Anonymous ID: a2a7ac Aug. 24, 2021, 6:29 a.m. No.85904   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Fresh" (Flesh) also is suspicious?


What about remembering to be off-line when firing up the 'puter or turning it off.

I figure something could be triggered with the off or on command,, Something unwanted.

Windows tried to stop me from doing this.. By pretending I had to be hooked up to Internet to sign - in, open the computer.

Anonymous ID: a2a7ac Aug. 24, 2021, 8:04 a.m. No.85934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5935 >>5944 >>5985 >>5990




anon probably was less than clear.

What I meant was "over-professional" as in, Done by an Agency, rather than an individual. i.e. Propaganda.

The soundtrack gives it away

What anon uses a soundtrack.

Also it's a Brit.

i.e. something that 's different than USA

also, The qreasearch board seemed to bill it as "Someone did the final breakthrough on the Q code"

Does that miss the whole point?

All those issues made me turn it off before it was done.

I read the text version.

Pretends not to be part of the Board.

and only half interested.



Anonymous ID: a2a7ac Aug. 24, 2021, 8:10 a.m. No.85936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5937


Wish they'd stop with the Guy Falkes mask.

Yeah I want to be associated with a Patsy who gets burned at the stake in effigy every year like clockwork, for 300 years.

also the "We Are Anonymous" folks are spooks

Anonymous ID: a2a7ac Aug. 24, 2021, 8:22 a.m. No.85940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5941 >>5986



ur right.

It's substance over personality.

I agree with what narrator said:

the "If it's a code, it should be easy to read"

The easy things - the Premises too - are too often overlooked.

That was a good point not often made?

Everybody scratching the ground for "codes" when the reality is written in big bold letters in Graffiti Red?

Yes it world-wide, but you can't ignore the fact the USA original enemy were British

Can't deny it's an America First project?

Others "do" their own Country?

And that the Germans left the Board?


From yesterday but anon never posted it.

Germans are still gone.



Can you deny that the "Gunpowder Plot" was a British scheme, they are still pulling the same shit from behind the scenes, they were our original enemy and they must think it's a "kick" that their new opposition wears the mask of the guy they framed and whom they burn at the stake in effigy every year?

It's a ritual murder every hear. 11.5


And sure the "guy" did a find decode; but why all the hoopla? There's good decodes every day.

Anonymous ID: a2a7ac Aug. 24, 2021, 8:30 a.m. No.85941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5943 >>5949



from yesterday,, I lost the links to the post which I believed were about this subject.

The "heading for the hills" of the German group.. Do I blame them?



"German people have had enough of Jew-Haters pinning shit on them.. ? In their previous generation's time, many of their people/ Country were all Hate-jew zombies?


Do people really want to side with Hitler.

I have some good material on how Charles Manson was really cool too.


As Now America we have the Hate-Trumpers..and the Hate-Christians and the Hate-Deplorables, just as in the 30's -40's in German there were the Hate-Jews.

Nothing really changes.. ?


Germans have been collectively trying to "live it down" for 60 years; the cliche persists..

"All they need" is fucking DirtyOnion op sticking it to them, once again .. Remember There's less resistance over there; and more conformity. They could be rounded up for Jew-Hate - which is strictly illegal there.

One more win for Dirty Onion.

I'd leave too if I was them. Hells. I did, myself, leave there.

Anon will go to QR to nick info / memes every so often but try not to contribute - which would be a sin - like buying from Walmart / chinese, when they use slaves.

Also their filter for what is notable is calibrated wrong?

Any normal person would turn their back on it?

You don't want the stain.

Just looked myself for their boards

I think Doge is doing a funny job of mocking the filtyOnion without getting banned? I see trannys back baking; yeh no one wants to bake for the dirty filty op."


German people have had enough of Jew-Haters pinning shit on them.. ? In their previous generation's time, many of their people/ Country were all Hate -jew zombies? As now America has the Hate Trumpers..

They've collectively trying to "live it down" for 60 years; the cliche persists.. "All they need" is fucking DirtyOnion op sticking it to them, once again .. Remember There's less resistance over there; and more conformity. They could be rounded up for Jew-Hate - which is strictly illegal there.

One more win for Dirty Onion.

I'd leave too if I was them. Hells. I did, myself, leave there.

I go to QR sometimes to nick info / memes every so often but try not to contribute - which would be a sin - like buying from Walmart / Chinese, when they use slaves.

Any normal person would turn their back on it?

You don't want the stain.

Also their Notables are calibrated wrong.

It a waste of time.


I think Doge is doing a funny job of mocking the filtyOnion without getting banned? I see trannys back baking; yeh no one wants to bake for the dirty filty op.

Anonymous ID: a2a7ac Aug. 24, 2021, 8:40 a.m. No.85943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5949


sorry for the repetition.

hard to see what I'm writing in the tiny input box


"Also their filter for what is notable is calibrated wrong?"

This belongs to why they suck


"Any normal person would turn their back on it?"

You could argue it's "on purpose" to get rid of normies

But the other side to that is

"Nose Cut Off Club"

"We all have our noses cut off, so we think it's beautiful; And think everybody else should also cut off their nose"


The garbage over there is actually a flaw that disrupts thinking; not a feature.

There is good material there still

Anons gotta leave Egypt for the promised land?


In two weeks



Check out how the photo op of Che Guevara was staged.. Time-Life again?

Anonymous ID: a2a7ac Aug. 24, 2021, 9:04 a.m. No.85949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5961


"Just looked myself for their boards"


Meaning anon checked again for the German Boards and they weren't there.



Good OpSec point anon missed completely

The Gematria site could trick unwary into entering ID-able info



oh man, think of this:

A whole movie was made.. or a section of a promienent Docu, which showed how the death photo "iconic" of Che was staged.


Now .... looky here. A blog to muddy the water.


And can't easily find the original "iconic" photo published as token of Che's facing Justice..

Must be in some old Time-Life book, no matter how they try to hide it.

no wonder they are destroying books?

Mixing in the "re-creation" with what really happened. I wonder why.


Anonymous ID: a2a7ac Aug. 24, 2021, 9:22 a.m. No.85952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5954


Wouldn't it end-up like those tagged at Jan 7th compared to Q -type anons who were there? but who stayed away from the action?

The False Admin end up sucking-up the naïve?

Hostage taking?

Threats made to order to silence?

The D.C. political prisoners there to intimidate and lend credence to their lies?

Or actual general rounding-up? Would not put it past them.

They 'll put the low-lying fruit on their lists?


The bad guys likely know all of us?

AOC claims she makes a list.

If it's just her, I'd figure I'm safe.

As far as I know anon from Q research would be unlikely to sign into YT?


Sorry for posting before polishing.

Feel like I'm racing time.

Anonymous ID: a2a7ac Aug. 24, 2021, 9:41 a.m. No.85953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5962 >>5968 >>5989


what a fraud.

"I Don't Believe in Elon Musk"


Fear Pron, reminds me of L. Ron Hubbard... who learned to manipulate his subjects by claiming they were being attacked by tiny entities.


If Covid doen't work Let's try the other dud, "AI"


Sorry to be so negative .. .but i just can't...... go along with "AI" when no machine / software combo has plausibly past the Turing Test.

Hard AI is nothing but mass surveillance plus brute force.

There's a law of diminishing returns no matter the computational force.

Remember "Robo cop"? How the robot got caught on the stairs?

They are sentient.

They obey commands.

Has a Quantum computer passed the Turing Test or are they bluffing?

"Man behind the Curtain"

The machines has to have a programmer.

Just as this world has to have a Creator.

It doesn't run like an imaginary Perpetual motion machine.


The yearly Turing Test, underwritten by Hugh Loebner?

MIT creeps ( the big wheels) had to threatn and bribe him to change the rules since the machines / software performed so so badly and made their silly predictions look stupid 25 years ago already.

According to their original projections the sentient machine should've been operational by 2001? or 2012 (the singularity)?

But since their premises are wrong they always miss their deadline.

Penrose argues Hard AI doesn't exist. Could that be why you can't find it?

It's always "next year" ?


"Just a few more lines of programming"

Could it be unachievable?

The Golum?

Materialist believe it's just a matter of time to work out all the glitches;

Because they believe the human is equivalent to a computational machine.

Three Body Problem in physics?

Also why that cannot be solved?

Anonymous ID: a2a7ac Aug. 24, 2021, 9:58 a.m. No.85962   🗄️.is 🔗kun


so a Quantum Computer, as far as I can understand (and anon would need to actually experiment with one to be able to look closer) is no better than a simple oracle?

Does it perform better than an oracle?

Does the answer depend upon who asks the question?