Smart anons wanna laugh? (or cry) with me about this retarded shit that keeps getting circulated on the web:
Over on /qresearch/ this shit is being pushed again:
Now. even retards know the CIA/MOS did 9-11, so why the hell would you trust that CIA quoted shit? With a pilot with such a (((name))).
Anons there are either losing their autism over there or gave up trying to say anything (or may be all banned for speaking up.)
I was just across the Hudson on 9-11-01 and this is personal to me because I witnessed the second plane hit watching from atop a roof, and we all HEARD the plane and the impact, which throws a wrench in the narrative. (that sound matching that which was also recorded on video was heard live- key point.)
Some may have seen my posting many times over the years in rt to the "hologramfags" asking how the audio would have been technically accomplished with no valid theories EVER returned... (even BV recently jumps on my ass and permabans me a few days later -for posting a bunker link that was already in the dough. so that says a lot about BV over there - the link was his excuse!)
Anyway, using logic - how hard (expense/planning/people involved/etc) would it be to:
create holograms and cgi (noting video quality in 2001 was shitty "vidcon tubes" and utilized "interleaved video" frames and was not digital. Keep in mind this requires involving news camera feed interceptions and crews on the ground with synchronized loudspeakers all over the city.
just crash one of your own "3rd larges airline" cia glowniggerplanes into the target under remote control. Or electronically hijack one with real people, who cares? Even better cause you ain't gonna die on it. (I don't know those facts personally about plane origins- moot.)
Now, that said... the PLANES did not bring down those buildings, not even close. But it was an obvious cover story for the explosives and thermite that were absolutely placed before the event that did that job. And they did not CGI people jumping, that shit happened in real time. Burned into my memory.
(the HAM radio anon that intercepted POCSAG communications that day and made them available online thru .tor for many years.)
Just had to get that shit off my chest again for the record - nearing the anniversary. The psyops on this one are so thick...
My theory has always been they subcontracted for installation of explosives, such as hiring a company to "install stress gauges" on tower beams, and supplying them with explosives unbeknown to them. Compartmentalization is the key to pulling off an evil result using non-evil workers. Each person never knows they are wiring the building to implode. All the way up to the internet controlled detonator that is triggered by someone at a Langley cubicle.
Money is all it takes, and they certainly extort enough from us to do it.
Godspeed to anons with critical functioning brains, and 9-11 does harbor a lot of memories for this anon...
Carry on...