Anonymous ID: 2976b0 Aug. 11, 2021, 6:34 a.m. No.81421   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>waiting to fly, this is the start >>81414


profound esoteric and exoteric simultaneously awesome. ty <3


What is the opposite of esoteric?


The opposite of esoteric is exoteric, which means "suitable to be imparted to the public." According to one account, those who were deemed worthy to attend Aristotle's learned discussions were known as his "esoterics," his confidants, while those who merely attended his popular evening lectures were called his "exoterics." Since material that is geared toward a target audience is often not as easily comprehensible to outside observers, esoteric acquired an extended meaning of "difficult to understand." Both esoteric and exoteric started appearing in English in the mid-1600s; esoteric traces back to ancient Greek by way of the Late Latin esotericus. The Greek esōterikos is based on the comparative form of esō, which means "within."

Anonymous ID: 2976b0 Aug. 11, 2021, 7:44 a.m. No.81445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1448




sQuAWK # 4750 (16) (7)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/23/2020 15:03:37 ID: 17d166

Who controls [wields significant influence] re: the 'Clinton' [D] party? { SOROS { SOROS

Who controls [wields significant influence] re: the 'Hussein' [D] party? { SOROS

Different factions of foreign [primary] control?

Who paid _Hussein's Harvard Law Degree?

Who financed _Hussein's political life?

Who is Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal?

Why are Hussein's school records under seal?

Competing factions [each with a horse in the race] seeking direct WH control [+USMIL][+Trillions _overseas transfer of US taxpayer funds]?

All working together [coordinated][infiltration not invasion][VJ _HA].{ NEW HUMA, see below v }

What happens to US taxpayer funds transferred overseas under guise of AID, MIL, CLIMATE, etc.?

US taxpayers funding the destruction of America?

Q { excerpt }:

George Soros Tells Progressive Donors Obama Might Not Be The Best Investment

< 010/11/17/george-so ros-obama n 785022.html>


First Posted: 11-17-10 04:10 PM I Updated: 11-17-10 04:34 PM


< OROS-large.jpg>


-- At a private meeting on Tuesday afternoon, George Soros, a longtime supporter of progressive causes,

voiced blunt criticism of the Obama administration, going so far as to suggest that Democratic donors

direct their support somewhere other than the president.


The Hungarian-American financier was speaking to a small side gathering of donors who had convened in Washington D.C.

for the annual gathering of the Democracy Alliance

-- a formal community of well-funded, progressive-minded individuals and activists.


According to multiple sources with knowledge of his remarks, Soros told those in attendance that he is

"used to fighting losing battles but doesn't like to lose without fighting."

"We have just lost this election, we need to draw a line," he said, according to several Democratic sources.

"And if this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else."


Michael Vachon, an adviser to Soros, did not dispute the comment,

though he stressed that there was no transcript of a private gathering to check.

Vachon also clarified that the longtime progressive giver was not referring to a primary challenge to the president.


"Mr. Soros fully supports the president as the leader of the Democratic Party," said Vachon.

"He was not suggesting that we seek another candidate for 2012.

His comments were made in a private, informal conversation that was about the need for progressives to be more forceful in promoting their agenda.

He was stressing the importance of being heard by elected officials."


Dissatisfaction with the Obama administration was not limited to Soros's private gathering with donors.

On Wednesday morning, Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina received several tough questions during his address to the Democracy Alliance.



Huma Abedin Retweeted Oprah Daily @OprahDaily

.@HumaAbedin's memoir, "Both/And,"

promises to take readers behind the scenes of one of the most notorious political sex scandals

in recent memory and shine a light on Abedin's longtime boss, Hillary Clinton.


But first and foremost, this is her story. { }

By Leigh Haber Aug 10, 2021 { }

11:00 AM · Aug 10, 2021 · SocialFlow