At the end of all this… liars will be lucky, not to be spat on… Lying to the world, pisses everyone off…. especially from "fake patriots"
And your back… hanging off my dick again…lol.
What ever can be used to discredit this movement…. but if you aren't going to speak truth… you tent to glow…. truth is out there in abundance… but not shown by the likes of that retard.
Blah blah… but I will add to it.
What does a crystal do… changes energy.
What are emotions… a feeling that comes from a frequency.
Do we have a chunk of crystal in our brain…yes.
Should we be learning to tune it from one frequency, to another…. giving us control over our emotions…. yes.
There's some simple answers.
Have you not noticed…. the slaves are breaking free…. can't see them ever shutting the gate again…lol.
> Every single one of us.
Not quite…lol.
There are those not like us… they made their choice… time for the medicine.
And?…. it's my meme…. got anything to say chicken… bok bok bok.
O wow… devastating… so you switch from a stolen meme… to a few bashing meme…. I'm shattered…. what could be next I wonder…. another round of mind shattering bullshit….
Like water off a ducks back… dickhead… next.
You got a point to make… dickhead?
So what… a larger jew bashing pic helps does it…. well shit…. I must be quaking in my boots about now…. but I'm not…. funny about that…. does a jew caricature with a big nose….. supposed to mean anything to me….. I keep missing it, so you best explain it to me
Really slowly so I can keep up with the slow wit you continually demonstrate…. waiting.
and you talk so much shit….lol
huh… learn something new every day…lol
Every day I see more and more how it all fits together…lol.
For the evil fuckers on this planet…. that elephant that's waiting to gore them to death.
Just know that it is a fucking MAMMOTH that is growing… and the more you piss it off by hiding like the cowards you are.
The more severe the gore and stomp will be.