Anonymous ID: 677751 Nov. 25, 2021, 8:20 a.m. No.111928   🗄️.is 🔗kun


an attitude


all dat feelz it,

in God's own way,


reminds us of da REALZ stuff.



Da golden roast, we gladly toast

Da gravy tastes delicious

Da green bean cassarole is fine

Although not that nutritious.


And then DESSERTS! Dem coolin' pies -

Da apple, nut and pumpkin

with ice cream dripping from our eyes

We sink into our rumpkin.


In years gone by, twas easy

to forget the real reason

We CELEBRATE this Turkey Day

That kicks off Christmas season.


But now we are re-MEMBERING

da deeper meaning and do BRING

our humble hearts as OFFERING

our sacrifice to that GREAT THING

Dat makes our lives with purpose RING

Lets flow life's waters as a SPRING.

Give simple thanks for EVERYTHING

And know we're BLESSED this day.


So let us now make MERRY, frens

And i do wish, unto this END

a giant THANKS to one and all

who do rise up and hear the call

of duty, when the night is dark

and silent is the morning's lark

We shall prevail, for love is here

and triumphs over death and fear


Let's celebrate this Turkey Day

In glad remembrance of the way

Our ancestors prevailed to say

"We're family," we shall not stray

Remembering we all are ONE

In this, the year of 21.