Never forget germ theory is a theory, and mabbe false.
there is another theory, which goes basically like this:
the only actual dangerous things to a human are:
that's it.
And viruses may not be what they are called.
Viruses mabbe produced by the body for either detox or cleanup after cells has died, mabbe even both.
And the flu therefore mabbe detox process of the body and not infectious, would explain my the military wasn't able to reproduce flu spread in 1919.
this would make this whole pandemic even more hilarious that it already is.
cancer loves acidic pH.
Too much food that we eat is acidic.
Tons of hand lotion and other shit which calls itself pH neutral, or some other nonsense, but is in fact also acidic. It's not pH 7.
We basically poison our own bodies.
Unborn children in the womb are at pH 8.5 (to my knowledge). Are there unborn children that have cancer?