Anonymous ID: efc1af Aug. 31, 2021, 9:40 p.m. No.87586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7587 >>7589


I kinda envy the thousand pounds of cans!


Although I probably have half ton of food altogether not counting water or the weight of the freezers.

(dried survival food is very lightweight too)


But I certainly have over a half ton of ammo. Lead is heavy and it adds up quickly!

Anonymous ID: efc1af Aug. 31, 2021, 11:55 p.m. No.87621   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>so called terrorists

aka: "ourguys"

They know it too. It's why they are going nuts about it- they (news0 cannot come clean and speak truth that they just got their CIA glownigger asses kicked out of Afghan. If it wasn't ourguys posing as (or controlling) talibanners then news would embrace em.

My next guess:

Sept 11th will be courtesy of them.

--By narrative or otherwise.


It will make Bidet look like a shitstain again.

The attack may involve the equipment "we left" there, and may happen against a certain Ashkenazi exclusive club known as mossad.

Making it appear to attack Israel garnering support for any decent occupants of that place who aren't involved, and the news cant tell truth without revealing themselves as CIA operatives also, so biden goes down hard as the only scapegoat left.. Usher in Cameltoe for act II? Once she is out Pelosi gets arrested before being sworn in. Who is next in succession?


-That's my drunken tingly almondine guess-
