Q 4592
Q 4489
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled
Q 4354
Homeland Security _FBI_DOJ action coming.
Investigations may lead to [D][F] 'support' targets.
Q 4592
Q 4489
BLM (4)-year push: Insert ANTIFA [D][F] pocket-controlled
Q 4354
Homeland Security _FBI_DOJ action coming.
Investigations may lead to [D][F] 'support' targets.
my normie frens watching it via fb link at work!
keep in mind an Important KEY.
Justice Kagan in her SC ruling re. electoral college added in her Opinion how the delegate recount scam was supposed to work.
A few faithless electors did not grant votes to HRC, then the movement was to get MANY to not award Potus his votes so he would not gain a Majority AND the House of Reps would then decide the election. ALL written in her published Majority Opinion.
so based on that I would guess that:
1- Q 36 this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud
2- ADM Rogers went to TT to advise Potus of recount scam and that Mil would protect vote? as well as the illegal surveillance.
3- Russia Hoax main Goal (and BHO involvement) was for BHO TO DECLARE 100% known and Intel Community verified FRAUD
4- MSM, BHO Admin and DEMS, etal. then call on Electors to go Faithless (due to fraud) and deny Potus
5- House of Reps comped or goes along and gives election to HRC (think P Ryan departure/ in on it-caught)
6- Mil and Q team stopped scam, but that likely was the impetus for Russia Hoax to deny Potus the Presidency, the continuation they jut ran with it to cover their crimes which resulted in impeachment attempt.
7- Read Kagan SC opinion- its the only public acknowledgement of delegate recount scam, except Q and the SC decision was made so they could not try it again by buying off electors or manipulating intel and creating hoaxes.
Kagan SC Opinion re. electors
the idea was to deny him of a majority of electoral votes and throw the election into the House of Representatives
Admiral Rogers did not only go to TT to warn of illegal surveillance, he warned of the delegate recount scam, AND he mut have stopped it because Trump was not yet Potus