Anonymous ID: 473b22 Aug. 24, 2021, 1:40 p.m. No.86011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6014 >>6078 >>6108


>Could they just have make one that would resist all cures?

>If they could, why didn't they? Their job would be so much easier if they had.

Let's say that would be possible, then it would still be stupid not having a cure, because that could fuck them over as well and they don't want that.


Let's say there is only poisons + parasites, they could surely put poison into these chem trail planes and poison everyone that way, but isn't that where their religion comes in and they don't want the massive negative karma attached to that? Actually they are doing that and have been doing that, so in a sense atm nothing really makes sense.


>Just seems the Cabal are less intelligent than they claim for themselves

They aren't. There were so many errors during 9/11, but mass media covered them up, or well tried to. TheY are not geniuses, they just have to tons of power.


Killing tons of people fast is very difficult. Best scenario a fictional war and everyone kills another.

Killing them over time is much more easy, they have been doing the latter for ages.

>Oh yes, that bit of poison is fine in foods, yes, it's legal to do that, totally safe + effective