Anonymous ID: d9afe9 July 18, 2020, 7:12 p.m. No.10005126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5130 >>5150 >>5164 >>5201

Mary Trump: Getting Uncle Out of Office Matter of ‘Life and Death’


President Donald Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, who was cut from the family’s fortune by her grandfather and visited the White House as recently at 2017, is making the rounds to promote her book trashing her uncle as being “unfit for office.” In an interview with tax payer-funded National Public Radio, she said preventing his reelection is a “life and death” matter.


“In the book, Mary Trump describes how her grandfather’s relentless business ambition was passed down to Donald Trump,” NPR reported on its interview with Mary Trump, whose privileged life as a member of the Trump family is well-documented:


“Honest work was never demanded of him, and no matter how badly he failed, he was rewarded in ways that are almost unfathomable. He continues to be protected from his own disasters in the White House,” she writes in the tell-all.


“But now the stakes are far higher than they’ve ever been before; they are literally life and death. Unlike any previous time in his life, Donald’s failings cannot be hidden or ignored because they threaten us all,” Mary Trump said.


Mary Trump, who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 and said she will vote for Joe Biden this election cycle, also offered her opinion of the president’s mental fitness in the NPR report.


“If you’re in a room with him for two minutes and you’re paying attention, you know that he’s not doing well,” she said. “Psychologically, he’s absolutely unfit. Emotionally, psychologically, he is absolutely unfit.”


But as her book, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, flies off of bookstore shelves, some of the story she told is getting scrutiny.


The Daily Mail reported on her claiming the Trump family is homophobic and that is why she kept her lesbianism a secret.


Trump is the first person to appoint an openly gay man, Richard Grenell, as a U.S. Ambassador.


‘Homophobia was never an issue because nobody ever talked about gay people, well, until my grandmother called Elton John “an anti-gay slur,'” she also told The Washington Post.


“In the book, she describes her grandmother Mary calling the choice to have John sing at the funeral of Princess Diana ‘a disgrace’ and said he was a ‘little’ six-letter slur,” the Daily Mail reported. “She said that led to her decision not to come out to her family.”


“He said his father was loving and not at all hard on him as a child,” Matthews said.

Anonymous ID: d9afe9 July 18, 2020, 7:14 p.m. No.10005146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New York Times Attempt to Promote Face Masks Backfires — Shows Widespread China Coronavirus Cases Wherever Masks are Worn


The New York Times produced another fake news report yesterday. They attempted to show where masks were being worn in the US to encourage the wearing of masks. Their attempt at promoting masks failed.


It seems like the New York Times has reported more false stories over the past four years than legitimate reports. The Times was in the front lines promoting the fake and fraudulent Trump – Russia collusion lie created by the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign.


Now the the Times is promoting an economic shutdown due to the China coronavirus. Democrats and the Times want to kill the economy because they think this will help senile Joe Biden win the 2020 Presidential election. They don’t care about Americans, they care about power.


Yesterday the Times attempted to encourage Americans to wear masks to combat the coronavirus. Unfortunately their chart shows that the regions where they claim Americans are wearing masks are the same regions where the coronavirus deaths are the highest.


There is no empirical evidence that shows wearing masks protects you from dying from the China coronavirus. The New York Times just proved that this is the case.

Anonymous ID: d9afe9 July 18, 2020, 7:16 p.m. No.10005168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5194 >>5224 >>5280 >>5467

ACT for America Plans 80 'Back the Blue' Rallies in 30 States: 'We Are a Nation of Law and Order'


As protests over the horrific police killing of George Floyd devolved into destructive riots that have claimed the lives of at least 22 people and calls to “defund the police,” one conservative organization is bringing Americans together to express their appreciation for the police and the law and order they provide. ACT for America is organizing 80 rallies in more than 30 states. On July 5, more than 1,000 marched in one of these “Back the Blue” rallies in Wantagh, N.Y., on Long Island.


“People across America are horrified watching the lawlessness spreading throughout the country. Finally, Americans who were never engaged in any type of activism are coming together and rising to stand up in defense of the police and law and order in their community,” Brigitte Gabriel, founder and president of ACT for America, told PJ Media on Friday. “We are witnessing an unprecedented flock of patriots emailing us wanting to organize in their community.”


“As of this interview ACT For America is working on 80 rallies in over 30 states,” she added. “We are a nation of law and order and the American public is finally seeing how the Left is organized to transform America and literally destroy it as it is now. We will never let this happen. Not under our watch.”


ACT for America launched a petition to defend the police, rather than defunding them. The petition rightly condemns the death of George Floyd but notes that this tragedy is not a reason to undermine the police as an institution.


What happened to George Floyd is horrible and should have never happened. The 4 police officers on the scene should be brought to justice and punished accordingly to the law — no exceptions.


However, the recent calls from the left to DEFUND the police would throw our country into chaos!


We should absolutely be looking at policies that can be enacted to prevent any form of police brutality against anyone, but defunding the people who are the first and last line of defense is not the solution.


The radical Left is turning our communities and cities into smoke, ashes and rubble. We need law and order now more than ever and our police need the support of the American people to keep our communities safe.


To send an email to your local elected officials, letting them know you DO NOT support defunding the police, fill out the required fields below and click continue.


Indeed, the rallies and riots against police have had a chilling effect on law enforcement, leading many to effectively go on strike. Violent crime sparked in New York City last month, with a horrific rise in shootings, murders, burglaries, and auto thefts. Yet Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) suggested this violent crime was a reaction to the economic downturn due to coronavirus, rather than an outgrowth of the riots or the calls to defund and abolish police departments.


While many protesters and rioters may believe they are protesting for racial justice, the riots have destroyed black lives, black livelihoods, and black monuments. Most of the 22 Americans who have died in the riots were black. Retired police chief David Dorn was killed by looters breaking into his pawnshop in St. Louis. Chris Beaty was shot while helping two women who were being mugged in Indianapolis. Antonio Mays Jr., a 16-year-old boy, was shot and killed outside the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) in Seattle. Secoriea Taylor — the 8-year-old girl Vernon Jones mentioned — was fatally shot as her mother attempted to park a car near a group of protesters close to the Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks had been killed by police.


While Americans should support police reform and justice for the four officers involved in the horrific killing of George Floyd, it would be false and reckless to claim the death of George Floyd proves “systemic racism” and a need to defund or abolish the police in the name of racial justice. Yet a broad swath of the left seems to have done just that, and Americans are rallying against this insanity.