Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 10:40 a.m. No.92549   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have to "blow" him off for him to accept what I've said, don't like to do it, not muh style IRL but repeating muhself to both of them, like havin 3 yr old twins, is gonna drive me nutz

they seem to respond to neg feedback, which mum and they a reason I got out of here earlies, like 17

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 11:29 a.m. No.92551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2563 >>2621 >>2635


TV actor Allison Mack enters prison in NXIVM sex slave case




SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 2:12 PM

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 12:13 p.m. No.92559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2562


seems so

it's fun to put together what habbened watching the EO's

then came Law of War and then devolution

"nothin is habbenin" for the blind though

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 12:14 p.m. No.92561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2635

FDA Fetal Organ Purchases Violated Federal Law, Experts Say


The FDA shopped from a menu of aborted fetus organs to insert into lab mice as part of taxpayer-funded experiments, according to government records—a practice that watchdogs said may violate federal law.


From 2012 to 2018, Advanced Bioscience Resources, a nonprofit fetal tissue supplier, charged the FDA $340 per aborted fetus liver and $515 per intact skull. The FDA originally redacted these price listings, but a judge later unsealed the documents containing them, which were made public Tuesday by Judicial Watch. Federal law bans any institution from profiting off the sale of aborted fetuses. Meredith Di Liberto, the lead attorney in the lawsuit to obtain the government records, said the unredacted documents reveal a clear line of business between the FDA and a leading fetal tissue provider.


"I don’t know how you get around that not being a violation of federal law," Di Liberto told the Washington Free Beacon. "Why are they charging per organ? What work is involved that requires you to charge a separate cost for a thymus and a liver?"


The FDA study established human immune systems in mice with aborted fetus organs to test the effectiveness of pre-approved drugs. Scientists made specific requests to the supplier to keep the harvested organs "fresh" and "shipped on wet ice." The agency defended this research saying such organs were procured when research "couldn’t be feasibly achieved through another means."


"This work has led to a better understanding of a number of conditions and diseases that affect millions of Americans," the agency said in a statement.


The spokesperson did not elaborate on the specific treatments advanced through the research.


The ABR did not respond to a request for comment.


Abortion providers often charge fetal tissue providers the labor cost for harvesting the organs from an aborted fetus, but David Prentice, a professor of molecular genetics at the Catholic University of America, said the listed prices of fetal organs revealed in the contract are "ludicrous."


"Basically you’re trafficking baby body parts using our taxpayer funds, and it’s being done at our federal agencies," Prentice told the Free Beacon. "I think it’s an open question if they’re making a profit off of this tissue, and that obviously borders on the illegal."


The DOJ began an investigation into ABR in 2017 after undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress showed Planned Parenthood employees negotiating prices and methods of harvesting organs from aborted fetuses. The DOJ declined to comment on the investigation.


Two California medical companies were ordered to permanently close all business operations in a $7.8 million settlement in 2017 after a local district attorney found they were "viewing body parts as a commodity and illegally selling fetal tissues for valuable consideration." David Daleiden, the founder of the Center for Medical Progress, said ABR should be shut down too for similar illegal behavior revealed in its contracts with the FDA.


"The federal court has found probable cause that ABR illegally trafficked baby body parts based on the records publicly available—it's time for these cases to be filed now and for the human trafficking of aborted infants to stop," Daleiden told the Free Beacon.


The Trump administration ended the FDA's partnership with ABR in 2018. The administration stopped government scientists from conducting experiments on fetal organs and established an ethics committee to review all funding requests for fetal research. The Biden administration reestablished this research and dissolved the ethics committee in April, which Prentice said leaves reason to believe the FDA and other federal agencies have resumed purchasing fetal organs.


FDA'' rackin up hte charges yo

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 12:17 p.m. No.92564   🗄️.is 🔗kun


not real


still true though

we nose



it's slow for now so I'll rest

be back for nite slam of news

got a couple drawers empty to repack and send rest off to goodwill, gotta weekend of it comin up

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 3:47 p.m. No.92575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2635

Grant Stinchfield and John Solomon Report Trump Declassified Documents January 19th and White House Counsel Withheld Them


Last night, following the indictment release of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann, Newsmax’ GrantStinchfield made a strong accusation against former White House counsel Pat Cipollone.The claim is that in the final days of the Trump Presidency, the President declassified all of the pertinent documents related to DOJ and FBI misconduct surrounding the false Trump-Russia collusion case.


According to Stinchfield, speaking of ‘high level’ Trump administration sources, thousands of documents were declassified with instructions to release them to the public and also provide them to journalist John Solomon. The public release never took place; and Stinchfield as well as other Trump allies blame Pat Cipollone for withholding them. After explaining what his sources said took place, John Solomon joined as a guest to confirm the basic outline as presented. WATCH:


Right off the bat, something about this doesn’t pass my sniff test. That is not to say that events, as described, are not accurate; but something about the presentation doesn’t seem right.


FIRST – If John Solomon has known about this for nine months; and if Solomon has a partial list of those documents; and if Solomon is of the same frustrated mindset as outlined….. then why didn’t John Solomon ever write about the issue before?


SECOND – I am not excusing White House counsel Pat Cippolone, not even close; however, I think there is some context being ignored in the way Stinchfield and Solomon are framing this. Cippolone’s position as White House counsel is not to represent Donald Trump, his job is to represent the Office of The President. The White House counsel is a legal officer of the executive branch as an institution, not the president as a person/individual. Here is where the missing context and issue surfaces….


When Bill Barr appointed John Durham, officially appointed John Durham (October 19, 2020) as a special counsel, essentially what Bill Barr did was put the proverbial investigative shield over all material evidence that falls under the definition of the investigation Durham was charged to conduct.


Just like Robert Mueller’s appointment made him the controlling authority over everything related to Trump-Russia; which I might add was done with specific and purposeful intent; that made the Mueller special counsel the arbiter of anything that would ever be released to the public. That controlling authority is exactly how Mueller, Weissmann and crew kept a lid on anything that would be detrimental to the political narrative they were attempting to assemble (May 2017 through April 2019).


This process is one that we see used often in order to control and/or coverup wrongdoing. The material evidence, or any investigative discussion therein, becomes hidden under the cover of “an ongoing investigation“, which blocks the release and puts the control of all evidence into the hands of the investigators.


Understandably, our most familiar reference points are often when this “subject of an ongoing investigation” justification is used with malicious and corrupt intent to keep things hidden from the public. That corrupt reference is a stark and frustrating reality. However, there are valid reasons why material evidence is kept in the control of the investigators until they determine it is no longer useful; this is also true.


Back to Cippolone. With John Durham appointed as the special counsel with control over all evidence subject to the purpose of his investigation, well, right there is a valid reason why the counsel for the Office of the Presidency could not just release it. Cippolone would have to give it to John Durham because it was materially relevant to his ongoing investigation. The declassified material would have to go through John Durham, gain his approval that investigative value is exhausted (ie. it is no longer needed), and then the material can be released.


Through the prism of that approach, Pat Cippolone not making the material public (giving it to special counsel John Durham) would be following the appropriate step.

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 3:49 p.m. No.92577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2579 >>2621 >>2635





In 1787, our Constitution was signed by the delegates at the Constitutional Convention. At NSA, we take an oath to defend, commit to, and protect the rights outlined in this foundational document. #ConstitutionDay

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 3:50 p.m. No.92578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2579 >>2621 >>2635





Fidelity to the Constitution is the bedrock principle at #CIA. Every officer who enters on duty takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution.


We strive each day to defend the ideals that serve as the foundation for America's government and way of life.



Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 3:56 p.m. No.92581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2635

U.S. Secret Service




Today we observe National POW/MIA Recognition Day. We remember and honor those Americans who were prisoners of war and those who served and never returned home. #POWMIARecognitionDay

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:02 p.m. No.92583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2635

The Kate Awakening Channel, [17.09.21 09:51]


[Forwarded from Where We Go 1 We Go All]


A Shareable link for the New Doc









This is a FULL Breakdown with Info graphs and timelines of everything leading up to the "Pandemic" Event201, CladeX, everything. Broken down in plain English for people who aren't read-in to understand WHY we are refusing the Vaccine.



Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:08 p.m. No.92586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2594 >>2621 >>2635

Out of the whole world, Sweden ranks 40th in COVID mortality.


Every country that ranks above Sweden followed Dr. Fauci’s advice and pushed lockdowns, masks mandates, travel bans, school closures, and social distancing.


The media ignores Sweden because covering it would mean admitting that Fauci's lockdown policies destroyed millions of lives and small businesses for no reason at all.

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:12 p.m. No.92588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2635

09/17/2021 via RepDonaldsPress


"This request for documents will ensure transparency & set the record straight. Did Gen. Milley commit treason, or didn't he? The answer to this crucial question rests in those transcripts, & for the sake of our Republic, it would behoove Sec. Austin to release these documents".



Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:15 p.m. No.92589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2635

1 hour ago


Pentagon Says Drone Strike Killed Innocent People, Not ISIS Members


The airstrike was initially described as "righteous," but Friday afternoon the Pentagon said the military intelligence was wrong. CBS2's Ali Bauman reports.

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:24 p.m. No.92592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2623


winter can't get here soon enough, or last long enough for that matter

same for regular time

muh body just not takin DST well this month and another to go

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:26 p.m. No.92593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2597 >>2621 >>2635

StormyPatriotJoe - Channel, [17.09.21 17:09]


Regardless of how it plays out with Sussman….. This is the start of the dominos.

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:27 p.m. No.92595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2600 >>2621 >>2635

EWillHelpYou, [17.09.21 16:24]


[In reply to EWillHelpYou]


Confirmed today.


The FDA has officialy denied approval for Pfizers booster shots in a 16-3 panel vote.




In their ruling, the FDA panel actually cited the fact that Pfizer hadn't provided adequate data on the safety of the boosters or the necessity of them.


And nearly the entire panel agreed that data out of Israel does not support their usage.

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:29 p.m. No.92596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mindy Robinson, [17.09.21 16:42]


The county commissioners I chewed out in that infamous video? They’re not only ignoring the will of the people by continuing to push mandates and forced vaccinations….they’ve now declared “free speech” a public health crisis.


Marilyn Kirkpatrick- District B. Chairman, (702) 455-3500


James B. Gibson - District G. (702) 455-5561


Michael Naft - District A. County Commissioner. (702) 455-3500


Ross Miller - District C. County Commissioner. (702) 455-4901


William McCurdy II - District D. County Commissioner. (702) 455-3239


Tick Segerblom - District E. County Commissioner. (702) 455-3503


Justin Jones - District F. (702) 455-3500

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:37 p.m. No.92602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2605 >>2613 >>2621 >>2635


'What's Pfizer stock worth now?' Nicki Minaj


Pepe Lives Matter 🐸, [17.09.21 17:15]


[ Photo ]


Nicki Minaj now getting sheep to question their fragile realities. 😂😂😂


2021 is weird af.


(Tweet now deleted)

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:42 p.m. No.92604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2635

Nicki Minaj to Democratic Party In Livestream: “I’m Not One Of Those People That Ya’ll Are Gonna Be Able to Do This With”


Nicki Minaj claps back against the Democratic Party, who have allegedly reached out to Minaj in order to talk about Vaccine skepticism.


Minaj, who has been at it all week, first hilariously calling Joy Reid “Uncle Tomania”, now is getting bothered by the White House for an “educational” call on COVID vaccines.


Minaj called out how the left-wing media and the Democrats have attacked her “personally” when you don’t follow the Democratic party narrative exactly. Here is what she said on her livestream:


Nicki Minaj Slams Democratic Party In A Live Stream




With the frank discussion of her worries about being vaccinated on Wednesday, Nicki Minaj continues to upset the establishment.


It all started with the actress lashing out at Joy Reid for publicly humiliating her for wanting to do her own research. The fact that she had a child at home meant that she was unable to attend the Met Gala party due to the vaccination restrictions that were in place for admission.


It has now reached a critical stage. Even when Biden administration official Anthony Fauci tried his hand at reprimanding her, she refused to back down.


After a heated debate with the media over vaccination requirements, Trinidadian artist and worldwide superstar Nicki Minaj has sided with Tucker Carlson’s comments on Fox News.


When Minaj posted the tweet, she merely includes an emoji of a dart hitting the bullseye of a target.


Here’s what Carlson had to say: “Even though he’s fine, it’s Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s testicles who are swollen from taking the vax. That’s the claim. But it’s not anything to do with the physical effect of the vaccine that makes our political class mad, it’s the last part of Nicki Minaj’s tweet that enrages them. The part where she says “you should pray on it, make the decision yourself like a free human being and don’t be bullied.” So our media and public health officials didn’t like this because they make their livings bullying people. So they couldn’t let it stand!”


The incident itself seems to have soured Ms. Minaj’s opinion of the so-called mainstream media outlets that have covered her. Minaj also claimed that she was locked out of her Twitter account for the tweet.


The responses to Minaj’s tweet, on the other hand, are full of fear, as if she is endorsing everything that Tucker Carlson stands for.


“you know he’s a white nationalist right?” said Hasan Piker Young Turks contributor who was fired for saying “America deserved 9/11.” In other news, Piker’s a champagne socialist who just bought a multi-million dollar house.


Right. I can’t speak to, agree with, even look at someone from a particular political party. Ppl aren’t human any more. If you’re black & a Democrat tells u to shove marbles up ur ass, you simply have to. If another party tells u to look out for that bus, stand there & get hit


— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) September 15, 2021


Minaj responded that she will not put “marbles” up her ass for the Democratic Party.


Other white liberals were chastising Nicki for agreeing with Tucker. Who pretty much only agreed with her right to make her own choices.


Oh Nicki, you think Fox News on the right side of this? I used to respect your talent and hustle, but peddling vaccine misinformation “just asking questions” is something I can’t forgive. Take the L sis and move on.


— Ian Power (@powerian) September 15, 2021


“Oh Nicki, you think Fox News on the right side of this? I used to respect your talent and hustle, but peddling vaccine misinformation “just asking questions” is something I can’t forgive. Take the L sis and move on.”


Nicki. This is exploitation. You're better than this.


— MomsThoughts™ (@MomsThoughts) September 15, 2021


“Nicki. This is exploitation. You’re better than this.”


Minaj responded to all their hate with a single tweet.


You know how many US Presidents were white supremacists? Oh please. Just stay on topic. Y’all can’t do that. The topic is: asking questions is OK. but let’s make the topic: Nicki talks to white racists so that you can all sleep better tonight. Dummies


— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) September 15, 2021


“You know how many US Presidents were white supremacists? Oh please. Just stay on topic. Y’all can’t do that. The topic is: asking questions is OK. but let’s make the topic: Nicki talks to white racists so that you can all sleep better tonight. Dummies”

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:44 p.m. No.92606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2635

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [17.09.21 19:22]


[ Album ]


Mark "The Mole" Milley is now under congressional investigation for treason.


The Mole allegedly held a covert meeting at the Pentagon to discuss nuclear weapons with top military leaders.


It is reported that Milley asked for military leaders to swear an oath to him during the secret meeting.


Will Woke Milley feel "offended" by this congressional investigation?


What if Woke Milley unilaterally usurps the Resident and decides to launch nukes in a fit of "white rage"?

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:46 p.m. No.92607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2609


was laughin hard bout this

used to call eboT out on pop twat, BS, Tay Tay

now it's hip hop twat turning the black community against the Dims


Just waitin on ye to chime in

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 4:48 p.m. No.92608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2623 >>2635


Jordan Sather, [17.09.21 17:31]


The Media is freaking the hell out over Nicki Minaj questioning vaccines, what is this!?


Funny, the "journalist" who wrote this was the same person who called me a "professional shit stirrer" last year over discussiong chlorine dioxide as a treatment for COVID.


These people are duuuuuuuuumb


Rolling Stone has the credibility of a used Qtip rimmed on the ass of Satan


Nicki Minaj Is Now a QAnon Hero


Far-right conspiracy theorists have embraced the rapper following her unhinged social media posts about Covid-19 and vaccines


On the surface, one would assume that most people suffering from QAnon boomer brain would not be fans of Nicki Minaj, a powerful member of the Hollywood establishment, and prominent ass-eating advocate. Yet in the Year of Our Lord 2021, it seems that the tides have changed. Following the rapper’s social media posts outlining her reluctance to get the Covid-19 vaccine earlier this week, far-right conspiracy theorists are rallying behind Minaj en masse, adopting her as a shining totem of their views and a tool to redpill the masses.


“Anons, prayers for protection for Nicki and her family,” said the caption for one meme posted in support of Minaj, which was recently posted on a popular QAnon thread on the encrypted messaging app Telegram. The meme featured an image of an angel with voluminous wings with the words, “One who is aligned with God is more powerful than millions who are not.” Other posts parsed “breadcrumbs” — conspiracy theorist speak for vaguely revealing “clues” — left by Minaj in her social media posts. “Nicki actually stated on her Twitter last night that she’s going to wear pink to the White House like on Legally Blonde to get answers,” said one poster. “What was interesting to me is in Legally Blonde the main character was Elle Woods. It got me thinking….L. Wood. Lin?,” a reference to Trump’s deranged former attorney who has publicly promoted many far-right conspiracy theories.

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 5:19 p.m. No.92616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2617 >>2621 >>2635

these17posts from last bread caught my attention….i'm thinking Q might have visited us…..?? (Part 1)


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 12:36:05ee4a09 No.14602570 >>14602590


The least guarded secrets in Coie - Perkins / Elias Law Group are the payoffs to RINOS. That will be first up. Panic in GOP HQ where millions of $$$ were transferred from the GOP to the Dems to throw the 2020 election. Those you trusted most…


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 12:39:26ee4a09 No.14602587 >>14602594 >>14602599 >>14602865


Where we are right now:


General Milley says that it's ok to call your enemy in the Chinese Army and tell them your plans regarding nuclear warfare and expecting us to not regard it as high treason.


Up is down. Left is right.


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 12:44:01ee4a09 No.14602615




Good call anon. They won't be able to walk down public streets.


Treason is in season for the top Military Industrial complex leaders at the moment. Everybody has their price under a lawless elite driven system.


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 12:45:41ee4a09 No.14602624


Sussman = Perkins Coie


Perkins Coie = defacto managment of FBI / DOJ as per Council of 13 (13 largest crime families). Sussman is a direct shot on the bow of the 'triangle' of power.


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 12:48:41ee4a09 No.14602640


RINOS in the spotlight? Illegal funding diversions to Democrats?


They won't be able to walk down public streets.


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 12:51:13ee4a09 No.14602653 >>14602706




Trump is transitioning a failed corrupt system to one controlled by 'We, the People'. Everybody trashing Trump will literally eat their words. '1000 years of peace' Funny how that was left out of the bible. A new age is here.


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 12:54:41ee4a09 No.14602682


Imagine how Conservatives will feel when they find out the GOP has been funding the DNC for 20+ years.


Imagine how Liberals will feel when they find out the only reason they won is because of GOP embezzlement. You don't know what you don't know…


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 12:59:19ee4a09 No.14602708


What if 1/3 of State/Federal Republicans are actually on the Dem Payroll from GOP transferred slush funds? Is there really a GOP or a Dem party any more?


You don't know what you don't know…


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 13:27:42ee4a09 No.14602905


This weekend the de-programming is going to hit high gear:


  • Dem Law Firm at center of Durham indictment


  • Ivermectin and HCQ are indeed the cures for Covid


  • Vax / Mask mandates being destroyed by Local Pressure by Liberals/Conservatives alike


  • American Army General consorting with the Chinese on War Protocols calls treason 'part of the job'.


  • Roe Vs. Wade dismantled by Texas with no SCOTUS intervention


  • Nicky Manaj and Rose McGowan rooftop sniping the Cabal with Britney Spears getting ready for action


This was always the plan. Eventually the citizen journalists caught it all on film and the perpetrators arrogantly admit to it when cornered. The systematic destruction of the 'old guard' has reached a quickening. No more:


  • Religious control (System of Control)


  • GOP / Dem uniparty exposed (System of Control)


  • State/County/City corruption (City/County/School Councils being monitored 24/7)


This is not just a temporary measure. This is how a system controlled by We, the People, works. Max participation and contribution to our communities and the 'participants' we let into our economies. We can no longer allow Walmart to sell us cheap Chinese shit then use the profits to beat us over the head with propaganda that undercuts our Constitutional and moral values. The solution starts when we locally drive these parasites (Walmart/Burger King/Taco Bell/Target/ Shell/Texaco) out of our economies. We're paying for our own enslavement. The founders gave us the map. The map unlocks. The most power as per the Constitution is in City / County Government. That is where our power is being surrendered, locally in a sphere of 3005 Counties. Drive them out of your Cities and your Counties. Drive the vampires out.


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 13:41:32ee4a09 No.14602977 >>14602999






The Lawyers have all the secrets. The Lawyers are the ones that were institutionalizing the destruction of our Constitution via DOJ/FBI policy. Sussman is the gateway into the spider web of legal entanglements. There were about 30 that knew the whole plan. Sussman was around all 30 of them. He might not know what was buried but he knew where to dig. The movie just hit the nitro button.


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 13:45:45ee4a09 No.14603001


Durham just let us know [Sussman] who got a deal after Klinesmith. Only 7 deals left. Wonder who takes the deal next?


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 13:47:55ee4a09 No.14603017




There it is.


[precedent for raids on Perkins-Coie]


National Security break on Elias Law Group att/client priv


Military Law is different

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 5:20 p.m. No.92617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2635



Part 2


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 13:53:59ee4a09 No.14603052


It's not sexy or attractive or media playable, but taking down the law firms that created, regulated and interpreted the illegal takedown of the US Constitution is the way to destroy the internal infrastructure that serves as a mechanism for evil to do their bidding. Making sausage is a messy business and that's exactly what we're in the middle of right now. Watch how much better America runs without this parasitic cancer called Perkins - Coie chipping at the foundation of our Republic.


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 13:59:17ee4a09 No.14603085


The best way I can tell anons the current status is this: The millstone has been fitted and they've being led to the water. Anons, truthfully, enjoy this weekend. You worked damn hard for it.


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 14:17:07ee4a09 No.14603178 >>14603195


Clinesmith led to Sussman. Now you'd think that Clinesmith would lead to James Baker or James Comey, but instead, led to Coie Perkins.


Clinesmith, FBI - out of the gate


Sussman, Coie Perkins next out


What is this telling anons about the direction of the investigation? Why did Marc Elias split from Perkins/Coie? What is the legal pursuit of White Hats in giving a deal to a Perkins/Coie lawyer?


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 14:22:31ee4a09 No.14603226 >>14603241




Ya'll sayin' I'm taking sides with a white racist. You be sayin' stop listenin'. Then you get hit by that bus.


Nicky Manaj spit the programming.


Anonymous 09/17/21 (Fri) 14:26:43ee4a09 No.14603253




Marc Elias fleeing Perkins/Coie is evidence this is a way bigger deal plus the FakeNews attempted blacklisting of the story is proof this is landmark. It defines the direction and that direction is into the legal swamp of true DC politics. This is a Jacksonian era stab into the heart of the financial autocracy and it's legal mechanisms.

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 5:23 p.m. No.92618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2622 >>2635

Techno Fog




Look closer at Durham's indictment of Michael Sussmann -


There lurks potential charges against the Alfa Bank research group for using classified gov't data for their own political operation.


11:50 AM · Sep 17, 2021·Twitter Web App


Durham sets the background by discussing a gov't contract where the researchers would receive classified data -


"in order to identify the perpetrators of malicious cyber-attacks and protect U.S. national security."


Durham continues -


the researchers "exploited" this data - which was provided to enable them to "protect U.S. networks" - to conduct their own political research.


Once you understand what they were looking at -


This then becomes a question of the criminal culpability for the misuse and dissemination of classified data.


US Researchers > Sussmann > Media

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 5:25 p.m. No.92619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2635


President Trump Releases a Statement After Ohio Rep Anthony Gonzalez Announces He Will Not Run For Reelection


September 17, 2021 | Sundance | 27 Comments


Short and sweet: “1 down, 9 to go!”

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 5:37 p.m. No.92621   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>92580, >>92594, >>92611 Fryday planefaggin

>>92619 45: “1 down, 9 to go!”

>>92618 @Techno_Fog There lurks potential charges against the Alfa Bank research group for using classified gov't data for their own political operation.

>>92616, >>92617 these17posts from last bread caught my attention

>>92603 Scavino on FB: 10Kmigrants walking into Del Rio

>>92602, >>92604, >>92608 Minaj to Democratic Party: “I’m Not One Of Those People That Ya’ll Are Gonna Be Able to Do This With”

>>92595 The FDA has officialy denied approval for Pfizers booster shots in a 16-3 panel vote.

>>92593, >>92597Regardless of how it plays out with Sussman….. This is the start of the dominos.

>>92590 Dan uses picture from Q 3826/proof past can find the future

>>92588, >>92606 Did Gen. Milley commit treason, or didn't he?/being investigated

>>92586 Out of the whole world, Sweden ranks 40th in COVID mortality.

>>92585 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Reverse Repo Operations-week of Sept 12 2021: $5.669T


>>92581 @SecretService Today we observe National POW/MIA Recognition Day

>>92577, >>92578, >>92579 @NSAGov/@CIA In 1787, our Constitution was signed by the delegates at the Constitutional Convention

>>92575 Grant Stinchfield and John Solomon Report Trump Declassified Documents January 19th and White House Counsel Withheld Them

>>92569, >>92589 "It Was A Mistake": Pentagon Admits Biden Killed Up To 10 Innocent Civilians In Kabul Drone Strike

>>92568 South Australia Testing Quarantining App That Combines Facial and Geolocation Technology

>>92561 FDA Fetal Organ Purchases Violated Federal Law, Experts Say

>>92553, >>92555, >>92556 Eric Schmidt quit why?

>>92552 American traveler says all the people at this airport have a ticket to go ANYWHERE in the country for free

>>92551, >>92563, >>92566 TV actor Allison Mack enters prison in NXIVM sex slave case



look em over

lemme know

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 5:41 p.m. No.92622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2624 >>2635


National Review


Remembering the Journalists Who Pushed the Flimsy Trump–Alfa Bank Connection


Isaac Schorr


Fri, September 17, 2021, 7:20 PM·3 min read


Arkincide Candidate


Earlier this week, special counsel John Durham handed out the first indictment coming out of his investigation into the relationship between the Trump campaign and Russia, charging Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussman with lying to the FBI about his affiliation with the Clinton campaign.


Sussman allegedly provided evidence of ties between team Trump and the Russian-based Alfa Bank to FBI general counsel James Baker, telling Baker he was acting as a concerned private citizen in handing over sensitive information. In reality, he was billing the Clinton campaign for his work, according to the indictment.


Moreover, Sussman allegedly had come into the information by way of a tech executive set to receive a post in the thought-to-be-forthcoming Clinton administration. That tech executive apparently had been pressing his employees to produce something attesting to a relationship between team Trump and the Russians, and the executive — whose researchers were reportedly uncomfortable with their task — called the Trump–Russia narrative a “red herring.” For a comprehensive and more than capable summary of the indictment and what it means, read Andy McCarthy.

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 5:43 p.m. No.92624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2630 >>2635


The FBI was only one of the marks of Clinton-campaign contractors and the would-be Clinton administration. Members of the media were also fed the Trump–Russia narrative, including in the form of the Alfa Bank relationship.


Franklin Foer at Slate wrote the original story about a relationship between a Trump computer server and Alfa Bank on October 31, 2016, and declared that while there was no “smoking gun” tying the Trump campaign to Russia, there was a “suggestive body of evidence” that should have been scrutinized “in the broader context of the campaign.” Hillary Clinton herself promoted Foer’s piece.




Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.


8:36 PM · Oct 31, 2016·TweetDeck

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 5:44 p.m. No.92625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2626

Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles

(SPIONs) have been studied for various biomedical applications, such as contrast agents, iron replacement therapies, drug …

Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 5:49 p.m. No.92628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2632 >>2633 >>2635





full thread below from the war economy!!


His next court date will be 9/22 at 11am in front of U.S. district judge Christopher Cooper.


Cooper is an African-American.[18] Cooper is married to Amy Jeffress, a former Justice Department official and national security counselor to former United States Attorney General Eric Holder.



Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 5:58 p.m. No.92633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2635




According to Grassley he was once a member of the American Constitution


Society for Law and Policy. A goal of the organization is “countering right-wing


distortions of our Constitution.” Also, some of the stated goals and missions of the


organization are “countering right-wing distortions of our Constitution” and


“debunking conservative buzzwords such as ‘originalism’ and ‘strict construction’ that use neutral-sounding language but all too often lead to conservative policy






From the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy about us page:


ACS nurtures the next generation of progressive lawyers, judges, policy experts, legislators, and academics by providing opportunities for networking, mentoring, and organizing around matters of both local and national significance.


Getting Clinesmith judge vibes. Clinesmith judge, James E. Boasberg, if you recall was an Obama appointee and a FISA court judge (appointed by Roberts) during the time they approved the Carter Page FISA warrant, which means he was a conspirator.



Anonymous ID: 85e162 Sept. 17, 2021, 6:10 p.m. No.92635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2641


>>92580, >>92594, >>92611, >>92627 Fryday planefaggin

>>92634 Myanmar shadow government sets up office in South Korea

>>92628, >>92632, >>92633 THE JUDGE IN SUSSMANN CASE IS CHRISTOPHER COOPER./background

>>92619 45: “1 down, 9 to go!”

>>92618, >>92622, >>92624 @Techno_Fog There lurks potential charges against the Alfa Bank research group for using classified gov't data for their own political operation./background

>>92616, >>92617 these17posts from last bread caught my attention

>>92603 Scavino on FB: 10Kmigrants walking into Del Rio

>>92602, >>92604, >>92608 Minaj to Democratic Party: “I’m Not One Of Those People That Ya’ll Are Gonna Be Able to Do This With”

>>92595 The FDA has officialy denied approval for Pfizers booster shots in a 16-3 panel vote.

>>92593, >>92597Regardless of how it plays out with Sussman….. This is the start of the dominos.

>>92590 Dan uses picture from Q 3826/proof past can find the future

>>92588, >>92606 Did Gen. Milley commit treason, or didn't he?/being investigated

>>92586 Out of the whole world, Sweden ranks 40th in COVID mortality.

>>92585 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Reverse Repo Operations-week of Sept 12 2021: $5.669T


>>92581 @SecretService Today we observe National POW/MIA Recognition Day

>>92577, >>92578, >>92579 @NSAGov/@CIA In 1787, our Constitution was signed by the delegates at the Constitutional Convention

>>92575 Grant Stinchfield and John Solomon Report Trump Declassified Documents January 19th and White House Counsel Withheld Them

>>92569, >>92589 "It Was A Mistake": Pentagon Admits Biden Killed Up To 10 Innocent Civilians In Kabul Drone Strike

>>92568 South Australia Testing Quarantining App That Combines Facial and Geolocation Technology

>>92561 FDA Fetal Organ Purchases Violated Federal Law, Experts Say

>>92553, >>92555, >>92556 Eric Schmidt quit why?

>>92552 American traveler says all the people at this airport have a ticket to go ANYWHERE in the country for free

>>92551, >>92563, >>92566 TV actor Allison Mack enters prison in NXIVM sex slave case



settin up bake now

lemme know