Fake. Not going to happen. All being orchestrated by Trump and Pooty Poot.
Disband the unconstitutional FBI.
Trump is C-in-C of NG, which is part of the Army.
Have the newstards been wearing purple attire?
This room needs to be shut down and moved to the NEO Bldg. Get these crooks out of the WH.
Reshuffle the whole thing, make them rotate seats daily.
Trump and Putin are working together re the Israeli attack on Syria. I guarantee you, their planefags are mega more than ours.
He was a cuck before there was cuck.
Deutschbag used to do a lot of work with Trump and was featured on a season of the Apprentice.
Guess he got fired. Cohen is up to something, not sure what. Suddenly, he is having a high profile-meal every day? What's for dinner? And with whom? Something to watch.
Kek to this.
Really. Are they going to discover it was secretly taped, hidden for years, then exposed during an election to hurt Trump's chances?
The Fall must have predated Adam & Eve, or the serpent wouldnt have deceived them.
When the manufacturing economy returns, many will shut off or greatly reduce their social uses of computers because better things to do. The rise of social media has been in conjunction with the deep state destruction of our economy by wars etc. Gave us something to do, panem and circenses and nudes.
Harvey and Spacey will be a legal landslide that buries current Hollywood.
Anybody seen Jacob or Evelyn ANYWHERE in person this year? Soros? McStain? Dead? Arrested?
"We'll see what happens." ~ Trump
Q is gender neutral, you racist republican.
Tell it to the judge.
NavySealThreatFag [circumcisionfags] En[o]u[g]h. Q