Anonymous ID: 4a9119 Sept. 2, 2021, 11:49 a.m. No.87989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7990 >>7992 >>7994 >>8006


spoke in front of city council yesterday about the masks / vaccine mandates for children and schools. Teachers are being fired if they won't take the vax and the Admins plan to quarantine children who test positive.


They wouldn't let me finish my statement; but secretary there said I had 72 hours to make a submission in writing.

I asked if I could submit other materials; she said I could add whatever I wanted

I need help since I want to deliver by hand and that means tommorrow

Can anons help dig on images of vax damage?

One council memeber fart kept repeating, "The safest vax ever" just as that bitch in Colorada did the big lie "We are known as the Gold Standard Election."

I want to present them, for the official record so they can't weasle out with a "But we didn't know" with as much evidence as possible


Anonymous ID: 4a9119 Sept. 2, 2021, 12:10 p.m. No.87997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7998 >>8005


I read out about the EO of Dec 21 17

mostly did it all in question form

Pretty blandly told them the crimes against children, the vax which is maiming and killing them, is a crime against humanity, and a capital crime.

Their eyes bugged out ( most of the Council members were gone by then) when I mentioned that the ingredients for the tentatively approved vax would have to be made public in the next few weeks. .Would they comment upon the safety of the ingredients and vouch for it? "Who has the liability for the harm done by the mandated injection?"

I'm unsure since I wasn't watching them too much, but I think their eyes widened about then.

I put them on notice that they were personally responsible and wanted that in the record.

They oversee these other fucked up unelected Admins.. but themselves are allegedly elected



Thanks. gotta get going on this . Not much time.

Good ideas there all. Thank you.


Anonymous ID: 4a9119 Sept. 2, 2021, 5:47 p.m. No.88054   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>88009 pb

>>88029 pb

thank you.

I found out I have til Tuesday

because of the Monday holiday . and 3 days only counts business days.


thank you ..

Feedback will be appreciated.

The part I read into the record can't be totally changed, except for grammar spelling, and if I want to slip this or that in.

But they cut me off , so anything can be added at the end.



images and vids (I an include thumb drive, or I will anyway) still shots... of vax victims, will work even better than "science" I think. Both witll be good.

But the extent of the damage to the public and to children is the real game changers..

Nobody sees that. They hide it.

First person stories of victims

They know -- the public sees that, and that is votes; if they are allowing it, worse than that.. won't be walkn down the street easily

>>88006 pb

>>88009 pb


I'm copying everything..alost kek

and will collate.

Best to put forth the strongest argument, learned that from a trial lawyer.

Weaker arguments aren't needed.

What is the best argument?

Could it be Children don't die from Covid, they die from vax?