Well I was 17 in 2016 and was very young and naive to a lot of things. I would have voted for Hillary if I could vote (thanks god I couldn't)
The first wake up point wasn't trump It was rejecting atheism. And I did misremember it was closer to end of 2017. This is going to sound insane but the summer and the day of the solar eclipse 2017 was my changing point. I was fed up with blindness to the real truth I knew existed. I prayed for the first time not to an organized religion but to "the Universe" and well the universe listened. It fed me red pill after red pill and coicidence after coicidence. It didn't relent and made me feel like I was being seen by the all mighty light. My prayer was mostly anger and noone was home so I did it out loud (best results imo) I said basically to tell me the truth . I said to show me. I said I can take it and I know this isn't all there is. Then I moved onto past events and the largest redpill findings were figureing out past civilization was far more advanced than they want us to know. From there it kind of just spiraled into topic after topic of desivering the truth all while strange things happened. The most notable stange happenings were the ear ringing. One night at 3 am I could not sleep and got intense ear ringing in both ears and could not hear anything but the ringing. After it stopped I felt the pressure of my third eye release and felt like my third eye was literally wide open. I then felt a high so pure It was indescribable. I couldn't feel my weight anymore and sat up in my bed. I sat in a meditation position and focused on the amazing feeling. Feeling as if my mind was the size of the universe and I was finally truly awakened. or "activated" After that I continued my journey into politics and into Q only days after liking Trump. It's been a story I can't tell anyone because they would not believe it.