Anonymous ID: b78ac6 Aug. 25, 2021, 12:12 a.m. No.86097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6108


>Why DJTrump is so important.?

Because he DOESN'T GIVE UP!

In the deeper sense, that is why he is our leader at this time.

It isn't just a matter of stubbornness, but of INTELLIGENTLY responding to the challenges he faces and going ALL OUT into them!

That is what is lacking in the world today.

Actually, while that is probably the most important thing, I think.... the WAY he does it also matters....


Think about that Patton vid....

Dying for your country is all well and good if that is how it goes... but THAT IS NOT THE GOAL.

Use INTELLIGENCE and CREATIVITY to get the other bastard to die for his country.... but the kicker is that having some degree of intelligence and/or creativity does not mean you can get off with avoiding COURAGE.


He KNOWS he is performing and he KNOWS he will get attacked.

He KNEW his greatest fans would boo him at the rally when he promoted the vaccines... but he did it anyway. Not sure on the full deeper strategy there... but he KNEW he'd get the boos...

My take at least...