The kids musta jumped skool
How about PANIC Mueller and instead attack the constitutionality of the entire FISA COURT Itself? Knocks out all the Shadow Govt players at once?
Cohen et al v. United States of America
Filed: October 6, 2017 as 1:2017cv07660
Plaintiff: Michael T. Cohen
Defendant: United States of America
Cause Of Action: IRS: Refund Taxes
Court: Second Circuit › New York › New York Southern District Court
Type: Federal Tax Suits › Taxes (US Plaintiff or Defendant)
psted last bread als - tell the BAKER t put it in the Clues
They are after TRUMPS TAXES - THEY = Shadw Gvt
They can nly think like asshles - they'd cheat their OWN TAXES so assume that of POTUS
Kitchen Sink?? hehehehehe all f the mentoined
#RepealFisa (is "repeal" correct?
Either READ the sjit we Anon WRK to DIG r GTFO
Being Right is not the same as learning the FACTS dumbass
to search the courts for D0CKET numbers ETC
Understood BUT FBI can get a warrant frm it fr "banking Irregularities" and do a RAID
Naplitano this AM FXBIZ