hope everybodies figured out the workaround for images here?
The Frontline Docs will be part of an event in NYC this afternoon
Covid Vaccine Victims memorial march and vigil on Saturday, September 4th here in New York City. This event is so important.
In light of the current news on main stream media, they are claiming the Pfizer injection has been approved. Whether or not this is true and can be enforced, the fact remains that this campaign has killed and injured thousands of people. This mass coverup by mainstream media, hospitals, government and corporate entities can not stand up to the reality of the suffering of the victims and their families. We need to bring the truth to the street and in the face of our communities since the media will not. We need to march united in honor of the victims. This is an important event that has not been done before. Please join us as we bring the reality of these vaccines to the streets.
This event will have speakers and will be filmed by Bill Cote along with America's Frontline Doctor's and Citizens Corps.
Bring relevant signs/posters etc relating to vaccines, deaths, injuries, statistics, slogans etc.
-See attached social media flyers for sharing-