Anonymous ID: 8f441f Sept. 3, 2021, 5:29 p.m. No.88368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8373 >>8376 >>8452


As an observer of this "movie" an autist has to wonder, at some point of the feature length film, will the good guys hijack the vaccine boosters to cure cancer and diabetes without the company's being aware?

That would be an epic troll...

(still not jabbin anything - except my wife...)


Also have to consider that this movie seems to be going too slow for Trump to be back by New Year, we still have an Economic collapse, outages, the aliens, and publicly arresting HRC (my opinion she will be the indictment that will send shockwaves). That's a lot to roll into a handful of weeks at this pace.

I think we got at least another year to go.

Midterms perhaps, but possibly a full four years of Bidan the actor..

Agree we are winning or we would be killing babies in Texas today as before, and knowing we are winning under the distraction of CornPop, then I am cool with it.

Also willing to bet covid will drag on for another year... "overly rubbing our noses in it" to wake up those incredibly retarded fools who accept the jab without question.

Not a concernfag.

I'm actually kinda cool with it all taking time.

Gives me moar opportunities to point it out to libtards and normies that they and their ways suck ass berries...