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"God Help Us All" by Five Times August (Official Music Video) 2021
>The "Nose-Out" ... messed up on a live feed. One of the few of the day
It's all fake.
Just like Mark "Ground Zero" Walsh
Why actors if everything actually happened.
What's fascinating about this, that tons of truth movements, especially the big ones, all went against this ridiculous "conspiracy theory", what alpha key planes? no no no, that's ridiculous, you all saw planes that day on your Tell-A-Lie-Vision.
haha, imagine being a CIA-glownigger and hearing this the first time, knowing what really went on there, or maybe telling your handler about this new theory and the handler going "urgh, oh noes, need to debunk this naow", kek
Originally I got to this theory backwards, coming from "so wait, WTC7 was obviously rigged", then going "well if that was rigged, the others were rigged as well", in the end "well these planes do not really make sense anymore, too much risk for any failure, why rig everything, and then risk it all by using planes", plus "the planes would have self destructed at that altitude at that speeds" and then I went "ahhh, yeah maybe the media lied", then I saw live stream witnesses saying "there were no planes, it must have been bombs", and then it hit me.
Put Mark Walsh in there, I'm not even sure when I saw that faggot. Was before Q if I remember correctly. Obviously an actor who spoiled the movie. I still have no idea if they really think the general population is that stupid and it was some kind of haha, they really are this stupid, or if it was shitty script writing, idk.
Or well go for the pentagon. You got some amateur, flying into the pentagon, most heavily gurdaded air space, and somehow he succeeded. Wait, he even flew like a circle, a crazy circle instead of simply diving down, yeah that makes sense. And then you got a tiny video, maybe 240i resolution, and that's the only video there is, and it still looks like a missile?
It's so ridiculous. Everything about it is.
It's similar to corona, there are so many plot holes and things that do not make any sense.
Even remember posting that on 4/pol/ and getting instant replies like "take your meds", "schizo", "you are crazy" etc.
throw a "i saw it in real life in ny, you are full of shit" in, saw that multiple times. Figure out the odds. How many people must have seen even only that explosion in real back then. Maybe a few thousand. Almost everyone saw it on TV. And memory is shaky even, so think about some of these modifying their memory back then according to what they saw on trust-a-vision, and voila plane exists in the minds of these people. What's most important are the live streams, because it's complicated to control the whole narrative when it's live. The rest can be fully controlled. Just look at that heli footage being broadcast afterwards. The nose sticking out got blacked out, or blocked by logos. They were all in on it, why the fuck would they block that everywhere. It doesn't make sense, unless they are knowingly doing that.
Maybe God actually intervened back then and did that little shake that messed up the shot. There is no way to explain that away, especially the fake news trying to hide it afterwards. Thank God there were people recording it all.
I wonder if the bots are programmed to react to certain theories, and certain theories only.
>Maybe his acting was so shitting, since it was by necessity impromptu?
Good idea, yeah, that would make sense.
Similar to the Las Vegas "sushi comp'd" guy.