Anonymous ID: e66c7a Aug. 12, 2021, 7:11 a.m. No.81886   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1934 >>2003 >>2039

Why does Chris Krebs have an owl-like creature on his office shelf when addressing election integrity with the FBI and others on Oct 28, 2020?


Or, is that a Vulture? An Eagle?


Is Krebs a white or black hat?


Why is he now working at the Aspen Institute on Cyber security?

Anonymous ID: e66c7a Aug. 12, 2021, 7:27 a.m. No.81902   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1911 >>1934 >>2003 >>2039

Ezra A. Cohen, [11.08.21 07:50]


Who am I?


Why did I leave?


Where did I go?


Who am I? a former United States Navy admiral who served as the second commander of the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). He concurrently served as the 17th director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and as chief of the Central Security Service (CSS) from April 3, 2014. Prior to that, Rogers served as the Commander of the Tenth Fleet and Commander of the United States Fleet Cyber Command.[2] During his tenure, he helped transform and elevate U.S. Cyber Command into a unified combatant command. He relinquished command on May 4, 2018 to his successor, Paul M. Nakasone.[3][4] He retired from active duty in the United States Navy on June 1, 2018.


Why did I leave?


The fact that Rogers managed to make it to 2018 at the helm of the NSA is somewhat remarkable, in fact. In October 2016 – just weeks before Donald Trump won the presidency – Obama’s Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper moved to oust Rogers over concerns with his leadership and Clapper’s view that the NSA should be led by a civilian.


Just days after Trump won the election, Rogers again courted controversy by visiting Trump Tower to meet with the president-elect – but without notifying his superiors, according to reports at the time.


More recently, reports surfaced that he declined suggestions from President Trump to state publicly that there was no collusion between his presidential campaign and Russia. In a June hearing before the U.S. Senate, Rogers demurred when asked about the episode. He did say, however, that if asked to testify by Robert Mueller, who is heading up the investigation into Russian interference in the election, he would would accept.


Where did I go? Claroty


We know that assets in industrial environments are hard to detect, hard to manage, and even harder to secure. We created the leading industrial cybersecurity platform to change that.


In a statement, Rogers said:


“Owners of critical infrastructure in the U.S. and abroad face a deluge of sophisticated cyberthreats to their operations. Claroty understands these threats better than anyone in the industry and this superior understanding is reflected in the performance and broad adoption of their technology. I look forward to working with Claroty and their customers on the vitally important mission of protecting our critical infrastructure in our digital and hyperconnected age.”


What was I doing? During his tenure, he helped transform and elevate U.S. Cyber Command into a unified combatant command. (Combatant Command, is a joint military command of the United States Department of Defense that is composed of units from two or more service branches of the United States Armed Forces, and conducts broad and continuing missions.)


[A transcript of an Oval Office interview Friday with President Donald Trump by AP White House Correspondent Julie Pace.


AP: But that didn’t mean that you supported what Assange is doing?


TRUMP: No, I don’t support or unsupport. It was just information. They shouldn’t have allowed it to get out. If they had the proper defensive devices on their internet, you know, equipment, they wouldn’t even allow the FBI. How about this — they get hacked, and the FBI goes to see them, and they won’t let the FBI see their server. But do you understand, nobody ever writes it. Why wouldn’t (former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John) Podesta and Hillary Clinton allow the FBI to see the server? They brought in another company that I hear is Ukrainian-based.


AP: CrowdStrike?


TRUMP: That’s what I heard. I heard it’s owned by a very rich Ukrainian, that’s what I heard. But they brought in another company to investigate the server. Why didn’t they allow the FBI in to investigate the server? I mean, there is so many things that nobody writes about. It’s incredible.

Anonymous ID: e66c7a Aug. 12, 2021, 8:39 a.m. No.81934   🗄️.is đź”—kun


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lemme know