Anonymous ID: cfb970 Sept. 27, 2021, 1:25 a.m. No.95905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5907 >>5911


>physical viruses may or may not be real but thought viruses sure are

It depends on how you look at it.

Viruses are real, but they may simply not what germ theory believers think they are.


They may simply be things that the cells/body produces to clean up. Just like bacteria are within us to also clean up.


And the Rockefeller pharma pretends these are all dangerous. Remember: Rockefeller pharma is almost always about treating symptoms and therefore hiding symptoms.


Even vaccines if they work at all, may simply be hiding symptoms, which is retarded to the max.


It's like when you have massive inflammations in your body, they give you prednisolone, which turns these off, but for so called auto-immune dis-eases they do that and it's their only treatment, because of the BELIEF that it's the immune system that simply attacks itself for no reason, which is a retarded belief.


In case of for example Ulcerative Colitis a certain antibiotic helps. There is also a fat that helps. And there are special bacteria that reset the gut flora, which are supposed to even cure the dis-ease.


All of that shows that it's not an auto-immune dis-ease, but that there is a reason for the immune system to do what it does.


And the corrupt pharma even tries its best to hide anything that proves that their theory is wrong.

For example for that special fat, they did studies that took patients who were in really bad condition (tons of inflammations), and they gave these patients that fat only.


The patients didn't get better within a few weeks, so they said "oh well, see it doesn't work, we can't continue with this, muh ethics".

They are either retarded or fully corrupt. Anyone with a brain should understand that the body has gone crazy already, so what you would have to do is give that fat, to stop the cause, but also power down the immune system.


It's like having bacteria in the blood stream and going muh prednisolone will solve this. No, in that case they give antibiotic and prednisolone to power down the immune system and destroy the bacteria, which at least makes some sense.


So the study should have been:

prednisolone + fat VS. prednisolone.


Instead they are pretending that the fat could somehow power down the immune system just like prednisolone, which is a ridiculous BELIEF.


I know myself that the body even takes weeks if not months to power down itself even when on high amounts of prednisolone while it's being inflamed when given the fat. But it does. It may take months though.

Anonymous ID: cfb970 Sept. 27, 2021, 1:34 a.m. No.95908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5910


>with lots of people are either covid-scared or covid-arrogant or both

You see it by checking flu numbers, but also pneumonia numbers.


Somehow pneumonia numbers fell, at the same time they pretend that "new pneumonia w/ covid" appeared, and it's around that missing number.


They BELIEVE that the PCR test can detect infections, which it can't and therefore they put the diagnosis "covid" on anything that gives them a positive test result, despite PCR test even stating that it should not be used for diagnosis.


Asthma numbers also went down, which also makes no sense.


So the diagnosis changed, the actual dis-ease stayed the same.


COVID-19 is basically "how we create new dis-eases and pretend that our treatments are working (testing treated patient differently/not at all, counting differently, changing definitions, etc)".


The same nonsense was done with other dis-eases.

You got disease A.

They sell a vaccine against it.

Disease B shows up, disease A is "gone"

"see, our vaccine worked"


It shouldn't work, but it somehow does work. That's why most medical experts go along with this one too. It's all a scam. And they are either in on it, or used to it and believe in it.


Modern medicine is primarily a religion.

Anonymous ID: cfb970 Sept. 27, 2021, 1:41 a.m. No.95909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5911


>She makes it real that way. And also something that is part of her.

Keep in mind that doctors are either knowingly or unknowingly using fear based mind control.


And PTSD, if she is a soldier, may be real. Military as it is today shouldn't exist, well after this is over, it will hopefully get disbanded. Humans are not made to kill other humans, and they will get sick in some way or another when doing so.


I read about a story about a patient mixup, and a doctor told a patient that he would only live a few more weeks or months, but that patient was mixed up and the patient that he spoke to wasn't the right one.


Anyway this patient died suddenly after, despite not having a disease that would cause that.

If you think you are terribly sick, you may create symptoms, you may get even more sick and you may even die, simply because you BELIEVE that you are that badly sick and nothing can help you, because a scam artist in a white coat told you so.


It's basically a satanic placebo.


I find it incredible that this even happens. Anyone should figure out that people that are told that they are going to die will not do well. Well most won't.

Anonymous ID: cfb970 Sept. 27, 2021, 1:43 a.m. No.95910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5912


>Disease B shows up

w/ same symptoms of course kek


"watch my magic trick"

"I will make the flu DISAPPEAR"

"And here you got the brand new COVID-19 w/ the same symptoms, but it's brand new, use this test to detect it"

Anonymous ID: cfb970 Sept. 27, 2021, 2:42 a.m. No.95917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5920


>But to be there w/commitment for many hours a day is not healthy.

Yes, after getting banned there, I'm rarely over there, and if I am tons of times I see that it's not good for my mental well being. Some other times it all clicks, useful posts are made and then bam porn and other shit gets posted.


I really wonder what the point of Q is about this.

Maybe it's the lion's den, maybe intentionally.

Anonymous ID: cfb970 Sept. 27, 2021, 2:44 a.m. No.95918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5920


>Some always do - it's possible, just difficult

That fat that works for Ulcerative Colitis was found by a professor over 20 years ago.

You think it got approved by now? kek, of course not.


I talked with that professor some time ago, asking him if he wanted to approve it himself because of the corrupt pharma system and he didn't respond directly. It was a slight nod.


That's someone who took his profession seriously and who also questioned the narrative. That's what science should be, but isn't.