linked to 8kun link below.
Summary notes of speech:
president of the Swiss federal, Guy Parmelin starts off telling the assembly that he is a vine grower and compares the human race to a vine, Covid pandemic is a bit like Hail or frost that can damage a vine, a good vine grower knows how to weather this, swiss vine growers can call on insurance funds which they have paid into. Switzerland is hosting the next data forum in Bern in October.
Continue to back Rules based multilateralism?
digitization of the monetary system, 2030 agenda framework in place
1) Vaccines world wide
2) Host Country of World health organisation and other global ngo's
3) World Trade organisation has a critical role
4) International law in cyberspace promoted by Switzerland
5) Climate change serious, Climate neutrality the goal for all countries.
6) Geneva neutral dialogue center for the world .
Hail and frost will continue in the future to damage the vine, finishing he said how he has learnt to tend his vines?
Switzerland - President Addresses General Debate, 76th Session
Guy Parmelin, President of the Swiss Confederation, addresses the general debate of the 76th Session of the General Assembly of the UN (New York, 21-27 September 2021).
In English: