Anonymous ID: 9974dd July 18, 2020, 2:12 p.m. No.10002694   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Elite and Changing Times


For long while, before 2016 win, many of us used 'Elite' to poke eye of the world's rich and haughty who always advocated for the dumb and stupid to stick it in our face, to shove it down throat of us common sorts.


At the time, the so called Elites, often known as The Elites, were easy to ID and they certainly stood apart. The word Elite makes no distinction between Politician, Movie, Sports, Media, Business, Entertainment, Royal, Silver Spoon, etc. It was and has been good and easy to lump them all together to poke them in eye… knock them down a peg or two. I certainly did not invent the usage but I eagerly jumped on bandwagon back whenever. It was back in day when these Elites still wore disguise of honor and respectability, when we could handle dismissing them as the harmless few who had too much money and fame indulging in manners of stupidity. In Barry's term it became more fashionable to use the term not only as some lump of high economic/social status but to also mean a degree of corruption, with Clinton, Hilly, leading parade, soon joined by Barry himself. Elite grew up into 'the Elite', and 'The Elite', yet morphed back to the simple Elite carrying with it newly attached 'corrupt'. Note capital 'E' consistency. By end of Barry's official reign, Elite included a manner of evilness, corruption. This is my feel for popular jargon. Dictionaries, empowered by The Elites, could well Fake otherwise. They are the few so never really hold the keys to language, always in the hands of us many. Dictionaries properly formed strive to keep up with us, not rule the language, as ultimate PC Tyrants. 


Of course we, should, all know Trump wishes to reject the tongue-in-cheek Elite designation and use it as a gathering of common, elite by virtue of being boss of America, function being key not acclaim, monies or fame.  I fully get it and have been totally sympathetic to this cause of his.


We stand at a crossroad in time. Trump has brought us here: Maxwell in jail, Cuomo looks and sounds like an idiot, the world's best jester, Biden a joke, Barry quivers. Is Comey silent? We sense many more Elite on verge of total social collapse. When is suicide weekend scheduled? When will prisons refill with the world's Elite scum?


Personally, I find it high time to lay low Elite, The Elite. I can only speak for self. This is no new vial PC dogma launch. I'm putting a moratorium on Elite and The Elite and even elite. I do text so every letter, punctuation, space, font, much more is both valuable and critical to me. It will be easy and fun for me to scrub elite from text. Those with mouth, voice, may find such an exercise more challenging. This I get.


Language has long and always changed, estimated in my youth to be 10% every century. I wonder if the Internet stuff increases change rate. Words come, change and die to get reborn or all but lost forever. I'm not going to try and kill 'elite'. I'm putting it to rest or occasionally, cast it in a whole new light: 'us common elite', 'the elite folk', 'America's elite boss, those who vote'…


I'm resurrecting new to take place of what rests: filthy rich blind-eyes, or just Blind-Eyed. Likely I will test and flaunt other alternatives. Let us search for new. These times, they turn and change. Somethings are worth giving up and even. new revaluations demand refocus. For example:


In Age of Great Awakening, Sleepy remains Blind-Eyed, he sits up there, down there, seeing it all and yet pretends to see none of it, Phony like any of his kissing cousins, Fake News. Worse yet, showing Blind-Eye to us, he and his pals makes millions billions, the filthy rich dirty thugs.


It is one thing to be the news, even more to provide it, yet greater to drive vocabulary. Let us drive common touch, the place all good language lives and dies.