic part, solved in the '90's by a series of conferences of experts put together by James Fetzer.

He also used a team of experts to unpack the Zapruder film, which was altered.

There's a good series of books on the subject from the 90's edited by Fetzer. It's pretty much settled.

Though, of course, the perps want to remain an open question forever.

"We'll never know" is the Propaganda line they push.

Anonymous ID: b2cdba Aug. 8, 2021, 7:18 p.m. No.80618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0619 >>0620


They [the giant clique of perps who've benefitted from the crime for all these years] want you to never reach the final obvious conclusion. And have been pretty successful putting that off; except with the people who specialize in the study of it.

Now that people see what's going on because it's become more plain; to a great extent, it's become obvious ("revelation of the method") what did happen before is clearer. Before now, it might have been harder to 'get.' extent of the crookedness "That's too large of a conspiracy. Someone would talk " But now, with the events we are witnessing, it's easier to understand the past.

Future has proved past.

Before now people might have not gone so far to believe it, without a great deal of study.. And even then, most people couldn't draw the conclusion; didn't have the courage; Couldn't see what was right in front of them.

Now it's easier, because its upon us.

Anonymous ID: b2cdba Aug. 8, 2021, 8:11 p.m. No.80632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0633 >>0641


anon sees the history a little different from the way you present it, having lived through it actually and not just heard stories or opinions or read about it. (Not that "I was There-ers" usually know anything about what really happened). keke

yeah, but as you present it, one can tell you weren't actually there, but just heard.

Most of what you say anon agrees with, that being said.

The Mass Media and then the Internet communication were weaponized. Likely, the inventors knew from the start that those technologies had a potential to awaken the public, and so worked to counteract what would normally have happened naturally otherwise, (if the programming had been left alone by the dominators?) Same with motion pictures.

Culture Creation, couldn't stop themselves? Tweeking the story-telling.

JFK killing was experienced through TV, like the 9/11. The teacher turned on the TV in the classroom - which was never before or otherwise turned on. Was it deliberate? Everyone seemed to experience the trauma together.. Same thing was done for 9/11. TV's were turned on in classrooms. So in that sense those events might have affected people differently than earlier Presidential assassinations or attacks?

cf Marshall McLuhan "Understanding Media" He's not perfect, but very helpful)

Also, people knew JFK was different. Like they know Trump is different, so they had great expectations of what he could do for us - how he could lead us to our potential. Like Trump.

John Kennedy was also hated and targeted, like Trump; for what he planned to do.

Perhaps there was that faith and hope in Lincoln too. anon is less than an expert in Lincoln.

Perhaps the Internet communication system boomeranged on them? (As the Q team movie "The Plan" implied happened with the mass surveillance system; it got turned around against the kabal, So we were told_? "FISA works both ways?)

Lot of learning done through that computer Internets tech, for those who care to?

Especially in teams.

One Internet year of learning = ? How much in regular pre-1995 years? If you really work at it?


There's still a few good memes over there anon likes to harvest.

otherwise, sayonara


dirty onion strikes again.

Anonymous ID: b2cdba Aug. 8, 2021, 8:23 p.m. No.80634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0636


anon disagrees.. I say the problems are from Europe.

No region has a corner on evil people?

I say they are all in L.A.

My ancestor said they all moved to TX.
