Anonymous ID: 9035fe July 18, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.10001233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1317 >>1336 >>1478 >>1485

I was looking into the photographer Simon Ager who took the photo of Clipperton Island. His instagram account has him running around with Martin Sheen and Pamela Anderson. We need to dig on this cuz they call us sheep. This is probably why Martin Sheen and Charlie Sheen both have jobs in Hollywood making Single Care TV Commercials. It's not like they compared someone to a planet of the apes character and should be shunned by the masses. They just traffick humans. Hollywood is OK with that.


The captain of the Sea Shepherd is interesting. Lifetime history with the Sierra Club. Paul Watson is his name. His twitter says Ghislaine asked him to partner but he refused. Right Paul, we buy that.


Ghislaine Maxwell - Ahh, the Irony


Commentary by Captain Paul Watson


A few years ago I was invited through a friend to meet with a woman named Ghislaine Maxwell at her townhouse on East 65th Street in NYC. In 2012, she founded TerraMar, a nonprofit organization that advocated protecting ocean waters.


I had not heard of this group before but I knew that Maxwell was wealthy and well-connected and she suggested that TerraMar could partner with Sea Shepherd to protect the Ocean.


So I met with her and explained what Sea Shepherd does. She listened and seemed to be supportive and said she would be in touch with me.


That never happened.


I never heard from her again – fortunately.


I was told that she had decided to partner with Oceana.


With the recent controversy and scandal involving Jeffrey Epstein and herself and allegations of child rape and inappropriate behavior involving numerous celebrities and politicians I was reminded of that meeting and I sent a message to the person who had introduced me to her.