Stop giving newfags our shortcuts!
Scott-lite -n- Polly-lite
All binaries are the new digits now.
Fold the top slightly beneath your nose.
You can breathe fine that way.
Anyone still bothered by that will be a proven asshole and now as the victim you will feel moar emboldened to direct righteous anger at those trampling on your rights as an individual and patriot fighting back to retake your country.
Then you're all set not seeing the issue here.
No, the asshole would be the person that hassles you for having the mask beneath nose level.
Doing so allows one to breathe why doing your fellow citizens a solid by not droplet spitting on them.
Great compromise - better than impotent rage that makes everyone around you think what an asshole!
Why so mad when you're all set?
Smart Patriots - check out her smile - doesn't look like butthurt to me.
That's the way to do it - proud of you, Anon.