Uh, Guys…
Just noticed this in the thread that Q first appeared in back on /pol/, and I think it's quite interdasting. I believe that the user may be either Q or someone associated with him. Please see below.
Pic related 2 is the OP of the thread. OP asks:
>Why are all the Fox anchors smiling.
>CNN MSNBC NBC are freaking out like election night
Most of the thread seems to be shitposting and random theories. Q appears, and isn't really taken seriously. He then posts again a bit later in the same thread.
Pic related 3 is Q's second ever post, also note the post at the bottom of the image.
About Six minutes after Q's second post, there's another post from a different ID stating:
>The calm is ending.
>The storm approaches.
That's a rather unusual thing to say. This is the only use of the words 'calm' and 'storm' in the thread.
I imagine Hannity and Tucker (be Britbong. Don't known any other Fox staff,) will make Fox the least comped/cucked station in the US, and will be essential in redpilling the normies when it all goes down. Also note that Q has implied that Hannity (at least) is under their protection:
>Jan 27 2018 02:26:27 (EST) Q ![redacted for sake of thread searching] ID: 9400a1 175461
>[19] would cease to exist immediately upon the harm of select individuals.
>Think nuclear stand-off.
All the other networks seem to be pure Mockingbird, and I imagine a lot of their staff will be extremely worried, both at the time and at present.
Note the title of the image in the post.
>lrn2swim lrn2swim lrn2swim
This can only be a reference to 'Aenima' by Tool. See hooktube embed. Actually an excellent song. Maynard (a military veteran) claims that he is able to make the curious sounds at the beginning and end of the song as a result of some gastric problem he had earlier in life.
The song is about what a fucked up place Hollyweird is, and expresses a desire that it be brought down. Some choice lyrics. I'll indulge myself and start in media res, since this one is the most almond-activating:
>Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
>Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
>Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still.
>Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip shits.
Note the reference to the skies (BLUEBEAM?), fault lines (artificially-induced earthquakes), and dumbfounded masses (sheep).
>I sure could use a vacation from this
>Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks
>Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.
<The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
>Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
<Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona Bay.
I think that speaks for itself.
Arizona Bay is also the title of a Bill Hicks work. For those of you who don't know, Bill was redpilled as fuck long before many of us were likely born. Apparently, the name is a reference to what California will be called when it falls beneath the sea.
'Learn to swim' is a recurring lyric throughout the song, and at one point is said three times, just like in the title of the image.
At the end:
>Time to bring it down again.
>Don't just call me pessimist.
<Try and read between the lines.
<I can't imagine why you wouldn't
<Welcome any change, my friend.
>I wanna see it all come down.
>Bring it down
>Suck it down.
>Flush it down.
That's a fairly bold statement. Reading between the lines of the song as instructed, Hollyweird is fucked, and the swamp needs to be drained. I would certainly welcome change. I haven't been able to watch TV of movies since I learned the truth about what goes on behind the camera.
Q has talked about hollywood and the 'stars'. So has ancapanon, although I'm not quite sure what to make of him.
>Full lyrics: http:// archive.is/xLlnf
I'd suggest looking into Tool. If there's rock band I can see as /ourguys, it's Tool. They're massively into Bill Hicks (one of their songs is a eulogy to him), and are highly critical of the whole celebrity cult etc. Apparently they're into all sorts of numerology, and put ancient mystical stuff into their music. I just like how it sounds - and I largely went off rock and metal years ago.
>https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tool_(band)
Pic related 4 is the only other post by this ID in the thread, in response to a webm of a CG HRC putting a gun to her head and pulling the trigger. The image is unremarkable, and the poster comments on the rather remarkable trip-dubs
Note the and zeros and fives. These are numbers that Q would remark on. Do you believe in coincidences?
Let's look at the coincidences:
>Same thread as Q.
>Mentions the calm and the storm.
>References draining the Hollyweird swamp.
>Relation to HRC 187 (possibly self-inflicted).
>Significance of zero and five, and double-five.
Could this be Q? Or someone associated with him? Has this ever been pointed out before? What do you think, Anons?