Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 12:38 p.m. No.84858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4860


I'll gitz tonight

they all tired and grumpy

it'll be there tomorrow and disaster averted

end of the world sheitz


was readin through it, Blinken doin the fucked sign? kek

sign lang gal too

kekked hard at that one

do ya suppose the dims are finally gettin it?

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 4:03 p.m. No.84900   🗄️.is 🔗kun


rested, still gotz lots on muh mind but will take the bake for a bit if needed

still a couple things to do but home so easy

thanks for all the cover today

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 4:15 p.m. No.84903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4904


I peeked in afore a nabbenin and seent the comments

seems hez done himself in with that presser

makes for a funny bee, as if bee needs help with irony


will take a look and grab da notez

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 4:33 p.m. No.84905   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>84847, >>84853, >>84861, >>84876, >>84879 pf report(s)

>>84850 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Reverse Repo Operations week of August 15-$5.424T

>>84851 Jovan Pulitzer uncovers more than watermarks.-gatewaypundit Aug 19

>>84856, >>84820 pb Moar Joe in denial -Biden SNAPS on reporter for correctly stating that his Presidency is being clowned abroad by our allies.

>>84867 Summers Says Foreign Investors Should Feel ‘Anxiety’ About China-B'Berg

>>84868 Taliban seizing Afghan-American’s US passports outside Kabul airport-nypost

>>84870 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc sold by President/CEO: $142.84m-Aug 16,18,19

>>84871 moar on Asabiyyah-Asabiyya is neither necessarily nomadic nor based on blood relations; rather, it resembles a philosophy of classical republicanism. from pb >>84503 (You) notabruh

>>84872 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green drafting Articles of Impeachment for Biden over Afghan debacle-justthenews

>>84874 for the kek of it: Tired Of Being President, Biden Hangs 'Trump Won' Sign Out Of White House Window-b'lonbee

>>84878, >>84888 F.D.A. Aims for Full Approval of Pfizer Covid Vaccine on Monday

>>84880, >>84883 Austin said The Taliban have beaten Americans in Kabul, and that it was "unacceptable".

>>84887 Scavino: A Marine assigned to the @24thMEUMarines Unit (MEU) calms an infant during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport, Kabul, Afghanistan.

>>84889 Ngo: Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned per LA Times

>>84890 Capitol Police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt cleared in internal probe

>>84891 One might start to think the Biden crew doesn't want people to know the reality of what's going on so their conflicting reports with ground reports disappear.

>>84893 US citizens cannot get close enough to wave their passports at the marines (to be allowed in) gates have been shut closed

>>84897 Washington State Rep Vicki Kraft sent a letter to the WA Secretary of State and all 39 county auditors demanding forensic imaging.



prelim looksie

lemme know

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 5:18 p.m. No.84912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4952 >>4955


Secretary Antony Blinken


United States government official

We are grateful to the Government of Bahrain for the support to safely transit U.S. citizens and Embassy Kabul personnel from Afghanistan through Bahrain. We deeply appreciate the support and value our strong and enduring partnership.

7:53 PM · Aug 20, 2021·Twitter Web App

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 5:19 p.m. No.84913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4952 >>4955

John B Wells 11:11



You know it's a real pandemic when…

A board member of Pfizer is also the chairman of Reuters.

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 5:27 p.m. No.84917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4952 >>4955

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins],[20.08.21 19:51]


[Forwarded from Liberty Overwatch (Patriot)]


PA Audit Mixed Messaging: Senate President Corman Calls Into War Room | War Room (


In an impromptu War Room interview this morning, Senator Jake Corman claims to be “100% onboard” in supporting the audit.


Corman alleges that Senator Mastriano has “retreated from the audit” and argues that in its current form, the audit will not survive legal scrutiny. As a result, Corman is now asking Senator Cris Dush, Chair of the Local Government Committee, to lead the audit.


Mastriano has been a warrior in the PA fraud exposure fight and denies Corman’s allegations ( Dush, a former naval intelligence officer, was a member of the PA delegation that visited the Maricopa audit and has been a strong advocate ( for an AZ-style audit in PA.


Corman did not comment on his directive to cancel the August 6th subpoena vote ( or his decision to fire Mastriano’s entire Harrisburg staff (


Watch 📺 War Room (


Hat tip🤠 @CreativeDestructionMedia


Learn more 📝👉 Dush-Behizy Interview (


More 🔎🧵 Last PA Update (

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 5:44 p.m. No.84923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4952 >>4955


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [20.08.21 20:35]


[Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)]


[ Photo ]


The State Department denies charging $2,000 for rescue from Kabul, but the form on Its website requires applicants to sign a promissory note.


Is the Biden administration charging American citizens a $2,000 fee for evacuation from Taliban-controlled Afghanistan?


Politico reported as much on Thursday, citing an unnamed source. The news outlet even discussed the matter with a State Department spokesperson who failed to deny the claim.


Then, later on Thursday, The Hill reported State Department spokesman Ned Price said, “In these unique circumstances, we have no intention of seeking any reimbursement from those fleeing Afghanistan.”


However, on Friday, The Western Journal looked into the State Department’s very own “Afghanistan Evacuation” form and found a striking contradiction to Price’s claim.


A State Department spokesperson told The Hill that people evacuated from Afghanistan by the US will not be charged “reimbursement” fees.


Upon filling out an application for “Afghanistan evacuation” on the State Department’s website, here’s what I found.


— Michael Austin (@mikeswriting) August 20, 2021


After filling out some personal information, the form redirects to a page that states the following:


“All passengers will need to reimburse the U.S. Government for the flight. A promissory note for the full cost of the flight, which may exceed $2000 per person, must be signed by each adult passenger before boarding. No cash or credit payments will be accepted.”


Additionally, Politico alleged that some U.S. citizens have already been charged the fee.



“Even though U.S. officials tell NatSec Daily and others that evacuation flights from Kabul will be free, people trying to catch a plane in the Afghan capital say differently,” the outlet reported.


“One person said State Department staff were seeking large payments — up to $2,000 — from American passengers and even more from non-U.S. citizens.”


According to the Hill’s report, there is a federal law mandating “reimbursement for U.S.-chartered evacuation flights.”


“The law requires that Americans or other foreign nationals agree to pay back the cost of an evacuation, which is typically comparable to the cost of a full fare economy flight, or comparable transportation to the designated destination,” the Hill reported.


Scrambling amidst the Taliban’s swift takeover of Afghanistan, it is quite possible that department officials forgot or didn’t think to remove the “reimbursement” section from the website.


Or, in light of Politico’s reporting, it may be that the State Department intended all along to charge Americans trapped in Afghanistan following what many have described as an overly hasty, reckless military withdrawal led by the Biden administration.


If this was the case, it would be reasonable to assume that the threat of a PR nightmare pressured the administration into removing the fee.


Also, the careful wording of Price’s statement to the Hill leaves some questions unanswered and some wiggle room for the State Department to charge fees other than those related to the flight itself.


Just because fleeing Americans will not be charged “reimbursement for U.S.-chartered evacuation flights,” does not mean they won’t be charged any fees at all.


Politico’s report similarly did not specify that the fees would be directly related to the flight itself.


“One person said State Department staff were seeking large payments — up to $2,000 — from American passengers and even more from non-U.S. citizens,” Politico reported.


Regardless of what any spokesperson says, until the State Department’s website is updated, any American citizen hoping to flee Taliban-held Afghanistan will be forced to sign a legally binding promissory note for payment of up to $2,000 to the United States government.

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 6:04 p.m. No.84927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4952 >>4955

the tale of tina peters, and the dark days ahead for whistleblowers


Tina Peters is a gold star mom, a cancer survivor, a public servant, and a courageous whistleblower. And the rapidly unfolding events in Mesa County are making smoke coming out of my ears.


As the County Clerk and Recorder for Mesa County, Tina Peters is the official — duly elected by the people of Mesa County — in charge of elections, with official custody (and responsibility) for the election equipment and electronics. This is Tina’s first term as Clerk and Recorder for Mesa County, and there was some turmoil surrounding her taking office from her predecessor, Sheila Reiner, after the November election.


Months after the transfer of power, it was discovered that Ms. Reiner had (allegedly) retained, for herself and her staff, access to highly secure facilities for election equipment. Worse, she may have expanded this access to include additional unknown players right before leaving office. Some peaceful transfer of power, huh?


When Tina Peters brought this to Mesa County District Attorney Dan Rubinstein, Dan said, allegedly, that he didn’t have time to investigate the badge access evidence that Tina brought. Typical bureaucrat. Sheila then went on to participate in the effort to recall Clerk Peters. This lady has a major grudge.


But that was months ago. A mere tussle between clerks during a transfer of power, right?


Well, let’s look at recent news, shall we? In one week, Colorado Secretary of State Jonestown Jena (JJ for short), the partisan hack whose power drunkenness would make George III blush, has raided Tina’s office twice. The first was on August 11th and, considering the nature of the events, intent appears to be to doctor evidence and modify the machines with no observers present. Then on August 16th, it’s rumored that JJ’s flying monkeys raided Tina’s office again to seize all the equipment. In between those two raids, Jena Grinchwald swung by the home of a private citizen and stole toys from children — literally.


What does JJ cite as her reason and authority? Her reason is that she alleges Tina stole passwords that Tina doesn’t have. She has no evidence of this, she just says it. And the authority she cites is, “because I said so.”


First on the passwords: Only Dominion and the Secretary of State have the passwords. We know this because of the months long drama in Arizona where they won’t release the passwords. Every person in America right now knows how tightly held those passwords are. What’s more likely? That Dominion has different access rules across states for their super secret passwords, or that the standard in Arizona holds?


Tina Peters never had access to admin BIOS passwords.


Read further


Runbeckis based in Arizona (yes, really) and used in several states including Colorado. This Williams guy was whoring himself out at the same conference as Crane last weekend, leaving his business cards all over for potential suckers. To recap, Williams works for an infamous election vendor, advises clerks, provides multi-hour filibusters for democrats during fraud hearings to delay real evidence until after the press leaves, serves on the Colorado Springs City Council, and is allegedly running for Mayor of Colorado Springs. His wife is one of the County Commissioners down there in El Paso County which proves once and for all that the uniparty establishment has zero issue with conflicts of interest. It’s like they don’t know what the words mean…and these people want to RULE us? AYFKM?


So now that you have a fuller picture of the players involved here, let’s talk about what happened yesterday, August 17, 2021. Jena Griswold announced that she was removing Tina — a duly elected official — from her election related duties. There is no presumption of innocence in the active investigation by District Attorney Dan Rubinstein, who finally woke up in time to eat lunch and investigate alleged wrongdoing in the clerk’s office. Jena is said to be replacing Tina Peters with Sheila Reiner — yes, seriously — the former clerk who committed a security breach (allegedly) before leaving office by extending and expanding badge access to highly secure election equipment. Rubinstein couldn’t investigate that breach, where there was actual evidence via the badge access logs, but he has time to investigate a whistleblower on behalf of the people she is whistleblowing against. And Sheila Reiner is very much aligned with the people Tina is whistleblowing against. Nice ethics, Rube.


Matt Crane, never one to miss a romp in the garbage pile, praised JJ’s latest actions, and assured the public that his flock of baaahing clerks stands by it as well (and it appears they do because none of them are speaking up). Now, the guys who pretend to be on the “right” don’t want the appearance that they are aligning with Griswold outright — not good for uniparty optics — so they held a meeting to “push back” and are recommending that Runbeck’s Wayne Williams should run Mesa’s next elections. Yes, really.


Do you see it yet?


Who the hell do these people think they are?


FACT: Tina never had the admin passwords.


This is coup. Jena Griswold is framing Tina Peters to cover up a breach in the Colorado SOS office that led to admin passwords being released by a Dominion whistleblower. The entire premise for any of this is a lie. And the cover up is always worse than the crime.


Is there any justice left in the justice system, or is it tar and feathers time?

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 6:12 p.m. No.84935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4937


yeppers with the added plus of g's being tired and cranky and quiet

I nabbenin'd and smilin

all guud, as planned, lot is clear, trailer destroyed, all set to build, staked out


Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 6:29 p.m. No.84943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4952 >>4955

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 6:40 p.m. No.84948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4952 >>4955


“We have thousands of people who are told, ‘You are going to take this vaccination or you won’t have a job.’”


Roughly 1,200 #FirstResponders in #Hawaii are suing the state over its new #VaccineMandate.


1,200 Hawaii First Responders Sue State Over Vaccine Mandate


Roughly 1,200 first responders in Hawaii are suing the state over its new vaccine mandate. Hawaii’s Governor David Ige announced the mandate on Aug. 5

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 6:43 p.m. No.84949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4952 >>4955



Glenn Greenwald suggests CNN, liberal media is controlled by CIA


Aug 20, 2021


Fox News


7.81M subscribers


Independent journalist discusses why the media is changing their opinion of Biden on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' #FoxNews #Tucker

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 7:01 p.m. No.84952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>84912 @SecBlinken We are grateful to the Government of Bahrain for the support to safely transit U.S. citizens and Embassy Kabul personnel from Afghanistan

>>84913 You know it's a real pandemic when… A board member of Pfizer is also the chairman of Reuters.

>>84917 CM: PA Audit Mixed Messaging: Senate President Corman Calls Into War Room

>>84919, >>84923 repatriation for Afghanistan for $2K

>>84927 the tale of Tina Peters, and the dark days ahead for whistleblowers

>>84932 Rahm to Japan

>>84934 x22 Ep. 2557b - Less Than 10 No The Full Story, The Shot Heard Around The World

>>84942, >>84943, >>84944, >>84947 45 articles and a Q to boot

>>84948 Roughly 1,200 #FirstResponders in #Hawaii are suing the state over its new #VaccineMandate

>>84949 Glenn Greenwald suggests CNN, liberal media is controlled by CIA

>>84951 Scavino/Q baby signifier?




>>84847, >>84853, >>84861, >>84876, >>84879, >>84916, >>84921, >>84925, >>84928, >>84946 pf report(s)

>>84850 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Reverse Repo Operations week of August 15-$5.424T

>>84851 Jovan Pulitzer uncovers more than watermarks.-gatewaypundit Aug 19

>>84856, >>84820 pb Moar Joe in denial -Biden SNAPS on reporter for correctly stating that his Presidency is being clowned abroad by our allies.

>>84867 Summers Says Foreign Investors Should Feel ‘Anxiety’ About China-B'Berg

>>84868 Taliban seizing Afghan-American’s US passports outside Kabul airport-nypost

>>84870 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc sold by President/CEO: $142.84m-Aug 16,18,19

>>84871 moar on Asabiyyah-Asabiyya is neither necessarily nomadic nor based on blood relations; rather, it resembles a philosophy of classical republicanism, rt: pb >>84503 notabruh

>>84872 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green drafting Articles of Impeachment for Biden over Afghan debacle-justthenews

>>84874 for the kek of it: Tired Of Being President, Biden Hangs 'Trump Won' Sign Out Of White House Window-b'lonbee

>>84878, >>84888 F.D.A. Aims for Full Approval of Pfizer Covid Vaccine on Monday

>>84880, >>84883 Austin said The Taliban have beaten Americans in Kabul, and that it was "unacceptable".

>>84887, >>84951 Scavino/Q baby signifier? Scavino: A Marine assigned to the @24thMEUMarines Unit (MEU) calms an infant during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport, Kabul, Afghanistan.

>>84889 Ngo: Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned per LA Times

>>84890 Capitol Police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt cleared in internal probe

>>84891 One might start to think the Biden crew doesn't want people to know the reality of what's going on so their conflicting reports with ground reports disappear.

>>84893 US citizens cannot get close enough to wave their passports at the marines (to be allowed in) gates have been shut closed

>>84897 Washington State Rep Vicki Kraft sent a letter to the WA Secretary of State and all 39 county auditors demanding forensic imaging.

>>84912 @SecBlinken We are grateful to the Government of Bahrain for the support to safely transit U.S. citizens and Embassy Kabul personnel from Afghanistan

>>84913 You know it's a real pandemic when… A board member of Pfizer is also the chairman of Reuters.

>>84917 CM: PA Audit Mixed Messaging: Senate President Corman Calls Into War Room

>>84919, >>84923 repatriation for Afghanistan for $2K

>>84927 the tale of Tina Peters, and the dark days ahead for whistleblowers

>>84932 Rahm to Japan

>>84934 x22 Ep. 2557b - Less Than 10 No The Full Story, The Shot Heard Around The World

>>84942, >>84943, >>84944, >>84947 45 articles and a Q to boot

>>84948 Roughly 1,200 #FirstResponders in #Hawaii are suing the state over its new #VaccineMandate

>>84949 Glenn Greenwald suggests CNN, liberal media is controlled by CIA



czech em

lemme know

Anonymous ID: b2470e Aug. 20, 2021, 7:19 p.m. No.84955   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>84847, >>84853, >>84861, >>84876, >>84879, >>84916, >>84921, >>84925, >>84928, >>84946 pf report(s)

>>84850 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Reverse Repo Operations week of August 15-$5.424T

>>84851 Jovan Pulitzer uncovers more than watermarks.-gatewaypundit Aug 19

>>84856, >>84820 pb Moar Joe in denial -Biden SNAPS on reporter for correctly stating that his Presidency is being clowned abroad by our allies.

>>84867 Summers Says Foreign Investors Should Feel ‘Anxiety’ About China-B'Berg

>>84868 Taliban seizing Afghan-American’s US passports outside Kabul airport-nypost

>>84870 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc sold by President/CEO: $142.84m-Aug 16,18,19

>>84871 moar on Asabiyyah-Asabiyya is neither necessarily nomadic nor based on blood relations; rather, it resembles a philosophy of classical republicanism, rt: pb >>84503 notabruh

>>84872 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green drafting Articles of Impeachment for Biden over Afghan debacle-justthenews

>>84874 for the kek of it: Tired Of Being President, Biden Hangs 'Trump Won' Sign Out Of White House Window-b'lonbee

>>84878, >>84888 F.D.A. Aims for Full Approval of Pfizer Covid Vaccine on Monday

>>84880, >>84883 Austin said The Taliban have beaten Americans in Kabul, and that it was "unacceptable".

>>84887, >>84951, >>84954 Karzai?/ Scavino/Q baby signifier? Scavino: A Marine assigned to the @24thMEUMarines Unit (MEU) calms an infant during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport, Kabul, Afghanistan.

>>84889 Ngo: Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned per LA Times

>>84890 Capitol Police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt cleared in internal probe

>>84891 One might start to think the Biden crew doesn't want people to know the reality of what's going on so their conflicting reports with ground reports disappear.

>>84893 US citizens cannot get close enough to wave their passports at the marines (to be allowed in) gates have been shut closed

>>84897 Washington State Rep Vicki Kraft sent a letter to the WA Secretary of State and all 39 county auditors demanding forensic imaging.

>>84912 @SecBlinken We are grateful to the Government of Bahrain for the support to safely transit U.S. citizens and Embassy Kabul personnel from Afghanistan

>>84913 You know it's a real pandemic when… A board member of Pfizer is also the chairman of Reuters.

>>84917 CM: PA Audit Mixed Messaging: Senate President Corman Calls Into War Room

>>84919, >>84923 repatriation for Afghanistan for $2K

>>84927 the tale of Tina Peters, and the dark days ahead for whistleblowers

>>84932 Rahm to Japan

>>84934 x22 Ep. 2557b - Less Than 10 No The Full Story, The Shot Heard Around The World

>>84942, >>84943, >>84944, >>84947 45 articles and a Q to boot

>>84948 Roughly 1,200 #FirstResponders in #Hawaii are suing the state over its new #VaccineMandate

>>84949 Glenn Greenwald suggests CNN, liberal media is controlled by CIA


