Misspellings matter- missing the N
[F] controls
Goes all the way to Pope [F]raNcis
Misspellings matter- missing the N
[F] controls
Goes all the way to Pope [F]raNcis
“It’s going to be biblical”
Misspellings matter- missing the N
[F] controls
Goes all the way to Pope [F]raNcis
False prophet’s too.
This correlates with the N typo from Q’s drop and [F]
The Pope. FraNcis
Right, literally speaking it would be Pope Francis.
A False prophet, and Satan is the greatest deceiver of the whole world.
Related Verses
Satan's Influence
World, Influence of
Satan's Deception
Demonic Influence
Prince of the Power of the Air
Deception, Guarding against
World, The
Revelation 12:9
So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.