Anonymous ID: d07e4f April 11, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.1001169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1626

This is some info of a Voat Pizzagate member, Wiscon_Is_Corrupt

This is a quality post, and the CIA is just the beginning. The CIA is the Joe Pesci to the mob bosses within the hierarchy of secret societies and evil elite. The entire government is compromised, and very few have actually tried to bring out the truth such as FBIanon. The rest are either involved or complicit to ruining America. Complicity is treasonous and pandemic.


The FBI, DOJ, NSA, DHS and other agencies all play their role in the network of criminal corruption and complicity along with the media, and a large sector of the national, state and local legislative, judicial and executive branches. The real key however is the network of integrated, infiltrated and controlled groups across the board - teamsters, chambers of commerce, service groups, secret societies, schools, media, NGOs, non-profits, churches and foundations. They mix legitimate with illegitimate, real news with fake news, political with criminal, and good with evil.


Every corner of the world and the global network has been compromised, and people need to understand how this directly affects them. This is not a distant and incurable problem. There is a key to unlocking the entire puzzle, and it starts in Racine, Wisconsin - the home district of Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus. They, along with the agencies and authorities at all levels and the media, have all known about these problems nationally, globally and locally in Racine for example for years. They did nothing. They turned their back and allowed the laws and lives and rights of others to be abused.


How did those two boy scout faces, Ryan and Preibus, become the leaders of the establishment along with McCain, Graham, etc. on one side, and Clinton, Kaine, Podesta, Schumer, Frank, Pelosi, Weiner, etc. on the other? There is a reason why. They are a good face to cover up the evil. Now Ashton Kutcher is coming out as another good face to cover up the evil. Bezos, Zuckerberg, Schmidt, Musk, Dorsey, to Jake Tapper. They are good faces covering for evil. The question is whether Trump is just another face covering for evil and making deals behind the scenes to find their Lee Harvey Oswalds and Bin Ladens to take the fall and their Warren Commission and 9/11 Commission to file their fake report for fake history classes. They will try to keep this all abstract and compartmentalized as they did with Pizzagate to narrow the scope to one single pizza shop and a staged gunman.


We need to make this less distant and abstract, and make it real and up close. Every single puzzle piece related to Global Criminal Corruption, Secret Societies and the real pizzagate connects in one way or another back to Racine, Wisconsin. From the Pilgrims Society, Bilderberg and Knights of Pythias to Sustainability and Agenda 21 to pay to play racketeering and fake news, the evidence of criminal corruption in Racine is overwhelming, including direct connections to an astonishing number of secret societies, closed clubs and groups, and global foundations. The investigations into Racine, Wisconsin will show everyone how this is all connected and how it directly affects, threatens and ruins real people's lives on a daily basis.


Who killed Seth Rich? Who killed Paul Wellstone? Who killed JFK? Who killed Andrew Breitbart? Who killed Michael Hastings? Who killed Monica Peterson? Who killed millions and built an entire network of corruption, tyranny and pure evil? Instead of trying to find a shape-shifting boogeyman with no accountability or real change, look at Racine, Wisconsin and begin connecting the dots. The dominoes will all fall from there right up the chain from the city to the state to the nation to the world. The world is so corrupt it must be reverse engineered to undo it.