Anonymous ID: c811af Sept. 6, 2021, 4:47 p.m. No.89052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9055


My brother in law just got off ventilator 2 days ago after a 62 day stent of being incarcerated in a hospital. They literally kidnapped him.

Normally I can go to doctor and ASK for any of those stupid drugs I see commercials about on TV, and they never hesitate to prescribe the shit out of them.

But when he was still able to talk and ask for HCQ before he was slammed on the vent, he was informed that the hospital protocol did not include provisions for that drug or IVM.

So, my sister threw much less of a fit than I would have about it and let them proceed. (if she could have stopped them anyway).

They wanted a death on a vent, for numbers.

He is not "vaccinated"

He has COPD and a smoker for many years, and got sick after riding the Harley's in the rain, he works alone and never interacts with people.

So they called it covid of course, covid pneumonia since it was pneumonia.


I am trying to explain to her that she has a legal case to at least not pay the hospital bill, perhaps win a huge settlement.

She and Him both were explicitly asking to try a drug (Right to Try?!) on a 20% chance of survival situation (thankfully he is still alive thru it). And they refused.

Isn't that worthy of some guilt?

And how many people did they do this to? Class action?

"Mass Murder" literally.


And they were very much trying to get her to "discontinue treatment" after a couple weeks, trying the guilt trip of "we are overflowing with patients" and it would be humane.


They weren't - nurses admitted.


They just wanted the extra $$ for a vent related death.


THIS is what our healthcare system has become...

Better off self medicating and taking your chances.

Drop insurance, drop it all and see the vet.

Anonymous ID: c811af Sept. 6, 2021, 5:02 p.m. No.89057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9059


I have a feeling some of those lawyers already have class action suits in the works.

And as a note:

One of his doctors (an indian by the accept over the phone) actually QUIT that hospital because of my brother in law's case. I had a discussion with him when he called to update my sister about treatment and let him know things he already knew about India and CV19 that I learned from this place of course. He said he swore an oath and is being hindered from practicing it accordingly and that he was considering it breach of contract by the hospital.

She kept his name (I told her a legal case would likely involve his testimony) because we expected bro-in law to die.

He is seriously weak and fucked up but alive.


As a note: Sister had pneumonia also, but day after she got it she visited my house (without her hubby) and I gave her some colloidal silver breathing therapy and some "horsepaste" since I stock it. She didn't take chlorine Dioxide tho, I just thought she had aqualung by hearing her breathing.

My wife and I never even got a hint of anything from her. And we visited half a day in close quarters. But we deworm ourselves monthly now since 3 months ago when we learned about it.

Anonymous ID: c811af Sept. 6, 2021, 5:15 p.m. No.89060   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>who was allergic to buckwheat

Why is this fact relevant? I am allergic to poison ivy and stupid people. so....


But the scary part is this response:

Moderna and Takeda said, "Stainless steel is routinely used in heart valves, joint replacements and metal sutures and staples. As such, it is not expected that injection of the particles identified in these lots in Japan would result in increased medical risk.


As if saying "Yeah, it's contaminated and shit, but we make other shit using that contaminant, so tough titty bitches, we sayin it can't be harmful in yer bloodstream."