Stop with the fucking fame whoring bull shit you fucks
This is not a game, yet you fucks still act as if it is
Stop with the fucking fame whoring bull shit you fucks
This is not a game, yet you fucks still act as if it is
Get your fucking glowing shit out of here
Now that the game is finished, the board is set. Need wheels up on AF1 and get tonight's real drops so we can burn that midnight oil
So glad to confirm brothers here
Corruption is easy attainable with the simple minded
Strong minded know there is a much greater reward with loyalty
No what you do is muck up the work space with people that have no clue what is going on
Imagine if you are in a theater enjoying a great film and a group comes in with 15 minutes left and starts telling you what happened during the movie. Then if we tell them how the movie has really gone they are clueless.
This has to end. The info will find them. They don't need to come in to the work space and muck it up with basic bitch questions
ZUMA is fully operational
PSYOP is to confuse the target of the capabilities