Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 7:58 p.m. No.81798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1799


Hi der

still cleaning up after coffee debacle

latte with milk and sugar in crowded computer corner

needed to be re-orged - but wasn't plannin on today

it's hot here, no a/c

long hot summer comes to mind

but no sultry females or dark dramas in the immediate vicinity

Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 8:41 p.m. No.81801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1804


it was an iced coffee

stress on "was"

think it's outta the carpet naow

but gotta wait for it dry - then i'll know


tired, wanna stay here to finish up

i'm guessing yer leavin in a bit

thx for being here all day

i was up early my time

will close early so i can be up for ML tomorrow

can't sleep, too hot

Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 9:01 p.m. No.81806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1811 >>1825 >>1830

thoughtful article, this is just a snippet - the concerns raised here may pave the way for attorneys to say their clients should not have been charged with felonies


Judge Questions DOJ's Charging of Felony "Obstruction" Crime in January 6 Protest Cases


What Judge Moss questioned on Friday is how is an individual to know that their conduct inside the Capitol, while Congress is engaged in official business, crosses the boundary marked by the word “corruptly” such that they are now facing a felony conviction and a maximum sentence of 20 years?


Simply put, the Court pointed out that as written, “corruptly influence” is a crime, but “influence” is not a crime. What is the boundary between the two — what types of actions are “corrupt” such that “men of common intelligence” would know they have crossed that boundary?


If Judge Moss rules that “corruptly” as used in Section 1512(c) is unconstitutionally vague in distinguishing between a misdemeanor and felony conduct, DOJ is going to need to start over again in figuring out how to charge felonies in these cases. This is going to be most difficult with regard to hundreds of defendants charged in cases where there is no violent or destructive conduct alleged against the individual defendants and the Section 1512(c) charge is the only felony.

Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 9:06 p.m. No.81807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1811 >>1825 >>1830

brand new account

Giuliani says we should follow Paul, who he says is about to spill the beans on something big



Senator Rand Paul is under a ferocious attack by the democrats - They censored him because he announced that he will share critically important information exposing Biden’s lies. The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD.

[ Video ]

We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads. Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children?


Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not. Not this time. I choose freedom.




Follow my Official New Telegram Account 👇


Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 9:08 p.m. No.81808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1811 >>1825 >>1830


I did not get an EBS on my phone...

Did you guys get it?




not one yes (although i only looked at the first coupla hundred....i din get it either - what habbened, eh?)

Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 9:11 p.m. No.81810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1811 >>1825 >>1830

sincerely hope this hasn't already been noted coz i want the pleasure of noting it!

[ Photo ]

Texas House Speaker Signs Arrest Warrants for 52 Absent Democrats




Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 9:18 p.m. No.81813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1825 >>1830

Democrat Sens. Manchin, Sinema Stand In The Way Of $3.5 Trillion Biden Package


'I Have Serious Concerns': Dem Sen. Gives Biden and Dems Horrible News



Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 9:22 p.m. No.81814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1825 >>1830


[Forwarded from The Gateway Pundit Media]


They’re Destroying the Evidence:

Lindell Symposium Reveals Voting Machine Companies Are Wiping Voting Machines Clean in Wisconsin, New Hampshire and Michigan as We Previously Reported (VIDEO)


As The Gateway Pundit previously reported — Back in July the election firm ‘Election Source’ notified officials throughout the state of Michigan that they will discreetly break the law by eliminating election data from voting machines on the 15th.


Attorneys immediately issued them a cease and desist order to prevent this destruction of evidence from happening.


Michigan’s Secretary of State Jocelyn asked the Michigan election officials to do things to cover up the 2020 Election fraud before, so this latest action by Election Source was not so shocking.


Also in July an email was sent to the local election officials in the state from a company called Election Source that performs work on the voting machines in the state. This company would likely not send any letter like the following to election officials without Secretary of State Benson knowing about it. In a letter to the election officials around the state, the following was shared:


We will be visiting xxx County on July 15th to perform preventative maintenance on your voting equipment. There is not an upgrade this time, just preventative maintenance. During the preventative maintenance, we will be removing the ICX batteries to prevent any issues with the batteries shutting off your machines. Batteries are not necessary in Michigan due to the fact that we do not use direct-recording electronic voting in our state.“


Attorney Stephanie Lambert shared with Jim Hoft and Patty McMurray from The Gateway Pundit and 100% FedUp that she will be filing a lawsuit to prevent this destruction of evidence:


I’ve been working closely wiht Matt DePerno and with other attorneys and experts, like I said, and we’ve obtained a lot of evidence. In fact there’s going to be a lawsuit filed in the very near future against Election Source which is a contractor to Dominion. Matt Deperno sent a cease and desist letter to Election Source today because there was a letter sent out by Election Source to all of the clerks in Michigan stating that they’re coming to do preventative updates regarding removing a battery in most of the election equipment which is problematic because this would erase data [on those machines]. That’s one piece of what’s happening with Election Source.


… our experts have found security breaches within the Michigan election…


Fast forward to today…


On Tuesday at the Lindell Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Wisconsin Rep. Timothy Ramthun told the audience that Wisconsin officials are also wiping the voting machines clean in the state.


This was after Marilyn Todd from the New Hampshire Voter Integrity Group told the audience this was also happening in New Hampshire.


They are destroying the evidence.


Follow and Share👉🏻@thegatewaypundit_news

Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 9:24 p.m. No.81815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1825 >>1830


Mike Lindell is the definition of the American Success Story. He is a national hero and someone who I have enormous respect for. If you’re not blown away by his cyber symposium, you’re not watching what I’m watching.


My single biggest ask is what’s next? So much corruption, incompetency and criminality displayed by election officials across the nation (both sides of the aisle), but we’ve been here before (God knows I have)…and still no accountability (at least not yet).


Where are the politicians who actually have a backbone?

Stand up and Step up and do something to save our election system and our nation from turning into another corrupt and Godless Socialist State…We The People want action!

Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 9:30 p.m. No.81816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1819 >>1824 >>1825 >>1830

was looking for a copy of the vid Mike's been running during the Aug 10-12 symposium in Great Falls, SD. Prolly on his website but site has been up and down, here is another link.


Seems to have no title....hmmmm

Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 9:46 p.m. No.81818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1825 >>1830

Patriot gets twatter acct coz he ratted out Ted Lieu's misuse of campaign funds to get his kid into Stanford.


doesn't take much these days

Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 9:59 p.m. No.81823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1825


Good evenin'


not a bad idea

watched it several times

pick up new stuff every time

need to talk more about GEMS, which narrator/film makers seems to associate with Smartmatic

it's Dominion software

also mention Clarity - which would be associated with ClearBallot (and which IS associated w/Smartmatic, possibly just an appendage). Clarity/ClearBallot runs all the stuff in Western Washington i think since 2008 (all mail in) - previous system was run by Jeffrey Dean around 2000, the one who developed fractionalized voting.


It's all the in the election fraud thread, always trying to get more eyez on, there's stuff that hasn't come out yet.


Have to look at that again

Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 10:03 p.m. No.81825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1826 >>1827


baker on duty

but just briefly, trying to get up for lindell tomorrow, comes early round here....


here are da current notes, will bake em soon

mebbe add a little moar next bred, to get her started.....

got anything to add?




>>81776, >>81783 Wenzday Night planefaggin

>>81772 Moar leap frog re: >>81701, >>81749, >>81750, >>81751, >>81752 all lb notables Leap Frogs

>>81787, >>81789, >>81791, >>81794, >>81795 new cert kun, 90 days, 88 left, two days early, Nov 11 KEK

>>81793 Japan wholesale inflation hits 13-year high as import costs rise

>>81802 There’s a whistleblower coming that will blow your minds …

>>81803 It wasn't an error you dumbfucks!

>>81806 Judge Questions DOJ's Charging of Felony "Obstruction" Crime in January 6 Protest Cases

>>81807 Giuliani says we should follow Paul, who he says is about to spill the beans on something big

>>81808 no EBS today hhmmmmm..........

>>81810 Texas House Speaker Signs Arrest Warrants for 52

>>81813 Democrat Sens. Manchin, Sinema Stand In The Way Of $3.5 Trillion Biden Package

>>81814 Lindell Symposium: They’re Destroying the Evidence

>>81815 Gen. Flynn: Mike Lindell is a national hero

>>81816 22 minute video from Lindell Symposium on Election Fraud

>>81818 Lieu misuses election funds; patriot who reports it gets suspended


Anonymous ID: 5c206a Aug. 11, 2021, 10:15 p.m. No.81830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1831


>>81776, >>81783 Wenzday Night planefaggin

>>81772 Moar leap frog re: >>81701, >>81749, >>81750, >>81751, >>81752 all lb notables Leap Frogs

>>81787, >>81789, >>81791, >>81794, >>81795 new cert kun, 90 days, 88 left, two days early, Nov 11 KEK

>>81793 Japan wholesale inflation hits 13-year high as import costs rise

>>81802 There’s a whistleblower coming that will blow your minds …

>>81803 It wasn't an error you dumbfucks!

>>81806 Judge Questions DOJ's Charging of Felony "Obstruction" Crime in January 6 Protest Cases

>>81807 Giuliani says we should follow Paul, who he says is about to spill the beans on something big

>>81808 no EBS today hhmmmmm..........

>>81810 Texas House Speaker Signs Arrest Warrants for 52

>>81813 Democrat Sens. Manchin, Sinema Stand In The Way Of $3.5 Trillion Biden Package

>>81814 Lindell Symposium: They’re Destroying the Evidence

>>81815 Gen. Flynn: Mike Lindell is a national hero

>>81816 22 minute video from Lindell Symposium on Election Fraud

>>81818 Lieu misuses election funds; patriot who reports it gets suspended

>>81824 Case AgaInst Fauci-Mask Flop | Fauci had a twin!!??
