any anons got the meme of an AR-15 with some unicorns and shit that says something like "They want to take our AR-15s so bad - their magic must be very strong!"
any anons got the meme of an AR-15 with some unicorns and shit that says something like "They want to take our AR-15s so bad - their magic must be very strong!"
>t. seething califag
why do people sign their posts with t.? I know what it means but what does the t. specifically mean?
t. confused newfag
that doesnt make sense anon
"pool's closed due to aids" is from habbo hotel
t. in modern usage is a signature
<t. amateur meme historian
ah yes, summer 1996, when the newfags invaded and never left
all a comedy to me
chans and hivemind are very much alive in many places
but no one has posted muh requested meme so I guess it really has all gone to shit
What can you tell us about the parts of the torah saying that it is jews' duty to lie to and deceive goyim? How are these verses perceived among different parts of the jewish community?
oh shit
that first one is good
here, I tried to fix the image so it matches the rest of the photo